Overnight Success

Chapter 53 Don't Interfere With My Meal

As we all know, the Xu family is a subordinate of the Han family, and the young lady of the Han family is the daughter of the Xu family.

A few days ago, the demise of the Xu family caused a commotion all over the city.

The police came to investigate and finally came to the conclusion that a mysterious Lianjiazi practiced evil skills and went crazy, which harmed the Xu family.

However, this statement obviously cannot convince everyone.

If that mysterious person really went mad, how did Su Qingcheng leave alive, and why did the other eight daughters of major families who had been missing for a long time appear in the Xu family.

All signs indicate that only the Su family may know the truth about this matter.

Right now, Han Sanqian came with Xu Fanru, obviously the visitor was not kind, after all the Xu family was destroyed, the Han family suffered the most, and the Su family benefited the most!

For a while, everyone stared at Su Xiaoxiong and the others, wanting to see how they would respond.

"Mr. Su, you are too mean to entertain all the Yunhuai families, but my Han family has not received your invitation. Are you looking down on my Han family?"

Han Sanqian said lightly.

Afterwards, he scanned around, but did not find Lin Chen and Su Qingcheng.

"Why, the Su family tree is so big now? Let everyone sit here and wait for your Su family?"

What Han Sanqian said could be described as fanning the flames, instantly making the already dissatisfied Yunhuai forces even more unhappy.

Today, they were able to come to this banquet because of the Tang family's face and the value of the scar removal cream. Without these two things, the Su family, a second-rate family, is not qualified to have them gather here.

Seeing that Han Sanqian deliberately provoked trouble, Su Taishan and the others looked very unhappy. Biqu library

"Mr. Han, if you really want to come to the banquet, I will naturally welcome this old man. If not, please leave."

Su Xiaoxiong said in a deep voice.

"As for me, I'm here today to inform you to hand over the formula of the scar removal cream and all your research and development materials as soon as possible."

Han Sanqian sneered and said, "I suspect that your anti-scar cream contains the ingredients of the anti-scar cream, so I need to get the detailed information of the anti-scar cream and investigate."

Hearing this, the audience was in an uproar.

The faces of the Su family changed drastically.

"Han Sanqian, don't spout blood, you clearly want to steal the results of the scar removal ointment!"

Su Taishan couldn't help but said.

"Patriarch Su, don't say such harsh words. You can also choose to refuse. Of course, if that's the case, then I can only report to the relevant department, seal up your Su family, and investigate slowly!"

"This time can be half a year, or it may be

one year. "

Han Sanqian said indifferently.

Once the Su family seals it down, not only will all the trace removal creams be taken off the shelves, but also those cooperations related to the Su family can only be put on hold temporarily.

The longer the time dragged on, the greater the loss to the Su family. Biqu library


Su Taishan's face was very ugly, he never expected that the Han family would come up with such a move.

"Da da da……"

At this time, there was a sound of trampling high heels.

Su Qingcheng was wearing a high-end dress and walked slowly towards this side holding Lin Chen's arm.

As soon as she comes out.

Instantly became the focus of the audience.

Compared to everyone's beguiling gazes, Yun Zhongtian's expression was particularly gloomy.

Because he noticed that the young man next to Su Qingcheng was dressed very cheaply, with a white shirt, jeans, and canvas shoes. He was dressed like a dick.

And the young man is Lin Chen.

In fact, when he came out, Su Qingcheng specially prepared a suit for Lin Chen, but in his words, it doesn't matter what to wear, the important thing is that it is comfortable to wear.

"You guys are here very early!"

Lin Chen greeted everyone with a smile, then turned his attention to the dishes on the table, and immediately smacked his mouth twice: "This little taste really smells like a rattle!"

Hearing the dialect of an unknown village, everyone at the scene was stunned.

"My wife, sit down quickly, and the banquet is ready."

Lin Chen took Su Qingcheng on his arm, ignored Han Sanqian and the other two, and walked straight to the main table.

At this moment, everyone looked strange, looking at Lin Chen with astonishment in their eyes.

open? What's the opening?

This Lin Chen, how come he looks like a farmer in the mountains, he looks like he has never seen the market.

"I'm sorry, old man, the road is a bit congested."

Lin Chen explained the reason for being late to Su Xiaoxiong, and then asked: "But when will we start the banquet, if you don't eat this meal, it will be cold."

As he spoke, Lin Chen's stomach growled twice.

Damn, it really can't be blamed on him being unpromising.

Last night, he was too obsessed with cultivation, and he didn't eat in the morning, which made his stomach empty, and he needed food to supplement him.

"Open the table?"

Suddenly, Su Xiaoxiong's expression froze, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

"Lin Chen, what nonsense are you talking about!" Su Qingcheng couldn't bear to look directly at him, and blamed him.

"A slip of the tongue, a slip of the tongue, it's a move."

Lin Chen chuckled.

"Grandpa, what is he doing here?"

Turning around, Su Qingcheng glanced at Han Sanqian, and immediately asked Su Xiaoxiong.

Su Xiaoxiong didn't speak.

On the contrary, it was Su Taishan who roughly told the story.

Said it again.

After listening, Su Xiaoxiong's pretty face turned cold, and he said coldly to Han Sanqian: "Mr. Han, some people take your products too seriously!"

"If you say a word, let us hand over the research results of the scar removal cream, why?"

"Just because we are the Han family!" Han Sanqian sneered, "Is this reason enough?"

"Miss Su, you can choose to refuse, but you have to think about the consequences of doing so. Once the Su family is seized, the impact must be clear to you as the president!"

In his opinion, the reason why Xu Tianlong failed was that he failed because he used conspiracy.

In the face of absolute strength, Yangmou is the simplest and most effective way.

Even if you have researched the anti-scar ointment, so what, in the end you still have to obediently deliver it to your door.

Otherwise, once the company is seized, the public opinion effect will have a huge impact on the future sales of the trace cream.

"I think Mr. Han's words are true. If the anti-mark cream is really plagiarized, it will be a kind of deception to consumers."

What everyone didn't expect was that Yun Zhongtian also said: "If Mrs. Su has no ghosts in her heart, she might as well hand in the research results to prove her innocence."

"The sky in the clouds!"

Seeing Yun Zhongtian helping Han Sanqian to speak, Su Qingcheng could naturally tell that the two had hooked up before the banquet started.

However, their purpose is obvious, that is, they are here for the scar removal cream!

However, the next moment.

Lin Chen glanced at Han Sanqian, and walked over with one hand in his pocket: "I said you are a famous person in Yunhuai City anyway, why don't you even want your face for a formula for a scar removal cream?" library

Seeing Lin Chen approaching, Xu Fanru's expression on the side was completely cold.

A murderous intent could not be restrained from radiating out.

"Boy, I advise you to think clearly about the consequences of saying this. Don't think that with the support of the Tang family, you can do whatever you want."

Han Sanqian's face darkened, and he spoke poorly.

"Consequences? I do wonder what the consequences will be?"

Lin Chen said flatly: "And take your eyes off my wife, don't act like you've never seen a woman before!"

"Boy, you..."

Snapped! ! !

Han Sanqian pointed at Lin Chen, and in the middle of shouting, the other party slapped him directly. Unexpectedly, he was slapped and flew out, hitting the ground and vomiting blood.

"I hate it when people point at me!"

Lin Chen said coldly, and then added: "I advise you to get out of wherever you come from, and don't interfere with my meal!"

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