Overnight Success

Chapter 454 Desperate Fangyuan, Dark Pavilion Crisis

hang up the phone.

Lin Chen looked at Su Qingcheng and said, "Honey, you should pay more attention when I'm not around."

"Li Hua just got out of the hospital today, I will ask her to protect you."

After saying that, Lin Chen turned and walked outside.

Seeing this, Su Qingcheng pursed her lips, and softly shouted: "You should pay more attention to safety."

"The car keys are on the coffee table downstairs."

"Okay!" Lin Chen smiled slightly, and then sped away in the Ferrari.

Seeing the Ferrari gradually disappearing from sight, Su Qingcheng only felt her nose sore.

It seems that she is busy every day, and Lin Chen is idle, but in fact, she understands that the perfect holding of the press conference, including the production and distribution of Shenxian Pills, is inseparable from Lin Chen.

If it weren't for Lin Chen, let's not say that she couldn't research the Immortal Pill at all, even if she could, she wouldn't be able to handle the quality inspection.

Husband, thank you for your hard work.

Su whispered softly.


the other side.

After leaving the villa, Lin Chen activated his aura, directly causing the Ferrari to fly like a gust of wind.

It seems that the Ferrari at this moment can even beat the time.

Not long after.

Lin Chen has arrived at the foot of Qianlong Mountain and stopped the Ferrari. He turned into an afterimage, stepped on the rocks, and quickly shuttled through the mountains.

At this time, in the depths of Qianlong Mountain, in a dark pavilion.

Thick fog was everywhere, and blood spattered.

The two forces are engaged in fierce fighting.

One side is the people in the dark pavilion led by Fang Yuan, and the other side is a group of headless corpses.

These headless corpses, like puppets on strings, seem to be manipulated by humans. They are extremely powerful and can't feel any pain. Even if their hands are cut off, they are still attacking endlessly.

As one ebbs and another, the people in the dark pavilion gradually become powerless to resist.

After all, their physical strength is limited, and they cannot maintain high-intensity battles like headless corpses.

Seeing that the people in the dark pavilion were faintly retreating, behind the army of headless corpses, an evil young man was sitting quietly cross-legged on the ground, with a guzheng placed in front of him.

The evil young man was wearing a yin-yang robe, playing the zither with both hands non-stop. Every time he played the zither, the attack of the headless corpses became more and more fierce.

However, beside him, there was a group of men in black standing.

The people in black quietly looked at a woman in front of them, as if she was the absolute core here.

The woman was wearing a half mask and a black shirt, her expression was quite cold.

"Miao Han, why haven't you dealt with this group of troublemakers yet?"

The woman said coldly.

"Patriarch, don't worry, my place

To keep them is to give them enough time to call for help. Based on my judgment of Lin Chen, he will definitely come tonight! "

The man in the yin-yang robe and called Miao Han said indifferently.

"However, I believe that at this moment, they have sent out a call for help, so there is no need to keep them.",

As soon as Miao Han finished speaking, the headless corpses at the scene suddenly went berserk.

For a time, blood overflowed.

The people in the dark pavilion were almost killed and defeated, so they could only retreat again and again.

Looking at it, the production base of Shenxian Pills will be in the near future, Fang Yuan bit her lip, her eyes revealed a trace of determination.

At this time, the elder on the side shouted: "Pavilion Master, you can go quickly, I'll be the queen."

"No, the elder Taishang set up the production base of Shenxian Pills here because he trusted us. How can I live up to his trust and walk away?"

Fang Yuan said stubbornly.

"If you want to go, you can go, today these guys want to step into the production base, they can only step over my corpse."

Fang Yuan seemed to have the mentality of going to die, and his tone was very firm.

"remarkably brave."

"Unfortunately, in the face of absolute strength, your courage is not worth mentioning at all."

Suddenly, a sarcasm sounded.

It was Miao Han who sent it.

Seeing that Miao Han stopped playing the guzheng, the army of zombies on the scene also stopped and did not attack again.

Seeing this, Fang Yuanjiao yelled: "Who are you and why did you break into the secret pavilion?"

"In my impression, my Dark Pavilion has nothing to do with you!"

"It's true that there is no festival, but who told you to stand on Lin Chen's side." Miao Han said calmly, "I am from Miaojiang, and I know that you have a piece of Huayu here."

"If you hand over Huayu, I can still give you a way out, but the Shenxianwan production base that Lin Chen set up here must be destroyed."

Speaking of this, Miao Han's voice was full of no doubt: "Miss Fang can choose to refuse, but the end result is that your secret pavilion can only become a puppet and become a member of my army of headless corpses."

"Which is more important, you should know in your heart."

Hearing this sentence, Fang Yuan cursed secretly.

Fighting to the present, many people are exhausted, it is the time when the spirit and will are weak.

Now the other party's provocation is obviously trying to break down the fighting will of the people in the secret cabinet.

Thus, defeated in one fell swoop.

"The Huayu you mentioned is no longer here. As for the production base, even if I try my best today, I will never let you destroy it."

Fang Yuan said coldly.

"I really don't know how to flatter you, I was kind enough to keep you

You are a dog's life, but since you don't appreciate it, then I can only kill you and turn you into dead souls, and you will never be reborn forever. "

Miao Han's eyes were sharp, and his tone was full of murderous intent.

"Don't be ashamed to say that, when the elder of the dark pavilion arrives, none of you Xiao Xiaoxiao will be able to escape."

At this moment, an elder stood up and scolded.

Apparently right, the person is not happy about seeing them as fish on the pegboard.

"Your Supreme Elder is still in Yunhuai City. When he arrives, your corpses will probably be completely cold."

Miao Han smiled contemptuously: "Since you are obsessed with obsession, then I will not hold back. Next, I want you to know how miserable your fate will be if you fight against the Miao people."

"If I want to slaughter you, it is no different from slaughtering chickens and ducks,"

"Bastard!" Hearing the other party's words full of insults, Fang Yuan's beautiful eyes burst into flames, and immediately waved his hand and said loudly: "Everyone, for the dignity of the Dark Pavilion, even if our heads fall today, the other party needs to know that we are definitely not good messed with."

"Grass! Fight them!" The elders echoed loudly.

"Come on!"

Everyone's fighting spirit was ignited again, and they rushed towards Miao Han one after another.

Regarding this scene, Miao Han sneered: "A group of lifeless things, I will cut off your heads and refine you into puppets."

next moment.

Miao Han played the guzheng again. Compared with before, the sound of the guzheng this time was quicker and manic.

Then, the headless corpses let out roars and rushed towards the people in the dark pavilion.

Fang Yuan took the lead and rushed to the forefront, but this time, the ferocity of the headless corpse exceeded her expectations, and soon she fell into the encirclement and was flanked by the alliance.

Holding a dagger, Fang Yuan was cutting off the hands of the headless corpse in front of him.

Immediately, there was a piercing pain in his back.

A headless corpse, seeing the timing, was stretching out its sharp nails, and with a slap, almost tore Fang Yuan's back apart.

Blood flowed.

Fang Yuan staggered and fell to the ground. Immediately afterwards, the headless corpse struck her shoulder again.


Fang Yuan cried out in pain, and the dagger fell out of his hand.


Some of the people in the dark pavilion realized that Fang Yuan was in danger, and when they were about to rush over, another group of headless corpses found the right opportunity, pierced their chests, and fell to the ground and died immediately.

Seeing this, Fang Yuan's eyes were filled with tears, and his whole body was filled with strong unwillingness.

Is she really going to perish here today?

However, being killed by this group of disgusting guys is really not reconciled!

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