Overnight Success

Chapter 465 Father And Son Meet, Another Form

It was too late to say it, and before the tarantula could react, Lin Chen's fist had already smashed into the pupils of its eyes.

"Damn it!!!"

The tarantula burst into a foul language.

next moment.

Its huge body was knocked to the ground by Lin Chen's heavy punch.


"Human boy, how dare you hurt me!!!"

The tarantula let out a sharp cry, but when it got up again.

above the head.

All over the sky, talisman papers emerged.

Lin Chen silently recited the mantra, and in an instant, these talisman papers joined together to form a hexagram, covering directly towards the tarantula.

Such a strange phenomenon immediately overturned the tarantula's lack of cognition, and immediately asked in surprise: "What is this?"

Immediately afterwards, without giving it a chance to resist, the hexagram circle pressed on top of the tarantula.

Beams of light suddenly appeared, piercing the tarantula's eight claws instantly.

Visible to the naked eye, the eight claws of the tarantula were bound by the beam of light and could not move at all.

Even with all its strength, it couldn't break free from the confines of the magic circle.


Lin Chen landed on the ground, looked at the tarantula and smiled: "Finally honest."

"I said before that I don't have any malice towards you. I just want to visit your back garden, but if you don't allow it, it's fine. If you still do it to me, then I can only obediently suppress you here."

This sealing circle comes from "Yin-Yang Secret Art" and Lin Chen has just practiced it not long ago. It didn't come to fruition, and now it is being used, and the effect is surprisingly good.

And the reason why he didn't go head-to-head with the wolf spider was mainly because the strength of the wolf spider's physical body alone was not inferior to the ghost emperor he had confronted before, and even surpassed it.

He was able to successfully suppress it, because he had the advantage of this guy's low intelligence, which allowed him to seize the opportunity.

Otherwise, if they really wanted to fight against each other, he might be unable to resist.

"Boy, you are despicable!!!"

The tarantula roared unwillingly, and its huge body kept struggling.

"Okay, don't waste your energy. If you practice for another thousand or eight hundred years, you may be able to break free, but for now, you should just stay there!"

Lin Chen smiled slightly, and the corners of his mouth could not help but rise.


Hearing Lin Chen's words, the tarantula was quite angry, and said dissatisfiedly: "You human beings are really better than each other.

Insidious, simply hateful! "

"One day, if I can get out of trouble, I will kill you all!"

As soon as the words came out.

Lin Chen, who was just about to go underground, paused, looked back, and asked in surprise, "Have you ever come into contact with other humans?"


The tarantula snorted coldly: "If no human beings came here, how do you think this black altar appeared?"

"That damned guy sealed me here and couldn't leave the range of the altar, but you are doing well now, and you have sealed me so that you can't move."

"It really pissed me off!"

Seeing Tarantula's childlike, angry expression, Lin Chen smiled lightly and said, "So, that person taught you your Chinese language, right?"

"I thought you were very talented, but I didn't expect you to have a master!"

Hearing this, the tarantula seldom blushed.

After all, it just boasted, and now it is exposed, which makes it very embarrassing.

"It seems that your IQ is nothing more than that." Lin Chen grinned: "But then again, if your IQ is really high, how can you fall into my formation!"


Seeing Lin Chen constantly teasing himself with words, the tarantula bared its teeth angrily. If eyes could kill, Lin Chen would have been killed thousands of times by it!

At this time, Lin Chen didn't waste time either.

All the way down, straight to the ground.

If it were someone else, he would have great confidence in sealing the magic circle, but this time, the target of the seal is the Beastmaster, and he doesn't know how long it will last.

About three minutes later.

With both feet on the ground, Lin Chen felt that the aura in the ground had already reached ten times that of the outside.

Looking around, although it was pitch black, there were spirit crystals emitting halos in all directions.

Moreover, there is a huge space deep underground, probably tarantulas lived here all year round and dug out.

In the past, just a fist-sized spirit crystal was enough for Lin Chen to complete the leap of the small stage of practice, but now each piece of spirit crystal underground is as big as his head.

The most important thing is that the purity of the spirit crystals here is completely unmatched by the outside world.

Even the old man of Tianji, who has practiced for thousands of years, has never encountered the Spirit Crystal Mine, but now he has met him. It is conceivable that he has made a fortune now!

Just, the only flaw

What is-

The spirit crystals here, disturbed by some unknown factors, are filled with a layer of evil.

It was exactly the same as the one he saw at the Tianlong Auction back then.

Fortunately, his celestial beings definitely have a natural purifying effect, so Lin Chen sat cross-legged here and picked out a few spirit crystals with extremely strong aura to purify and absorb them.

after an hour.

After Lin Chen finished training, he felt that his cultivation had improved a lot in such a short time.

There is a hint of a breakthrough.

Breathing out lightly, Lin Chen stood up and began to study how to bring these spirit crystals back.

According to Lu Siyong, the Mysterious Island reappears once every five years. After this reappearance, it will take another five years to wait for the next one. But for him, revenge is imminent. He urgently needs resources such as spirit crystals to improve his strength as soon as possible. .

Where can I wait for the next five years.

Just when Lin Chen was a little worried, he glanced out of the corner of his eye and suddenly found a worn-out military uniform on the ground.

On the arm of the military uniform, even though it has been weathered by the years, you can still see the five characters of the Cheetah Special Forces.

Seeing this, Lin Chen's heart trembled, and he immediately picked it up.

After blowing the dust off his military uniform, Lin Chen found a blood-stained ID in his pocket.

The picture on the certificate is clear, it is a handsome young man.

She looks like him seven to eight times.

Especially the pair of pupils are so sharp.

Even if you look at the photos, you can imagine how heroic the young man was back then.

However, on the side of the photo, there is also the information of the owner of the certificate.

Lin Beifeng.

Cheetah Special Forces.

For a moment, a line of tears flowed silently down Lin Chen's cheeks.

Speaking of which, this was the first time he saw a picture of his father.

In my impression, his father was not at home all year round. It can be said that his impression of his father was very vague, and after the fire, everything in the Lin family was completely wiped out.

In his mind, he couldn't even remember a trace of his father.

Right now, this should be the first time he and his father met, but they didn't expect it to be in this form.

It wasn't until Lin Chen wiped away his tears for a while that he calmed down. Then, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he looked at the young man in the photo and said:

"As expected of my father, he is as handsome as I am!"

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