Overnight Success

Chapter 496 All Kinds Of Weird Things

See this scene.

Shangguan Xue and Shangguan Wan'er looked at each other and couldn't help being stunned.

what's the situation?

Looking at the spell on the table again, Shangguan Wan'er's expression was even more complicated.

Logically speaking, as members of Shangguan's family, they should be the domineering party when they meet Lin Chen.

But now, instead, they were firmly suppressed by Lin Chen.

It's like two ignorant children being criticized and educated by their elders.

"Xue'er, how do you think he knows that my yin is prosperous and my yang is weak?"

Shangguan Wan'er murmured.

As the eldest lady of the Shangguan family, when she was born, a Fengshui master observed her fate, and after finding out that the yin is prosperous and the yang is weak, the family no longer regards her as a future successor.

Fortunately, she is not interested in the successor at all.

Therefore, she never cared about the theory of fate, but just now, she was very surprised to be pointed out by Lin Chen's words.

Could it be that this person is not only proficient in rhythm, but also proficient in ventilation and water?

"Miss, don't think too much, maybe he is just talking nonsense, a blind cat meets a dead mouse."

Shangguan Xue pouted.


Shangguan Wan'er didn't think so, and subconsciously put the spell on the table into her pocket.

Her intuition told her that Lin Chen was not an ordinary person.

Just from this person's attitude, it can be seen that from the beginning to the end, this person has no admiration for their Shangguan family status.

On the other hand, other people have always flattered and praised them in different ways.

However, she has just checked, and there is no internal energy fluctuation in this person, which can only explain two possibilities, either this person's realm is too high for them to detect, or this person has not yet stepped into the realm, so naturally he cannot stimulate his inner strength. strength.

In contrast, she believed in the latter more.

"That's all."

Shangguan Wan'er said: "It's getting late, Xue'er, you should go back and rest too."

"it is good."

Shangguan Xue nodded: "Miss, I'm right next door to you, just call me if you need it."


late at night.

Surprisingly, tonight, the moon was clearly hanging high in the sky, but there was never any moonlight shining down.

on the bed.

Shangguan Wan'er's forehead was covered with fragrant sweat, and she suddenly woke up from the dream.

Just now, she had a big dream.

She dreamed that an evil spirit claimed her life.

Taking a deep breath, Shangguan Wan'er poured herself a glass of water and drank it. Just as she was about to fall asleep again, she glanced slightly out of the corner of her eye.

It turned out that there was a blurry human face outside the window.

At first, Shangguan Wan'er thought it was some nasty man, but later she realized that this was the second floor and there were no stairs outside the window.

next second.

When she walked into the window, she couldn't help being frightened into a cold sweat again.

It was a female face distorted to the point of incomparably paleness.

The female face has no facial features, her eyes are empty, and there are two streams of blood flowing.


Shangguan Wan'er screamed and immediately turned on the light.

But he found that there was no such female face outside the window, but only two lines of blood.

After calming down, Shangguan Wan'er couldn't fall asleep anymore, especially when the ghosts and gods that Lin Chen had mentioned before appeared in her mind, she got dressed and went to Shangguanxue in a panic.

But, no matter how she knocked, shouted.

Always no response.

Immediately, Shangguan Wan'er felt something was wrong, so she pushed the door open and entered.

In the room, the windows are wide open.

A cool breeze swept through.

The white curtains fluttered gently, moving with the wind.

Looking at the bed again, there is still Shangguan Xue's figure.

"What's the matter, Xueer?"

"Where will she go at night?"

Shangguan Wan'er felt that all this was too bizarre, just as she was leaving Shangguan Xue's house.

The scenery in front of him has already undergone earth-shaking changes.

All around, there are no houses, no lights, just a road with no end in sight.

However, on this road, there are rows of faint footprints, as if countless people have just walked by.

At the first moment, Shangguan Wan'er judged that she had bumped into something evil.

People always have an inexplicable fear when facing the unknown.

If she encountered a killer, she wouldn't be so panicked.

"Is what Lin Chen said true?"

Even though Shangguan Wan'er didn't believe in ghosts and gods anymore, everything in front of her made her believe that maybe something weird happened to her.

However, the reason why Shangguan Xue disappeared was probably because he was deeply hurt by it.

"By the way, I still have this."

At this time, Shangguan Wan'er fumbled for a spell from her pocket, her eyes were full of prayers, she only hoped that this spell would work as Lin Chen said.

next moment.

She bit her finger and dripped blood on the talisman.

Soon, the spell glowed.

The surrounding scenery changed again.

Revert to the previous scene where she left Shangguan Xue's room.

At this moment, she no longer believed in Lin Chen's words.

The villa is indeed haunted.

Afterwards, she sent bodyguards from Shangguan's house to search for traces of Shangguan Xue.

at the same time.

An anxious old figure was also walking around.

"Master Yu, we searched all over the villa, but we didn't find Miss Yu either!"

A waiter said helplessly.

Therefore, the waiter is the one who issued keys to Lin Chen and others during the day.

However, the old man known as Mr. Yu is also Yu Qingtian who has a good relationship with Mr. Chen.

"Find it for me!"

"My granddaughter is so big and alive, she just went out for a walk, how could she disappear?"

Yu Qingtian roared angrily, as if he was very dissatisfied with the waiter's attitude.

"Let me tell you, if my granddaughter makes any mistakes, your villa will be fully responsible!"

The more Yu Qingtian spoke, the louder his voice became, so that he attracted Shangguan Wan'er who was also looking for someone not far away.

"Old man, your granddaughter is also missing?"

Yu Qingtian didn't know Shangguan Wan'er, so he sighed and said: "Yes, my granddaughter Yu Qianqian said she couldn't sleep, so she went out for a walk, but I waited and waited, but she didn't come back."

"I just went out to search around, and found that there is no sign of her in the villa. Where do you think she can go!"

Shangguan Wan'er shook her head: "My friend has also been missing for some time, how about this, you come with me, and we will watch the surveillance together."

"That would be great, thank you lady." Yu Qingtian cupped his hands.

In this way, a group of people rushed to the monitoring room.

It was discovered that not long ago, Yu Qianqian was indeed walking, but the appearance of walking was quite strange.

Her eyes were blurred, talking and laughing, as if someone was making her happy.

Then, she traveled all the way until she escaped from the monitoring screen.

"Do you think this villa is normal?"

Shangguan Wan'er said solemnly.

The reason why she chose this place for the selection competition was actually her second uncle's special request.

At first, she didn't care about it, it was just a residence, no matter where it was different, but now, all kinds of strange things prove that there seems to be a big weirdness in this villa.

And her second uncle, as the site selector, wouldn't he know that this villa is weird?

"Miss, what do you mean..."

Yu Qingtian looked solemn.

"This place is haunted."

After Shangguan Wan'er finished speaking, she was thinking about the purpose of her second uncle choosing this place.

A few bodyguards ran in from the door, panting: "Report to Miss Shangguan, we searched around the villa twice, but we still haven't found Miss Shangguan Xue."


In the monitoring room, everyone was shocked.

Especially Yu Qingtian said in disbelief: "You, you are Miss Shangguan Wan'er?"

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