Overnight Success

Chapter 425 There Are Many Crises, And The Listing Of Shenxian Pills Is Blocked

After the banquet, Lin Chen immediately asked Fangyuan to send someone to move the alchemy furnace to the secret cabinet.

The main reason is that the dark pavilion is located in the deep mountains, where alchemy, no matter what happens, is enough to deceive people, and it is more conducive to preventing people with ulterior motives from coming to destroy it.

And in Tianhai Province, in a private hospital.

On the hospital bed, Zheng Tianxiong covered his aching left ear, listening to his subordinates calling and reporting, he was a little dazed for a while.

"What fairy pill? What is this thing?"

After hearing this, Zheng Tianxiong couldn't help but sneered: "I'm afraid they want to make money and go crazy. How can there be a magic medicine that can cure all diseases in this world."

"I thought this group of people could conspire together to produce something, but I didn't expect to conspire to produce a health product under the guise of curing all diseases, hahaha!"

It seemed that the laughter was so excited that it affected his injured left ear, and Zheng Tianxiong let out a scream.

The whole person was in pain so much that his head was sweating, and his eyes were full of anger.

Last time his tongue was cut off, and this time his ear was cut off again, which made his desire to kill Lin Chen even stronger in his heart.

"It doesn't matter, what the other party is up to, call Li Jianlong immediately."

Zheng Tianxiong endured the severe pain and said: "Let's just say, I suspect that the new health care products produced by the Su Group are extremely harmful to the human body, and they must not be allowed to pass the quality inspection."

"Then, you ask someone to find out where the other party produces the Shenxian Pill. Once found, destroy it immediately."

After hanging up the phone, Zheng Tianxiong's eyes flashed dark.

In fact, the reason why he sent someone to report Su's Immortal Pill to Li Jianlong was mainly because Li Jianlong was the director of the Quality Supervision Bureau of Tianhai Provincial Hospital.

In the early years, at a symposium for outstanding talents in Tianhai Province, he had met Li Jianlong and had a little conversation with him. He believed that with the strength of the Tianxiong Consortium, as long as he spoke, Li Jianlong would definitely sell him.

Want to release Shenxian Pills and make a good turnaround?

But this time, I want to let

You don't even have the chance to meet consumers with new products!


In the capital, in a luxurious villa.

A doctor in a white coat just walked out of a bedroom.

"Doctor, how is my brother's legs?"

An imposing man in white clothes said with an ugly expression.

This person is the head of the Luotian Consortium, Luo Guoquan.

"My lord Luo, forgive me for being helpless, my brother was seriously injured, at most I can save his life, but these legs are completely useless, if necessary, I will go back and arrange a custom-made prosthetic for your brother. "

the doctor whispered.

"Damn it!"

Luo Guoquan punched the wall with a murderous intent on his face.

"Have you found out, who did it to my brother?"

Luo Guoquan looked at the butler beside him and said.

The housekeeper wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and told the truth: "My lord, according to my investigation, it was a young man named Lin Chen in Yunhuai City who did it to your brother."

"Send someone to kill him!" Luo Guoquan said in a cold tone.

"Uh..." The butler hesitated and said: "My lord, this person has a very extraordinary background. I found out in my investigation that he seems to have a lot to do with the military. If he acts rashly, once the military is dissatisfied, we may There is also a lot of trouble."

"According to what you say, does that mean that my younger brother's legs are disabled?" Luo Guoquan said coldly.

"If your lord really wants revenge, you can discuss it with Mr. Boss. Mr. Boss has a very high say in the army. If he is willing to take action, he can save a lot of trouble by killing Lin Chen when the time comes," said the butler.

"It's easy to say, the reason why I took action against the Su family this time is that I owed Mr. Boss a favor, and now if I find him because of my younger brother, wouldn't it mean that I will continue to owe this favor."

Thinking of this, Luo Guoquan's expression became cloudy.

In fact, if he hadn't wanted to return the favor, his brother wouldn't have had to go to Yunhuai City at all, and

You won't have your legs broken.

"Contact Mr. Boss and tell him that I have something to ask him."

Luo Guoquan shouted indifferently.



For the next two days, Lin Chen has been concocting alchemy almost all the time. After all, he may be going to the mysterious island to participate in the operation in a short time. Therefore, before that, he has to refine enough immortal pills for his wife to sell.

Similarly, Su Qingcheng has not been idle, and has been going to various relevant departments to go through relevant procedures.

Today, in Su's office.

Su Qingcheng was sitting on the office chair, leaning on her face with her hands, with unresolved sadness in her eyes.

However, Lin Chen just came back from the dark pavilion and happened to see this scene.

"My wife, what happened, I look unhappy."

Lin Chen asked doubtfully.

"Honey, I'm useless..."

Su Qingcheng pursed her lips and sighed: "In the past few days, I have gone to various departments, but I am only stuck in the crucial quality inspection department."

"No matter how I sent Shenxian Wan to my door for testing, their leaders always said that the quality of the product was not up to standard."

Upon hearing this, Lin Chen immediately asked, "Who is their leader?"

"Li Jianlong." Su Qingcheng said depressedly: "This person seems to be against me deliberately. Not long after I sent Shenxian Pill for testing, he was told that I was unqualified. I even doubted that Shenxian Pill was not tested at all. Testing, he is purely targeting us."

"Take me to find Li Jianlong tomorrow." Lin Chen said, "I'd like to see who exactly ordered him!"

"You mean..." Su Qingcheng looked surprised: "Well, I heard that tomorrow is the birthday of Li Jianlong and his daughter, why don't we change the time?"

"No need." Lin Chen waved his hand and said meaningfully: "Tomorrow we will go directly to his house, maybe the person standing behind him will come too!"

Speaking of which, Lin Chen already has a rough inference about the identity of the mastermind behind the scenes!

It seems that last time he struck too lightly!

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