Overnight Success

Chapter 445: Tough Ghost Emperor, Full Of Courage

"Boy, where are you from?"

The Miaojiang man asked with a cold expression.

Seeing this, Sister Que pointed at Lin Chen directly and shouted: "Lord Ye Sheng, it's him, he's the one who broke in by mistake."

Hearing this, Miao Yesheng's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

No wonder, they ran outside to search around just now, but they couldn't find the intruder. I dare say this guy came here.

"Boy, I only give you one choice now, either you obediently let go and capture you, so that I can be merciful and give you a good time, otherwise, when I capture you, I will let you die slowly in endless torture!"

Miao Yesheng said coldly.

"Ha ha!"

Regarding this, Lin Chen showed no fear on his face, and just smiled lightly: "You alone are not qualified to say such things to me."

However, Xiao Ying from behind also stepped forward directly: "Now that I have found evidence of your serious crimes, if you turn yourself in, you may be given a lighter sentence."

"Hahaha!" Biquku

Unexpectedly, Miao Yesheng laughed loudly: "I didn't expect that I would meet the police again here!"

"While I'm in a good mood, why don't you obey me from now on, so that after my great Miaojiang clan dominates Huaguo, you will enjoy countless glory and wealth."

"To rule the country of Hua, you are really delusional." Through the various activities of the Miaojiang people before, Xiao Ying hated the Miaojiang people to the bone. If such an evil clan survives, it will only bring disaster to the people.

"It seems that you are rejecting my kindness."

Miao Yesheng shot out a strong killing intent in his eyes: "But it's okay, you lackeys are hard to tame, so it's better to kill them, once and for all."

The words fell.

Miao Yesheng's figure flickered, and she suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Ying at a speed that was hard to catch with the naked eye.

Seeing, his big hand was about to grab Xiao Ying's throat.


Another big hand firmly clamped his wrist from the side, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move forward an inch.

"Boy, you!"

Miao Yesheng was full of surprise and looked at Lin Chen. Obviously, the big hand that restrained him came from Lin Chen.


With the corner of Lin Chen's mouth curling up, there was a sound of fracture.

During Setsuna, Miao Yesheng only felt a sharp pain in his wrist, and his whole expression was distorted.

"Did you ask me before moving her?"

After Lin Chen finished speaking,

With a big hand, he smashed Miao Yesheng on the ground abruptly, and threw the ground out of a human-shaped pit.


A mouthful of blood spurted out.

Miao Yesheng's aura instantly faded.

"Hehe, is this enough patience?"

"It seems that you Miaojiang people are just a bunch of paper tigers!"

Lin Chen showed disdain, and was about to step down to end Miao Yesheng's life.

The whole ground suddenly trembled violently.

Then, there was a splintering sound.

Lin Chen's expression changed. Looking back, he saw that in the deep well, the chain that originally locked the humanoid corpse was completely broken.

An indescribable coercion permeated the entire basement like a monstrous sky.

Obviously, the ghost emperor is about to be born.

"Haha, boy, do you know that ghost emperor is the ancestor of my Miaojiang clan."

"The ancestor was killed by that God of War in your country, but his physical body was preserved by us. After decades of blood pouring, the strength of his physical body has never diminished. What I need to do is to Harvest the souls of your Chinese people, complete the method of summoning souls, and integrate the souls of your ancestors in the world into this physical body."

"Now that you're done, I can only say that you are late. Even though you are stronger than me, in front of your ancestors, you will die!"

Miao Yesheng laughed wildly, as if he was so excited that his injuries were involved, and his whole body began to bleed.

next moment.


The blood in the deep well suddenly erupted like a fountain, and then turned into a ball, which was slowly absorbed by the humanoid corpse with its mouth wide open.

"Little devil, you did a good job."

With a thick sound, the humanoid corpse jumped out of the bottom of the well, firmly stepped on the ground with both feet, splashing layers of air waves.

Then, he slowly opened his eyes, and two rays of light burst out.

Maybe it's because of being soaked in blood all year round. His physical body has already been rotten by the blood, but this doesn't affect him. In his physical body, there seems to be the power to destroy mountains and rivers with every gesture.

"Participate in the ancestors!"

At this moment, Miao Yesheng crawled out of the pit with his body supported, and with the support of Sister Que, he bowed down to the humanoid corpse.

"You don't need to call me ancestor, the purpose of my life now is to seek revenge from that God of War in Huaguo."

The humanoid corpse waved its hand and said indifferently.

"But the ancestors

, the clan also..."

Before Miao Yesheng could finish speaking, the humanoid corpse interrupted: "I don't want to explain what I said a second time."

"I'm more used to you calling me the Heavenly Killer King."

Hearing this, Miao Yesheng was embarrassed.

This ancestor, whose full name was Miao Tiansha back then, now he abandons the word Miao and calls himself the Ghost Emperor, obviously because he doesn't want to be involved with the Miao tribe anymore, which is undoubtedly beyond his expectations.

It must be known that in order to make Miao Tiansha reappear in the world these years, the whole clan has deployed a lot of material resources and manpower in Tianhai Province.

Therefore, he cannot accept this result.

"Is my blood food ready?"

At this time, the Heavenly Killing Ghost Emperor glanced around and said lightly.

Miao Yesheng smiled far-fetchedly: "I'm ready, we're all upstairs, but before that, there are two flies here, I'm afraid I'll trouble Lord Ghost Emperor to solve them."


Hearing this, the Heavenly Killer Ghost Emperor looked at Lin Chen.

Likewise, Lin Chen stared back.


Roads of murderous intent tore through the air, and wisps of air were rubbing against fiery fireworks in the air.

"It's a lot of courage to dare to look directly at me."

The Heavenly Slaughter Ghost Emperor looked at Lin Chen with an unwavering tone, with a tone as if he was staring at his prey: "I don't feel comfortable with your aura, but I appreciate your courage."

"So, I give you two choices, either surrender or die!"

"I didn't expect the Ghost Emperor, the first thing he saw me was not to kill me, but to recruit me." Lin Chen chuckled: "Then what about the lady next to me!"


The Heavenly Killer Ghost Emperor glanced at her: "The only choice is to become a blood eater."

"Lord Ghost Emperor, this person has repeatedly opposed the Miaojiang tribe, you must not let him go!"

At this time, Miao Yesheng couldn't help but shouted loudly after seeing the ghost emperor's love for talents.


The Heavenly Slaughter Ghost Emperor waved his hand, and a violent aura rushed towards Miao Yesheng.

Immediately, Miao Yesheng's expression changed, and he spat out a mouthful of blood again, and fell to the ground, dying.

"If it weren't for the merits of you leading me, you would have been reduced to a dead man just because of your talk."

After uttering this sentence, the Heavenly Killer Ghost Emperor stared at Lin Chen indifferently: "My patience is limited, now it's up to you to make a choice!"


Lin Chen shook his head and smiled slightly: "My choice has always been only one, and that is to kill you and eradicate you from the world!"

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