Overnight Success

Chapter 433 Zheng Tianxiong, Who Lost Everything

Hearing this, Zheng Tianxiong's face turned pale, no matter how aggrieved he felt, he couldn't say a word.

As Li Jianlong is the director of the Quality Supervision Bureau, in the future, if the Luotian Consortium wants to open up the pharmaceutical industry in Tianhai Province, it will inevitably need Li Jianlong's help. Therefore, during this period of time, the Luotian Consortium also gave him a task. Bring Li Jianlong over.

Therefore, right now, even if he was slapped by Li Jianlong, he dared not speak up and could only hold back.


The subordinates sent out came back and reported: "Patriarch, we have found Mr. Lin."

Upon hearing this, Li Jianlong hurriedly said: "Then why are you still standing there, why haven't you invited Mr. Lin over?"

The servants showed embarrassment: "Mr. Lin said that he will not go anywhere today, but is fishing by the pond."

"What? Fishing?"

Li Jianlong was slightly taken aback, and then his face couldn't help but twitch.

Recalling the sentence that Lin Chen said just before he left, I hope you will not look too embarrassed when you come to invite me. At this moment, Li Jianlong has mixed feelings in his heart. Biqu library

"Mr. Lin must be angry with me!"

Li Jianlong sighed slightly: "Madam, you can go with me, I want to apologize to Mr. Lin in public."

"Me too."

At this time, Sun Dongliu said.

"Director Li, we all misunderstood Mr. Lin just now, and we also want to apologize to Mr. Lin in person."

Obviously, as businessmen, they smelled a great business opportunity from the pill that Lin Chen gave to Li Xiaoxiu.


Everyone got up one after another, lined up in a mighty line, and walked towards the door.

Only Zheng Tianxiong stayed where he was, like a forgotten stray dog, ignored and lonely.

He never dreamed that Lin Chen, who had been yelled at by everyone and spurned by everyone just now, would become an existence like the stars and the moon in just a short while.

Thinking of this, his complexion can be described as extremely ugly.


Under the mountain, in the park, the artificial lake.

The surface of the lake is crystal clear, and different kinds of fish are swimming around.

Not far from the lake, there are fishing rods for rent. Obviously, this park has been turned into a tourist attraction.

Mainly for tourists to play.

At this moment, Lin Chen was sitting on the ground carelessly, holding a fishing rod, quietly waiting for the fish in the lake to take the bait.

"Husband, don't you call yourself a fishing master?"

"Why did it take so long to catch even a single fish?"

On the side, Su Qingcheng leaned on Lin Chen's shoulder, covered her mouth and smiled slightly.


"What do you know, you have to be patient when fishing."

Lin Chen snorted.

Having said that, the depression on his face betrayed his true thoughts.

Thinking that he was a man of medicine and geomantic omen, but he was the only one defeated by these little things under the lake. At the beginning, he even bragged to his wife that he could catch a hundred fish in ten minutes.

It's a good thing now, the basket is empty.

Tourists walking around couldn't help snickering when they saw Lin Chen's clumsy appearance.

A child even said bluntly: "Dad, do you think that big brother is so stupid? I have been watching him for so long, but I didn't catch any of them."

Lin Chen's old face turned dark.

The corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching.


He was a majestic cultivator, but was laughed at by a child...

Seeing this, Su Qingcheng laughed even more from ear to ear.

The unhappiness in the villa had already been left behind.

Of course, at this moment.

There was a sound of hurried footsteps.

Lin Chen glanced subconsciously, and saw a group of people headed by Sun Dongliu and Li Jianlong rushing towards this side.

Since this group of people were all dressed in suits and leather shoes, they were very imposing, so this mighty scene also shocked everyone nearby.

Li Jianlong took two quick steps and couldn't wait to say to Lin Chen:

"Mr. Lin, I..."

However, in the middle of his speech, Lin Chen raised his hand to stop him.

"Shut up, didn't you see me fishing?"

Lin Chen gave Li Jianlong a cold look.

At the moment, Li Jianlong couldn't help shivering, smiled embarrassingly, and closed his mouth resentfully.

See this scene.

The people behind did not even dare to breathe.

