Overnight Success

Chapter 451 Reduced To Blood Food, Die With Regret

See this scene.

Xue Yun and the group were slightly taken aback.

Immediately, his face turned livid.

They didn't expect that Lin Chen actually had this kind of operation that could deceive others' perceptions, and they didn't expect that Lin Chen actually killed people in front of them!

This blatant provocation undoubtedly made them quite resentful!

In fact, for Lin Chen, he had already guessed that someone would make an article at the press conference, but he did not expect that it would be the Xue family.

But it’s okay, if we get rid of the small ones, will the old ones be far behind?

at the same time.

The Xue family's eyes were scarlet, and Xue Yun even said: "Boy, you are really deceiving people too much. Today I will peel your skin and drain your blood to comfort the Xue family's spirit in heaven."

Lin Chen sneered: "Say it as if you are the victims."

"Don't forget, when you came to the mainland, you did everything to the Lin family, so today, since you step into this land again, no matter what I say, you will not let you go back alive!"

"The blood debt of my Lin family will be repaid with your blood!"

When the words fell, Lin Chen waved his fists and moved his body like a beast out of a cage. With the aura of obliterating everything, Lin Chen took the initiative to rush towards Xue's family.


Facing Lin Chen's overwhelming aura, the Xue family was shocked. Many people didn't even have the courage to resist.

I thought that this time they had a large number of people, and they would at least have the strength to fight against Lin Chen with their combined efforts, but they didn't expect that the strength that broke out from Lin Chen's body alone would be enough to make them daunting.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Chen's strong aura, like a dragon crossing a river, rushed towards Xue's family.

Seeing this, the Xue family joined forces to fight back.

However, as soon as this fight, they all changed face.

Because, they discovered that Lin Chen's aura was not so strong, it was so strong that it was abnormal.

In just a split second.

The Xue family was blown away by Lin Chen's ferocious aura, lying on the ground one by one, howling in pain.

Of course, this is not the end.

Lin Chen's figure flickered again, like a god of death, he pulled out a dagger from his waist, and mercilessly harvested the lives of the Xue family.

Every time he makes a move, it will be accompanied by a spurt of blood.

Setsuna, blood stained the lawn.

The smell of blood wafted into the air.

Under Lin Chen's cold sword, Xue's family was like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, and many of them who participated in the massacre felt a burst of remorse in their hearts.

Back then, they massacred the Lin family, just like Lin Chen does today, without blinking an eye. Biqu library

However, time has passed, and this time they were treated as pigs and sheep and were slaughtered wantonly.





Seeing Lin Chen's ghostly figure, Xue's family didn't even have time to make too much noise, they felt their throats go cold and fell to the ground.


In less than a minute, the blood gathered into a stream, flowing quietly on the lawn.

However, Lin Chen stepped on the corpses of Xue's family members, hooked his fingers towards Xue Yun who was terrified, and said coldly:


"Come and die!"

At this moment, Xue Yun's expression turned extremely ugly.

Looking around, he brought nearly a hundred Xue family experts with him, but now, there are less than ten living people left.

"Young Master Xue, what should we do?"

At this moment, everyone in the Xue family looked at Xue Yun one after another, panicked and shocked.

"What are you panicking about?"

Xue Yun shouted coldly: "Set up the formation!"

Hearing this, everyone in the Xue family turned pale, gritted their teeth suddenly, and forcibly slashed their arms open a big mouth.

Blood flowed.

Afterwards, Xue Yun looked at Lin Chen and said coldly, "Boy, you forced me to do this!"

"Today, not only you, but everyone here will pay a heavy price for your actions!"

The words fell.

He threw out a piece of talisman paper, made seals with both hands, and silently recited a series of horrifying and jerky spells.


As the talisman paper fell down, on the ground, the blood spilled by the Xue family before was strangely connected into lines, presenting a hexagram formation.

