Overnight Success

Chapter 48 Trembling Needle Out Conspiracy Broken


Facing Su Qingcheng's firm eyes, Lin Chen felt full of trust.

Obviously this silly girl didn't know how sure she was of being able to wake up the old man, but she was still willing to bet everything and let him do it.

"Honey, your grandfather's illness is on me."

Lin Chen stretched out a hand, stroked Su Qingcheng's black hair, and said softly.

However, at this moment.

A disdainful snort suddenly resounded.

"It's just nonsense. The old man's illness is extremely difficult. How can a young boy treat him?"

Feng Fangming looked at Lin Chen and said in a pointed tone.

"Master Feng, although I respect you, please also respect my husband."

Su Qingcheng responded unceremoniously.


Feng Fangming's expression turned slightly ugly.


At this time, Su Taishan waved his hand, took a deep breath, and then looked at Lin Chen: "How sure are you?"

"Very sure."

Lin Chen spoke lightly.

As soon as these words came out, the audience fell into a brief shock.

But, the next moment.

Su Guodong took the lead in contemptuously saying: "Speak wildly, even Doctor Feng is not absolutely sure to cure this disease, how can you be confident, let alone everyone knows that medical skills need time to accumulate, what can you do to save the old man?"

"If age can determine medical skills, why don't you find a bastard to save the old man?"

Lin Chen sarcastically.

Immediately, Su Guodong's face was very gloomy, and Feng Fangming was even more furious: "Boy, are you calling me a bastard?"

"I didn't mean that." Lin Chen shook his head and said indifferently: "To say you are a bastard is to insult a bastard, because you are not even as good as a beast."

Speaking of this, Lin Chen went straight forward, came in front of the old man, looked at the crowd and said, "The old man suffered a head trauma back then, and there was a severe hemorrhage in his brain, which prevented him from waking up."

"However, if you want to attribute the problem to this, you are very wrong. After my investigation, although the old man's head is severely congested, he can use acupuncture and moxibustion to let the blood out. After a while, the old man may not be able to wake up."

"Miracle doctor Feng, as a genius doctor, I don't think you can even know the simplest method of acupuncture and bloodletting in traditional Chinese medicine, right?"

At this moment, Lin Chen stared at Feng Fangming and paused every word.

"Boy, what exactly do you want to say?"

Feng Fangming's eyes were gloomy, and he said without confidence.

"So I say, you even

Animals are worse than animals. As a doctor, he doesn't think about how to save people. Instead, he does everything possible to make patients suffer more serious torture. "

Lin Chen looked directly at Feng Fangming and said coldly: "The real reason why the old man can't wake up for so long is because someone planted a silver needle in his brain to seal the blood stasis, and the silver needle was placed in the blood stasis. Among them, even scientific instruments can't detect it, as the old man's personal doctor for fifteen years, shouldn't you give an explanation?" Pen Fun Library

In an instant, Feng Fangming's face was pale and he was sweating profusely.

Su Taishan's complexion also changed, and he took a deep look at Su Guodong.

If this Feng Fangming is really as problematic as Lin Chen said, then Su Guodong who recommended him to be the old man's personal doctor at the beginning must also have something to do with it.

Facing Su Taishan's scrutinizing eyes, Su Guodong's heart trembled, and his back was wet with sweat.

"Boy, you...you don't want to spout blood!" Feng Fangming braced himself, his lips trembling: "Let me tell you, you have to talk about evidence, and you will go to jail if you talk nonsense!"

"Hehe! Don't worry, the truth will come out soon." Lin Chen glanced at him, his face unmoved.

Then, he stretched out two fingers and quickly touched several acupuncture points on old man Su's head.

Immediately afterwards, he shot like lightning, picked up three silver needles, and pierced several acupuncture points on the old man's head.

Three fell.

Visible to the naked eye, a small bump appeared on the old man's head.

Afterwards, Lin Chen picked up silver needles and pierced several acupuncture points on the old man's face.

The people watching this scene were dazzled and dumbfounded.


Suddenly, Lin Chen flicked the silver needle on the old man's temple with his fingers.

The next moment, all the silver needles trembled.

Very miraculous.

This time, Feng Fangming on the side was completely dumbfounded.

Leaving aside the benefits, he himself is a master of acupuncture, otherwise he would not be known as a genius doctor, but Lin Chen's techniques are obviously superior to his.

If he read it correctly, what Lin Chen cast just now was a trembling needle!

The methods of acupuncture and moxibustion are divided into three, six, and nine levels. The difficulty of trembling needles is far beyond ordinary people's imagination. Even he has not yet figured out the way.

At this moment, a blood spot gradually enlarged from the protruding part of the old man.

Seeing this, Su Taishan shrank his pupils and took a step forward.

Sure enough, a needle tip slowly exposed


Lin Chen put two fingers together, clamped the tip of the needle, and pulled it out gently.

This needle is about half a finger long, with traces of blood mixed on it.

"Is this the silver needle?"

Su Taishan said in a deep voice.

"Exactly." Lin Chen nodded.

"Boy, don't try to frame it. How do you know that I planted this silver needle? What evidence do you have?"

At the same time, Feng Fangming's face changed drastically, and his expression was full of panic.

Lin Chen glanced at him sideways, did not speak, and continued to give the old man the needle.

After a while.

As Lin Chen pulled out all the silver needles from the old man's head, the silver needles were covered with thick black blood.

next second.

Under everyone's gaze, the old man faintly woke up.

Suddenly, there was an uproar in the audience, and Su Qingcheng even ran to the bedside, her eyes filled with tears.

Before meeting Lin Chen, most of the warmth in her childhood was given by her grandfather. Fifteen years later, her grandfather finally woke up, and one can imagine how she felt.

"Grandpa...you finally woke up, Qingcheng...I miss you so much, woohoo..."

Su Qingcheng burst into tears, her voice choked with sobs.


"I didn't expect Little Qingcheng to grow up so big..."

Old man Su looked around in a daze, then stretched out his old palm, and gently stroked Su Qingcheng's cheek.

At this moment.

Lin Chen suddenly shouted coldly: "Feng Fangming, you should die!"

While speaking, a silver needle flew from Feng Fangming's hand towards Mr. Su's throat.

Lin Chen responded extremely quickly.

Likewise, throw out a silver needle to resist it.

Su Taishan's face was cold, and he waved his hand directly. The bodyguards quickly broke Feng Fangming's limbs and firmly suppressed him.

"Feng Fangming, what do you want to do?"

Su Taishan scolded coldly.

Just now, if Lin Chen hadn't stopped him in time, the old man might have died.

Feng Fangming gritted his teeth, his face turned red, and he didn't say a word.

What no one noticed was that a figure was sneaking around, gradually moving towards the door.

"catch him!"

At this moment, old man Su looked at the door and said weakly.

Hearing this, the figure accelerated suddenly, but before he could take two steps.

Two silver needles suddenly appeared.

In the blink of an eye, with a scream, two silver needles pierced through the figure's legs.

At this moment, everyone realized that the figure trying to escape was the second child of the Su family, Su Guodong!

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