I was afraid that Lin Chen would be upset.

After all, even the famous Li Jianlong and Director Li dared not say a word when Lin Chen reprimanded them honestly, so what are they!

In this regard, Sun Dongliu held back his laughter and tried not to laugh out loud.

I didn't realize that Mr. Lin put on airs and was quite powerful.

In the final analysis, this group of people are also self-inflicted. They obviously have the opportunity to make friends with Mr. Lin, but they are willing to listen to the villain's slander.

Just like that, Lin Chen didn't move, and everyone didn't dare to move.

Even, many of the tourists who came and went have recognized the identities of these people.

what's the situation?

What kind of identity is that young fishing man, so that these big businessmen can go fishing with him without moving.

After about an hour.

Finally, a fish was hooked.

This scene really made everyone almost happy.

"Not bad, it's a bit rewarding."

Lin Chen picked up the fishing rod, threw the carp weighing more than four catties out of the water, and put it firmly into the basket.

"Governor Sun, why are you here?"

"As the governor of a province, I trouble you to go fishing with me. This weirdo is embarrassed."

Lin Chen picked up the basket and looked at Sun Dongliu with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Lin, you've really broken me. Considering your contribution to Tianhai, it would not be too much for me to accompany you fishing for a day."

Hearing Sun Dongliu's words, everyone was surprised.

Looking at the acquaintance of these two people, everyone didn't know that these two people might be old acquaintances.

"Mr. Lin, I'm here to apologize. I was wrong about what happened before. Here I am

Please don't take it to heart, as long as I have any compensation you want, I will give it to you. "

Li Jianlong said respectfully.

"Ha ha!"

Lin Chen glanced at him, and said lightly: "I still don't like your things, so you should keep them for yourself."

"Besides, if I really don't want to see you, do you think you can come to me?"

Hearing this, Li Jianlong was very embarrassed.

"Remember what I said?"

Lin Chen continued: "Director Li, you are in a bit of a mess now!"

"My wife and I haven't eaten yet, so someone stewed this fish for me."

After taking the heavy basket, Sun Dongliu said happily: "Understood."

"Thank you, Mr. Lin, for not remembering the villains. I'll go back and arrange for the chef to cook for you."

Obviously, it is not difficult to see from Lin Chen's words that he has forgiven himself.

At the same time, he couldn't help admiring Mr. Lin's layout, which was far superior to him.

"And what are you here for?"

Lin Chen scanned the crowd and asked.

Everyone was a little embarrassed, and finally summoned up their courage to ask: "Mr. Lin, we are here to apologize, and secondly, we want to ask you, can you sell me a little of the magical medicine you gave Miss Li, and we are willing to buy it at a high price. "

Obviously, the reason why Ms. Li can undergo such earth-shaking changes in just half an hour is probably because of Lin Chen's pill.

And this magic medicine that can restore the appearance without plastic surgery, and can also allow the body to undergo secondary development, once it is released on the market, it will become an absolute hit.

Faced with this unique business opportunity, everyone can't hold back.

At the same time, Li Jianlong was ashamed and said: "Mr. Lin is a frog in the bottom of my well. He has no eyes but no eyes, so he has been stuck in the quality inspection of this pill and has not passed it for a long time."

"Don't worry, I will go to work immediately tomorrow, and I will work overtime to make the product certificate of this pill."

"Also, I can also guarantee in the name of the director of the Tianhai Provincial Quality Supervision Bureau that the effect of your pill is absolutely true and effective, so as to expand the publicity of your product."

"That's the best." Lin Chen smiled slightly. If Li Jianlong was an authority, the promotion of new products would only get twice the result with half the effort.

not far away.

At that time, Zheng Tianxiong, who was quietly rushing over to find out, heard that Li Jianlong would not only release the quality inspection of Shenxian Wan, but also promote it to expand its popularity.

The whole popularity almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

According to his plan, he originally wanted to kill the Shenxian Pill that Lin Chen and others used to turn around in the cradle, but unexpectedly, in the end, he added fire to the hot sale of the Shenxian Pill.

how so……

how so……

Zheng Tianxiong muttered, and finally couldn't accept this fact, his eyes went dark, and he fell to the ground.

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