Overnight Success

Chapter 65 Party

"What happened yesterday, I think with Mr. Lin's skill, it can be seen that there is something wrong with Yoshida Kakyu."

Chen Wenbin's eyes sank.

"You mean Yoshida Kakyu shot and killed the poisoned old man in the end?"

Lin Chen asked nonchalantly.

"That's just one thing, to be honest with Mr. Lin, ever since I took office as the governor of Yunhuai, whenever I went to check for clues about the Lin family back then, I stopped as soon as I got a clue, and the people in Yunhuai City who have this ability, except Yoshida Kakyu I can't think of anyone else!"

Speaking of this, Chen Wenbin paused, and continued: "So I want to ask Mr. Lin to take down the leader of the law enforcers. In this way, you and I will cooperate to investigate the Lin family's affairs together."

"But I don't care about the Lin family's affairs. Why should I help you?" Lin Chen said without changing his face.

"Mr. Lin, I have already investigated. You were not an orphan when you were young. Although you are now adopted by your adoptive parents, don't you wonder about your own life experience?"

Chen Wenbin is persuasive.

"So, Dudu Chen thinks that I have something to do with that Lin family?"

Lin Chen said noncommittally.

"At least, I haven't heard of anyone surnamed Lin in Yunhuai City for fifteen years, not to mention your age is very consistent with the time when the Lin family was destroyed."

Chen Wenbin fixed his eyes on Lin Chen.

However, Lin Chen still had a calm face: "Chen Dudu is really sorry, I don't have big ambitions, I just want to live a good life with my wife, I don't care about your affairs, and I don't want to participate."

Hearing this, Chen Wenbin was momentarily at a loss for words, and his eyes were a little disappointed. Biqu library

"Chen Dudu, I would like to trouble you for making this trip in vain, but Mr. Lin will keep in mind what happened today. If something happens in the future, as long as Mr. Lin can do what he can, he will naturally help."

Lin Chen said calmly.

Chen Wenbin sighed: "There is nothing to be ashamed of, but I hope Mr. Lin will consider this proposal more. This is my business card. Call me anytime if you have anything to do."

While speaking, the staff at the side had already handed the business card to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen smiled and took it immediately.

"Then I'll take my leave first, and Mr. Lin just stay."

After the words fell, Chen Wenbin sighed in his heart, then turned and left.

Just as Chen Wenbin left, Su Qingcheng walked in.

"Lin Chen, how many things have you been hiding from me?"

Seeing Lin Chen's appearance, Su Qingcheng pouted and hummed: "When did you know Chen Dudu? Hurry up and tell the truth."

"Just met yesterday."

Lin Chen answered honestly.

Su Qing

Cheng rolled his eyes: "I believe you are a ghost, you just met him, and he came to rescue you?"

Lin Chen: "..."

Why does my wife never believe me when I tell the truth?

Could it be that women like deceiving lies?

"By the way, I just heard that Xu Fanru said that the demise of the Xu family has something to do with you, is it true or not?"

Su Qingcheng's beautiful eyes flickered: "I never asked you, how did you rescue me that day!"

"Wife, do you want to hear the truth?"

Lin Chen's tone was unprecedentedly serious.

Su Qingcheng clenched her small hands tightly and nodded nervously.

Just when Lin Chen was about to speak.

Suddenly, the phone rang.

Lin Chen opened it, and the screen displayed the adoptive mother, that is, Tang Ya's mother.

In this regard, Lin Chen immediately answered the channel: "Mom, what's the matter? Is it because the medicine is not enough, I will buy it for you if it is not enough."

No matter how Tang Ya treated him, he always regarded his adoptive parents as his parents.

"Xiaochen, the medicine is still enough, I'm calling you, I have something to ask you!"

The adoptive mother said slowly: "A man came to the house just now and drove your sister away. He said it was a class reunion. She is young. I am afraid that she will learn bad things by being with dubious people. I want you to go with her." , to take care of her."

Hearing this, Lin Chen hesitated slightly, and said, "Mom, don't worry, I will take care of her."

"With you to accompany her, I feel at ease. I know you are busy with work, but remember to go home and have a look when you have time. Your father also misses you."

"Mom, I see. I'll go back when I have time. You should pay attention to your health."

After speaking, Lin Chen hung up the phone.

"My wife has something to do, I may have to go out for a while."

As Lin Chen said, his fingers accidentally slipped to WeChat Moments.

The first one was sent by Tang Ya, with a picture attached below.

In the picture is a group photo of her and Ma Fei in the Shengshi Hotel. Looking at it this way, the person who drove her to leave must be Ma Fei.

After what happened last time, he thought Tang Ya would choose to break up, but he didn't expect...


The poor adoptive mother is still worried about her safety, but she doesn't know that she has given her body long ago, and she is still complacent.

"Okay, then you pay attention to safety."

Seeing Lin Chen frowned slightly, Su Qingcheng nodded, but did not continue to ask about the Xu family.


Grand Hotel.

At 11 am, Lin Chen arrived here by taxi.

As soon as he arrived at the door, Lin Chen saw Tang Ya was looking at him with resentment and said:

"What kind of ecstasy soup did you pour into my mother? Why, you have to control me wherever I go."

Ten minutes ago, she received a call from her mother, the main content was that Lin Chen would accompany her to the class reunion and asked her to pick up Lin Chen at the hotel entrance.

Tang Ya was very upset about this, so why did she ask him to follow suit? Isn't this a disappointment!

"You think I'm willing to take care of you?"

Lin Chen asked back.

He has a lot of things going on recently, if his adoptive mother didn't call him, he wouldn't bother to talk to Tang Ya at all.

Tang Ya snorted, and then took a look at Lin Chen's attire.

Feeling more and more upset.

If this guy drives the Ferrari from last time and dresses up a bit more expensively, she will be able to save face, and she doesn't even mind saving the relationship.

But this guy is fine, dressed like a dick, isn't this going to embarrass her and make people laugh?

At this time, Ma Fei came out from the hotel and shouted: "Yaya, everyone is here, who are you waiting for?"

The four eyes are facing each other.

Ma Fei's eyes instantly darkened.

"Why is he here?"

"It's not my mother, I have to let him follow, forget it, if he wants to follow, just follow!"

Tang Ya didn't even want to take another look at Lin Chen, she took Ma Fei's hand, turned her head and went upstairs.

In this regard, Lin Chen shook his head, and then glanced at the pool beside him from the corner of his eye, and couldn't help smiling.

This Sheng Yijing is quite obedient.

Immediately, he also stepped upstairs and entered the 301 box.

Maybe even Lin Chen didn't notice it, but when he just entered the box, Sheng Yijing just passed by from the third floor and happened to see his profile.

During Setsuna, Sheng Yijing was overjoyed.

At the Su family's banquet last time, since he built the pool under Lin Chen's guidance, his career seemed to have a second spring. These two days were obviously not rest days, but the number of visitors surged again.

Most importantly, his body has also improved greatly, and the hotel is no longer hot as before.

If things go on like this, Shengshi Hotel may not have the capital to compete for the number one hotel in Yunhuai City.

All thanks to Lin Chen.

But he was too busy recently, and he really couldn't get away to thank Lin Chen. Now he didn't expect that Lin Chen came to his hotel for dinner.

This has to be a treat.

Sheng Yijing hurriedly said excitedly to the floor manager: "Send someone to guard box 301 and not allow anyone to disturb you."

"There is a guest I respect very much in this box, you immediately prepare the best red wine, and ask the back kitchen to cook some local dishes for him."

"I'll visit him as soon as possible after I finish handling the trivial matters at hand!"

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