Overnight Success

Chapter 463 Looking For Terror

"Hehe, it's your blessing that this beauty is favored by this commander."

At this moment, in a dark bush, an ugly middle-aged man wearing a cold country military uniform was pressing towards Chu Ling: "I advise you not to waste your efforts, if you dare to run, you I'm afraid none of the members of this team will survive."

As he spoke, the middle-aged man stepped on the Qilin soldier on the ground, cracking his bones.


After the Qilin soldier let out a miserable cry, he shouted at Chu Ling: "Deputy Chu leave us alone, go to Commander Lin."

"Only he can deal with this ugly guy."

Seeing this, Chu Ling's pretty face turned pale, and her delicate body couldn't restrain her trembling.

Just now, just when they and their group came to this area, they were extremely unlucky to encounter these Han people who had already laid an ambush beforehand.

As a result, they can only choose to escape after being severely injured.

However, this middle-aged man is already extremely strong. Even in their heyday, they might not be able to parry them. Not to mention being injured now, they will naturally be unable to escape his clutches.

Looking at Chu Ling, the middle-aged man's eyes were filled with lust, and his tongue couldn't help licking his lips.

"No, I can't abandon you."

Chu Ling gritted her teeth tightly. She could see how cruel the middle-aged man's attack was. If she really wanted to escape, the people in their team might be tortured to the point of death.

"Last time, a small team of you Hua people fell into our encirclement and was tortured to death in the end. They were made into specimens and hung on the honor wall of our Han country army."

"This time, let me think about how to deal with you so as to maximize the insult to the Hua Kingdom!"

The middle-aged man laughed, and stomped on the Qilin soldiers on the ground with his big feet.

Various sounds of fractures came and went.

"I'm fighting with you!"

Chu Ling's pretty face was cold, she took out a Desert Eagle, and fired several times at the middle-aged man's position.

However, the middle-aged man had already been prepared. When Chu Ling shot, he had already dodged to the back of Chu Ling, grabbed her hair, and grabbed her neck. He said with a smile: "Little beauty, this It will fall into my hands!"

"Since that's the case, let me enjoy it first, you are the best."

"Speaking of which, the last time I teased a woman from Huaguo was five years ago, and the taste was really lingering. It's a pity that after that woman was teased by me,

Killed myself while I wasn't paying attention. "

"But don't worry, this time I will destroy your meridians first, so that you don't have any possibility of suicide."

The voice fell.

Just when the middle-aged man exerted force with his palm, intending to destroy Chu Ling's meridians with one blow.

An incomparably condensed aura struck the middle-aged man's back from not far away.


This blow staggered the middle-aged man, and immediately let go of Chu Ling, spurting out a mouthful of blood.

next moment.

Seeing that Chu Ling was so weak, she was about to fall to the ground.

A breeze blows.

Lin Chen arrived in time, wrapped his arms around Chu Ling's slender waist, and turned to look at the leader of the Han Kingdom who was looking angry.

"Boy, do you dare to plot against me?"

The middle-aged man's face was ferocious, like a tyrannical beast.

"Compared to your Han Country's humble work, this is nothing at all."

Lin Chen said indifferently with a blank face.

"Commander Lin, it was my carelessness in leading the team that allowed the Han people to take advantage of it."

At this moment, Chu Ling bit her red lips, looked at that handsome face, and said apologetically.

"Don't talk about that yet."

Lin Chen handed her a box of Immortal Pills and said, "This medicine will greatly help you recover from your injuries. Take it and share it with the team members first."

"Okay." Chu Ling nodded, then glanced at Han Guo's commander, and reminded: "Be careful, he is very strong."

"I see."

Lin Chen responded with a sharp look in his eyes.

If he came later, maybe Chu Ling would really be murdered by this person, and the consequences would be unpredictable.

Obviously, he, as the commander, cannot shirk his responsibility for causing this kind of thing to happen.

"Boy, if you don't want to die, I advise you to hand over that woman obediently."

"Otherwise, when our cold country army arrives, you people will die without a place to bury them!"

The middle-aged man said gloomyly.

"Ha ha!"

However, for his threat, Lin Chen just smiled coldly: "The army of the cold country? How long have you not contacted your subordinates?"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man was in a bad mood, so he picked up the walkie-talkie, but no matter how much he shouted, there was still no response from the other end of the walkie-talkie.

"Boy, what did you do to my subordinates!"

"I didn't do anything, I just dropped them off to meet Hades on the way here." Lin Chen shrugged, showing a pair of white teeth.

"you wanna die!"

The middle-aged man let out a rage, and stomped the sole of his foot suddenly, a powerful sense of oppression erupted from his body


Chu Ling, who retreated, felt the oppression, and her pretty face turned pale. Obviously, the strength of the leader of the cold country must have reached the level of the realm.

"That's right, it can be regarded as encountering a bigger grasshopper."

Lin Chen's eyes flickered, but his expression remained unchanged.

"It's really crazy. Today, I will tear you into pieces to pay homage to the spirits of our soldiers in the cold country."

The middle-aged man's eyes were ferocious, and he slapped his palm suddenly. A black air flow gathered in his palm, and he slapped Lin Chen hard.

This kind of palm wind, before it falls, freezes the air and collapses the mountains and forests.

It is conceivable that the terrifying strength of middle-aged men is by no means comparable to that of ordinary people.

But even so, facing the howling palm wind, Lin Chen's expression remained calm, and he swung his palm unhurriedly.

Compared with the earth-shaking aura of the middle-aged man, Lin Chen's palm seemed weak, as if it would wilt when touched.

However, it was this weak palm that directly crushed the attack of the middle-aged man, causing his body to shoot backwards like a cannonball, hitting the trunks of trees.

The tree trunk cracked, the middle-aged man was breathless, and he couldn't help spitting out a few mouthfuls of blood.

"Boy, you are lucky this time, next time we meet, I will crush you into powder."

Clutching his chest, the middle-aged man braced his body to get up, and after uttering harsh words, he turned into a streamer and immediately fled away.

This speed is astonishingly fast.

Lin Chen didn't expect that, as the leader of the cold country, this guy would be so spineless and run away so neatly.

But he didn't choose to chase it, because firstly, he wasn't sure if the other party had diverted the tiger away from the mountain, and secondly, he could feel that many fierce beasts were moving towards this place quickly.

Obviously, it was the fighting incident that attracted them here.

"You guys go!"

Seeing that the Qilin soldiers were recovering from their injuries after swallowing the Immortal Pill, Lin Chen couldn't help urging.

"how about you!"

Feeling the shaking of the ground, Chu Ling looked at Lin Chen and asked worriedly.

"I have my own plan, you guys go away, don't go east, and find other teams to join."

Hearing this, Chu Ling bit her lip, thanked Lin Chen, and quickly left with a group of Qilin soldiers.

Seeing this, Lin Chen looked at the huge figures that could cover the sky and the sun, and they were about to arrive.

At the moment, I no longer stay too much, and head east all the way.

He will have to wait a while, what kind of monsters and ghosts are hiding in the depths of the east!

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