Overnight Success

Chapter 422 All Prosperity, All Loss


Hearing Lin Chen's words, Luo Chenyu's face darkened, and he said unkindly:

"Boy, your tone is really not small!"

"Could it be that you still dare to do something to me?"

"You guessed it!" Lin Chen smiled slightly.

Immediately, Zheng Tianxiong shouted at the side: "Young Master Luo, this kid is too rampant, we must not let him go!"

Since his tongue was cut last time, during this time, it has never wanted revenge.

It can be said that she hates Lin Chen to the bone.

Now, since this kid dared to threaten Luo Chenyu face to face, how could he let go of this opportunity.


Lin Chen glanced at him, stepped forward suddenly, and waved his hand.


The applause sounded.

This palm was about to slap Zheng Tianxiong to the ground, and he fell to the ground.

"It seems that what happened last time still hasn't made your memory long!"

Lin Chen was condescending and said indifferently.

"Young Master Luo, this kid is too deceitful, you have to make decisions on me!"

Covering his hot cheeks, Zheng Tianxiong grabbed Luo Chenyu's trouser legs and said miserably.

"Boy, beating a dog depends on the owner. If you dare to touch my people, what consequences will you pay?"

Luo Chenyu said gloomyly.

In his opinion, Lin Chen's attack was undoubtedly a challenge to his authority.

However, Lin Chen wrote lightly: "If you hit me, I will hit you. Why should I care about the consequences?"


Luo Chenyu's face turned red, and she felt that Lin Chen was ten thousand times more arrogant than him.

"Okay, I'd like to see, what kind of confidence do you have to dare to say this."

Luo Chenyu said directly: "Come here, take him down for me!"

As soon as Luo Chenyu finished speaking, a group of bodyguards in black rushed out from behind the crowd, and instantly attacked Lin Chen, aiming at the vital point.

However, Lin Chen still stood where he was.

When the bodyguard in black was less than five feet away from him, he shot suddenly.

The silver needles flickered.

Swish Swish Swish!

In less than a breath, all these menacing bodyguards in black fell to the ground, their eyes widened.

Seeing this, everyone present was shocked.

Luo Chenyu's face was even more gloomy.

He didn't expect Lin Chen to have such a skill at all.

"Boy, you..."

Before he could finish speaking, Lin Chen kicked him out, kicked him flying, hit the ground, and vomited blood violently.

"What are you!"

Lin Chen looked indifferently, looked down at Luo Chenyu and said: "Before you, there were many people who dared to pretend in front of me, but they all ended badly!"

"I said, if you don't get out, then today, you just

Can crawl out. "

Seeing the hostility in Lin Chen's eyes, everyone's throats rolled down, and their brains were in a trance.

They knew that Lin Chen was highly capable, but they didn't expect that he could even beat the younger brother of Luo Guoquan, the head of the Luotian consortium.

However, this kick is really refreshing, cool!

Obviously, if they were not afraid of the forces behind the other party, when Luo Chenyu pretended just now, they would have wanted to beat him up.

"Mr. Lin, his elder brother Luo Guoquan is the leader of the Luotian Financial Group, so he can't act on his will."

At this moment, Yun Gaoyuan reminded Lin Chen in a low voice.

Even if he saw Luo Chenyu, he was also very unhappy, but the Luotian consortium made him afraid. In Huaguo, those who once opposed the Luotian consortium ended up ruined or ruined. In short, they ended up miserable.

Therefore, he was afraid that Lin Chen would repeat the same mistakes as this group of people.

"Don't worry, I have my own measure. If the Luotian consortium wants to take revenge, just let them come."

"Could it be that if I let him go today, the Luotian consortium will let us go?"

Lin Chen said lightly.

After saying that, he walked towards Luo Chenyu who fell to the ground.

"You... what do you want to do..."

Luo Chenyu's eyes were full of fear, and he said tremblingly: "I tell you, my elder brother is the leader of the Luotian consortium, if you touch a single hair of mine, he will never let you go."

"Ha ha!"

Regarding this, Lin Chen just sneered: "You are not the first to say such cruel words, and of course you will never be the last."

"Don't say your elder brother is not here today, even if he is today, you have to pay the price!"

As Lin Chen said, he stepped out and stomped hard on Luo Chenyu's legs.


There was a crackling sound.

Afterwards, Luo Chenyu let out a miserable howl and rushed straight into the sky!


Luo Chenyu's body kept twitching, almost fainting from the pain.

"I gave you a chance, but unfortunately, you refused."

Lin Chen said this, and turned his attention to Zheng Tianxiong.

At this moment, Zheng Tianxiong and the others were obviously extremely pale, their bodies were trembling, and they were breaking out in cold sweat.

"You, kneel down and apologize!"

Lin Chen pointed to Zheng Tianxiong and said.

"I apologize, I apologize..."

Recalling the pain of cutting his tongue, Zheng Tianxiong immediately knelt down to Lin Chen without hesitation.


There was another clap of clapping.

Compared with before, this palm was more ruthless, Zheng Tianxiong's two front teeth flew out, and blood flowed down the corner of his mouth.

"I want you to kneel to Miss Xiao

, why are you kneeling for me! "

Lin Chen said indifferently.

Hearing this, Zheng Tianxiong turned around, knelt down towards Xiao Wanyu, and apologized repeatedly.

"Miss Xiao, what do you think?"

Lin Chen looked at Xiao Wanyu and smiled.

"It's too cheap for him to kneel down!"

Xiao Wanyu's face was cold, looking at Zheng Tianxiong with strong disgust in his eyes.

"Since that's the case, then Mr. Zheng will be the same as last time. Let's leave something before leaving!"

Lin Chen chuckled, stretched out his palm to grab Zheng Tianxiong's left ear, and tore it off forcefully.


There were piercing screams.

It can be seen with the naked eye that Lin Chen's tearing forcefully tore off Zheng Tianxiong's left ear.

Blood splattered everywhere.

The scene was once extremely bloody.

"Put on your ears and climb out for me!"

Lin Chen threw his left ear to the ground and said impatiently.

"Yes Yes Yes."

Even though Zheng Tianxiong was in pain, he still responded repeatedly.

Afterwards, a group of people crawled away like turtles.

Especially for Luo Chenyu, for him, the humiliation during the crawling process was simply unforgettable for his life.

After a while.

After this group of people completely disappeared before their eyes, everyone slowly came back to their senses.

Looking at the bloodstains on the ground, everyone felt like they were dreaming.

So unreal!

It's hard to imagine that Lin Chen actually crippled the legs of the younger brother of the leader of the Luotian Consortium.

But, looking back, everyone couldn't help admiring Lin Chen's courage and courage.

If it were them, they would never dare.

However, when Luo Guoquan learned of this, Tianhai Province might usher in a storm.

"You don't have to be so pessimistic."

"Since I made a move, I won't let you be implicated by it."

"Natural selection, survival of the fittest, even if I don't take action against Luo Chenyu, will the Luotian consortium let them go? Not only will they not, but they will take advantage of our weakness and eat us even worse."

Lin Chen glanced around and spoke.

"Mr. Lin is right. The more timid we are, the more arrogant the other party will be."

At this moment, Dong Haihua echoed: "No matter what, Mr. Lin and the Dong family support you to the end."

Xiao Wanyu: "My Xiao family is the same."

Liu Wentao: "There is also my Long Xiao Financial Group. Without Mr. Lin, I am afraid I would have died long ago. Whatever I say this time, I will advance and retreat with Mr. Lin."

Chen Yunxian: "Grandpa said that if Mr. Lin is in trouble, my Chen family will support him no matter what!"


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