Xue Yun's eyes turned red, and he roared, "Master Ghost Messenger, please come to this world!"


Suddenly, a strong wind raged, and with the hexagram circle as the center, a burst of red light rose into the sky.

However, under this red light.

Half the sky seemed to be dyed red.

Visible to the naked eye.

In that red light, there is an imposing and powerful figure, looming, as if the next moment, it will rush out of the red light and descend into the world.

"Master Ghost Messenger, I implore you to kill this annoying guy this time. This is a little sincerity from this junior. After the matter is completed, these people present will be your blood food."

After Xue Yun finished speaking, he was cruel, and also tore his arm, splashing the blood into the red light.

In an instant, the blood turned into a stream of air and was swallowed by the figure in the red light.

As if feeling blood, the figure was extremely violent: "Boy, you know how to attract like this, it seems that you are a descendant of my villain valley."

"The younger generation is a branch of the villainous family, and it is not orthodox. Please trouble the ghost to make the adults take action and get rid of this person."

Xue Yun knelt down on one knee and said.


The so-called ghost figure slowly looked at Lin Chen.

Lin Chen also made eye contact.

Ghost Messenger, according to the classics left by his master Tianji, it was recorded that the earth was full of aura in the past

, Cultivators emerge in endlessly, among them there is a group of evil cultivators who call themselves the messengers of hell, so they are all called ghost messengers.

At first, the immortal cultivators didn't care about it, but it wasn't until this group of evil cultivators, known as ghost messengers, created the Valley of the Wicked and began to devour the rest of the immortal cultivators. As their power grew, all the immortal cultivators united to encircle and suppress it.

Since then, the Valley of the Evil has perished, and only a part of the cultivation techniques have been exiled in the world.

It's just that they didn't expect that the Xue family would be related to the Valley of the Wicked.

"It's really an abomination to me. You are as annoying to me as those people back then!"

The so-called Ghost Envoy figure waved his big hand, and the Xue family members lying on the ground in an instant, including the blood flowing on the ground, all turned into air currents and were sucked into his mouth by it.


The red light dissipated.

A handsome man eight feet tall with black skin and three eyes, with white hair all over his head, appeared in front of Lin Chen.

"You look weak, don't you?"

Lin Chen chuckled, without any fear in his eyes.

"After all, I'm just a consciousness that doesn't want to drift between the heavens and the earth!"

"If no one summons me, I'm afraid my consciousness will be wiped out by heaven and earth in another thousand years. However, it is more than enough to get rid of you. Maybe even after I wipe out the vitality in your body, it will be occupied by my consciousness. Dominating, I can also remain in the world in another way."

The evil handsome man said lightly, his eyes had already locked Lin Chen as his prey.

"Good idea."

"It's a pity that you don't have this ability. On the contrary, after you show up this time, your consciousness will be completely obliterated by me. Those who have already died, don't come out to harm the world again!"

After Lin Chen said this, with a strong aura on his feet, he swept towards the handsome man like a broken bamboo.

This kick is extremely powerful.

However, the evil handsome man didn't back down, after a confrontation, the two each backed up a few steps, and they were evenly divided.

Xue Yun was overjoyed by this, pointed at Lin Chen, and shouted, "Boy, do you know how powerful Master Ghost Messenger is?"

"I advise you to give up resistance, it is your honor to be seen by Lord Ghost Messenger in your body!"

"Noisy thing!" Lin Chen gave him a cold look.

Throw a silver needle directly towards it.

Feeling the cold light brought by the silver needle, Xue Yun's hair stood on end, and a chill rushed straight to Tianling Gai.

Just when he wanted to resist.

The evil handsome man stood in front of him and took the silver needle for him.

Xue Yun was extremely surprised, just as he was secretly delighted and was about to continue mocking Lin Chen.

The voice of the evil handsome man resounded through the air.

"Living blood is the most delicious food, how can I let you destroy it so easily!"

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