Overnight Success

Chapter 477 The Mastermind Behind The Scenes, Mr. Boss

ten minutes later.

In the midair, two eroding, entangled, terrifying forces that wanted to extinguish each other caused ripples in the space, and finally the blazing sword energy was even stronger, piercing through the palm wind in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the tall figure of the big man fell heavily to the ground.

Spit out a mouthful of blood.

His complexion was extremely ugly, even with a trace of unbelievable fear.

He couldn't believe that he would really lose to a young man in his early twenties.

Looking at the figure whose face was pale but whose body was still straight, the big man suppressed his emotions, and immediately twisted his face and said: "I won't lose, how could I lose!"

The words fell.

There was an almost morbid ferocity across his face.

Then, he roared, and the blood-red torrent that had been swallowed by him before spewed out from his mouth, like a poisonous spot, blooming around, devouring everything.


The expressions of Chu Ling and the others changed drastically.

Obviously, in the face of this weird blood-red torrent, they have no ability to resist at all, and can only keep going backwards.

"Eat, eat more."

The big man laughed, and the smile revealed cruelty.

Through the duel with Lin Chen, he understands that he is not Lin Chen's opponent for the time being, but fortunately, now he controls the Senluo Demon Pool, and after he swallows all the people present, his strength will reach a new level by then. metamorphosis.

If he doesn't believe it, he still can't take down this kid!

Seeing the big man's abacus, Lin Chen smiled coldly.

It has to be said that this person's wishful thinking is indeed very good, but it is a pity that as a cultivator, his spiritual energy can be said to have a natural restraint effect on Senluo Demon Pool.

Therefore, at the end of this calculation, it is destined to be nothing.

Seeing that Chu Ling and others were about to suffer, at this moment, Lin Chen made a sudden move.

A phantom of Qilin about a hundred feet in length appeared.

In Setsuna, the blood-red torrent that was raging quickly receded like a tide, as if encountering a natural enemy.

"Want to run?"

Lin Chen smiled coldly.

Then, he punched out.

The golden light suddenly appeared, and the fist wind swept across.

In the face of this fist power, the boiling blood-red torrent was quickly evaporated in an instant, and the strange power contained in it was also quickly melted away.

At the moment when the blood-red torrent was completely evaporated, the big man spat out another mouthful of blood.

The breath instantly languished.

Whether it is the skin or the face, it is rapidly returning to its original appearance.

"Now, it's time for us to settle the accounts!"

As Lin Chen said, he swung a short blade and cut the big man's abdomen open.

Blood flowed.


A shocking scream came out.

The big man collapsed to the ground, looking extremely painful.

Obviously, the reason why he was inseparable from Lin Chen before was all supported by Senluo Demon Pool. Now that Senluo Demon Pool disappeared, he immediately recovered his true colors.

"Don't worry, I won't let you die so happily!"

Lin Chen mentioned the old man's body, and met his eyes: "You made my Lin family's blood flow into rivers, and today I will return it to you twice, so that you know what it means not to live and not to die!"

"don't want!"

Hearing this, the big man didn't have the arrogance he had just now, and immediately said with a pale face: "Forgive me, as long as you forgive me, I will tell you a shocking secret."

When he said this, he seemed to have exhausted all his strength, he was panting and extremely weak.

"Secret?" Lin Chen said indifferently, "Okay, I want to hear, what kind of secret can save your life!"

After saying that, Lin Chen threw the big man to the ground heavily.

Then, she stepped on his chest and said coldly: "Say!"

Anyway, the matter has come to this point, and the big man no longer has any ability to resist, so he wants to see what kind of tricks this guy wants to play before he dies.

After all, killing a person is far less enjoyable than torturing a person, especially treating animals!

The big man resisted the pain and took a deep breath: "Lin Chen, I know that you have always regarded me as your enemy. You are right to think so, but I am not the real instigator."

"Because, even without me, the Lin family cannot escape the fate of being exterminated!"

"In the end, I'm just a puppet who is ordered to do things!"

Hearing this, Lin Chen frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

"It means that the one who really wants to destroy the Lin family is not... me!"

Speaking of which, the big man looks exhausted.

"Not you?"

"Who is that!"


Lin Chen asked immediately with burning eyes.

Previously, when he first met the big shot, the big shot once said that there was a person that he couldn't afford to provoke at all!

Could it be that the person who really destroyed the Lin family was related to that person?

This thought flashed through his mind, and the big man drew four letters on the ground with his blood-stained fingers.


"Boss?" Lin Chen asked, "What do you mean?"

Obviously, he is quite unfamiliar with this symbol, and has never touched or heard it.

The big man said slowly: "Before, I said that I have a congenital intractable disease. This symptom will prevent me from living past the age of forty. After learning this news, I originally chose to commit suicide."

"But, Mr. Boss saved me. He told me a secret. As long as I collect all twelve Huayu and open the treasure, I can completely cure my symptoms."

"In order to repay his life-saving grace, from then on, I swore to follow him and started looking for Huayu."

"The reason why I want to destroy the Lin family is also his order!"

Regarding this, Lin Chen's eyes flashed suspiciously: "I have never heard of Mr. Boss, do you think I will believe your lies?"

The big man shook his head: "At this point, what good is it for me to lie to you, not to mention, I have no grievances with the Lin family, so why should I bloodbath the Lin family?"

"To tell you the truth, I was the leader of the Qilin army back then, and I met Lin Beifeng a few times. Before the bloodbath of the Lin family, I called him and persuaded him to hand over Huayu obediently. If you can discuss with Mr. Boss, let the Lin family live."

"But he refused, that's why this tragedy happened."

Hearing this, Lin Chen's heart skipped a beat: "I didn't expect that you would be the one who betrayed Qilin's army back then."

Lu Siyong once told him about this matter, and it was the rebellion of the Qilin army leader that led to the complete disbandment of the Qilin army. For a long time since then, there have been no five major armies in Huaguo.

Only recently did the imperial court re-establish the Qilin army in preparation for Operation Zero.

"I don't understand, since you are the leader of Qilin, why did you choose to rebel?"

Lin Chen asked.


The big man smiled coldly: "I have worked for the court for ten years, but when I was diagnosed with this incurable disease, do you know how the court treated me?"

"They told me to take the initiative to submit a retirement report, disarm and return to the field, and said that they would find me the best doctor in the world and let me have a good rest. All expenses will be paid by the military region."

"Don't you think it's ridiculous? After ten years of fighting, I managed to climb up to the position of military leader and hold a lot of power, but those guys in the elder's house want me to take the initiative to retire. How can I bear it!"

When he uttered this sentence, the big man's eyes were covered with a thick layer of blood.

Seeing this, Lin Chen said no more.

It can be seen that this person is extremely obsessed with authority.

For such a person, letting him give up his military power to support his life is undoubtedly more uncomfortable than letting him die.

Perhaps, the group of elders in the elders' house was out of good intentions and wanted this person to spend more time on medical treatment and rest, but this person interpreted that the elders wanted to use miscellaneous diseases as a reason to force him to abdicate voluntarily. .

Sure enough, power can make people brilliant, and it can also make people crazy.

Big shot, Jiang Hetao, after all, they are all one kind of people, all blinded by power and completely dehumanized.

"Okay, I'm too lazy to inquire about these old things."

Lin Chen waved his hand, and then said in a deep voice, "I just want to ask you, who is Mr. Boss and where is he?"

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