Overnight Success

Chapter 447 Ghost Emperor Falls, Slays The Miaoren

"Boy, when you are about to die, do you have any last words?"

At this moment, the Heavenly Killer Ghost Emperor looked down at Lin Chen and said with contempt.

Beside him, the four ghost kings kept grinding their teeth, ready to go.

As if, as soon as the Heavenly Killing Ghost Emperor gave orders, they would immediately tear Lin Chen into pieces.

"Last words?"

At this moment, the internal organs in Lin Chen's body that had been severely injured quickly regained their strength, and he looked at the other party with a playful face.

Aware of Lin Chen's sneer, the Heavenly Killer Ghost Emperor said coldly: "Why, you were so frightened that you couldn't be fooled, can you still laugh at a time like this?"

Lin Chen was silent.

Instead, he slowly closed his eyes.

Immediately, his aura became extremely powerful and continued to climb upwards.


The Heavenly Killing Ghost Emperor didn't want to cause any further complications, so he waved his hand and ordered.


between breaths.

The four ghost kings rushed out at the same time, divided into different directions, and launched a fatal attack on Lin Chen.

But this time.

Facing the attack of the four ghost kings, Lin Chen didn't retreat in any way, instead the corners of his mouth curled up.

And when his pair of eyes opened again.

It is already the old man of Tianji who is in charge of this body.

"Boy, watch out, this sword will be very handsome as a teacher, don't blink!"

The old man's voice sounded in Lin Chen's mind.

next moment.

Rather than talking about Lin Chen, it would be better to say that the old man Tianji raised his big hand and turned into a long sword of red flames.

The sword is mighty!

The sword energy is rolling!

This momentum alone was already unmatched by Lin Chen before, and the difference between the two could even be calculated by ten times.

It can be seen from this that in the same realm, the old man Tianji's understanding of aura is at its peak.

The next moment.

The Chiyan long sword poured down like the Milky Way in the sky.

Seeing this sword energy, the four ghost kings trembled all over, feeling the fierce danger, subconsciously took a step back.

But without the order from the Heavenly Killing Ghost King, the four ghost kings could only bite the bullet in the end and greet them with roars.


The four ghost kings seemed to be collapsing. All their defenses were so unbearable in front of this sword energy. Their entire bodies were instantly pierced and turned into dust.

The air machine dances!

The whole basement was shaking!

Everyone was so shocked by this sword energy that they couldn't speak!

Looking around, Lin Chen stood quietly, with his hands behind his back, his sleeves swaying with the sword energy, majestic.

"Lin Chen, you completely pissed me off!"

A pair of cold and stern eyes, like wild beasts, fixedly stared at Lin Chen, with murderous aura.

It is the Heavenly Killer Ghost Emperor.

"A mere brat dares to be rampant. Don't say that the ghost emperor is the ghost emperor back then, I can kill him!"

Lin Chen snorted softly, and didn't pay attention to the Heavenly Killing Ghost Emperor in his words.

"court death!"

Suddenly, the Heavenly Killing Ghost Emperor roared, and stretched out a big hand, which contained a strong terrifying power, and directly grabbed his Tianling Gai.

On the other hand, Lin Chen raised the Scarlet Flame Sword with one hand and condensed his fist with the other.

Sword energy and fist power began to intertwine.

The two incompatible forces were forcibly merged by Lin Chen, and the crazy power fluctuations were raging non-stop.

"Apprentice, this is my master's self-created supernatural power. I named it Shenwei. Back then, relying on this trump card, I went to the underworld for my master and killed countless ghost emperors!"

"Now, I will pass it on to you, you can watch it!"

Hearing the old man's words, Lin Chen, who was in a state of consciousness, was staring at his hand without blinking, which was enough to destroy the world.

next moment.

Lin Chen took a step, and perfectly controlled the fusion of sword energy and fist power, forming a purple-red light ball, and threw it towards the Heavenly Killing Ghost Emperor.


Divine power emerged, rushing down with destructive power, crushing everything.

The air was shaken by it, faintly unbearable, as if it was about to collapse.

"This power..."

The Heavenly Killing Ghost Emperor immediately felt the horror of this move, and the hairs all over his body suddenly rose, feeling a threat of death.

The soul of the whole person is trembling.

It can be seen that this move has enough power to wipe it out of the world.

Without further ado.

The Heavenly Killing Ghost Emperor turned around and ran away. He was sure that Lin Chen could use this force once at most. As long as he could defuse this blow, he would kill Lin Chen when Lin Chen weakened from exhaustion.

But ideas are always good.

The world is still cruel


The sonic boom was deafening.

Rao was the Heavenly Killer Ghost Emperor, who had already tried his best to dodge, and with a bang, the power of the gods still fell firmly on his chest.


During the Setsuna, the skin of the Heavenly Killer Ghost Emperor was torn open, and lines of blood exploded from his body. Biqu library

This scene shocked everyone.

Xiao Ying looked dull, as if she couldn't believe Lin Chen's change.

However, Miao Yesheng and the others looked panic-stricken. They never thought that Lin Chen, who was on the verge of death, would be able to launch such a terrifying killing move.


The Heavenly Slaughter Ghost Emperor let out a terrifying scream, his body was already bloody, and his whole body was severely injured by the power of the gods until he was on the verge of death.

But then, what made his scalp tingle was—

As soon as he looked up, he found Lin Chen walking towards him step by step, holding a long sword.

"and many more……"

"Your Excellency, we have something to talk about..."

However, before the Heavenly Killer Ghost Emperor could plead for mercy, Lin Chen already held a long sword and slashed down on his body.

The pungent bloody smell became stronger and stronger.

Until his flesh and blood were separated, only the summoned soul was left, hanging a mouthful of life, but Lin Chen aimed at the location of his soul, swung his long sword, and cut it down again.


The sword energy is vertical and horizontal, and the sword light is shining!

The soul that the Heavenly Killer Ghost Emperor had recruited with tens of thousands of lives was also torn apart in an instant, and was completely annihilated!

The scene was dead silent.

Everyone was dumbfounded and watched silently, the blood-stained figure standing in the center of the battlefield like a staunch figure.

Miao Yesheng and the others had imagined that this young man in his early twenties in front of him would have such terrifying real combat power.

A sense of horror engulfed deeply in his heart.

Soon, when he came back to his senses, he ran away without even thinking about it.

Stay here, only to die!

Escape, maybe there is still a glimmer of life!

However, how could Lin Chen let him do what he wanted.

Just when Miao Yesheng rushed to the door, a big foot kicked him to the ground.

"Master Miao, where are you going!"

At this moment, Lin Chen jokingly smiled, his eyes had regained their original expression.

There is a kind of heroism in raising hands and feet.

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