Overnight Success

Chapter 601: Chasing Corpses To Death

Then, under the gaze of everyone, Ku Lao twitched all over, and the corner of his mouth began to spit out black blood uncontrollably.

Soon he was poisoned and died, completely dead.

Seeing the old man dying, Shangguan Leng's face was very ugly, she looked at Luo Wanqiu and said gloomyly: "We have no end to this debt!"

at the same time.

Because the movement here was too noisy, the other guests staying in the guest rooms in the hall said impatiently: "Who doesn't sleep at night, why are you making noise here?"

"Ma De, if you continue to make noise, believe it or not, I will come out and give you a good education."


At this moment, Luo Wanqiu took a deep look at Lin Chen, and immediately ran out without saying a word.

After just now, he judged that this person's strength should not be underestimated, and continuing to fight would only be more unfavorable to him.

"Run? Have I agreed?"

Lin Chen sneered and immediately chased after him.

The moon is shining brightly.

The breeze was blowing.

Outside the door of the guild hall, two figures, one in front and one behind, were rushing out quickly.

It was Luo Wanqiu and Lin Chen.

For about a moment.

Luo Wanqiu, who was in front, was out of breath, and immediately found an open space, pinched his waist, and took a deep breath.

Because he found that no matter how he ran, he still couldn't get rid of Lin Chen's pursuit. Reading La

"Why, can't you run anymore?"

"You don't have enough physical strength either!"

Lin Chen walked up to Luo Wanqiu and smiled jokingly.

"Boy, do you think I'm really afraid of you?"

Hearing the ridicule in Lin Chen's words, Luo Wanqiu said angrily: "It really drove me into a hurry, and you can't bear to walk around."

"I'm sorry, but you don't have the strength."

Lin Chen chuckled and said indifferently.


Luo Wanqiu was angry, pointed at Lin Chen, and was about to continue speaking.

Unexpectedly, Lin Chen smiled coldly: "If you have any last words, just say it, tonight, this is your graveyard!"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Chen rolled up murderous intent all over his body, locking Luo Wanqiu away.

For him, he has always hated the Miaojiang people, and always killed one when he met one, and killed the other when he met a pair, leaving no one alive.

"Boy, you are too arrogant!"

"Who will die is unknown, I will take your life to avenge the patriarch tonight!"

Luo Wanqiu only felt that he was being seriously insulted, and immediately roared, raised his fist and smashed Lin Chen's face.

This punch, compared to before, has more internal strength.

As soon as it was swung, there was a strong wind and the sound of piercing the sky.


Lin Chen smiled contemptuously.

Seeing that Luo Wanqiu's fist also contained a strong poison, he waved his hand, and a wave of air was released.

He directly knocked Luo Wanqiu back to the ground, and fell into a mess.

"If you have any real skills, just use it, or it's time for me to send you to hell and be with your patriarch."

Lin Chen stood with his hands behind his back, and said calmly.

"Boy, I know that you are not weak, and you are arrogant, but because of this, you will pay for your ego!"

Luo Wanqiu sneered and said, "Do you know why I chose such a place to attract you here?"

"Today, I will let you see what is the leader of the dead corpse!"


Luo Wanqiu bit his finger, dripped blood onto the ground, and then formed seals suddenly, chanting a series of jerky spells.

next moment.

The ground shakes.

Accompanied by bursts of blue smoke, large pale hands broke through the ground.


Zombies emerged from the ground one by one, lined up, and scratched at Lin Chen.

See this scene.

Luo Wanqiu laughed loudly: "Lin Chen, this is my army of corpses, you can enjoy it tonight!"

"I didn't realize that you still have the ability to hide an army of zombies underground in advance."

Lin Chen frowned slightly.

It has to be said that Luo Wanqiu's move was indeed beyond his expectation.

He also has some understanding of Miao Jiang's sorcery. As the name suggests, expelling corpses is to create an army of zombies to work for the spellcaster.

Compared with the Miaojiang evil masters fighting alone in the past, the person who drove the corpse was more like fighting with thousands of troops.

"I would like to remind you that these zombies are covered with poisonous poison, as long as you touch it, you will be beaten to death just like that old man."

Luo Wanqiu said proudly, the corners of his mouth couldn't restrain himself from rising.

It can be seen that Lin Chen is already like a dead person in his eyes.


Regarding this, Lin Chen's mouth twitched: "Luo Wanqiu, do you really think that this mere trick can solve me?"

"Let me also advise you, do you have any other tricks, just use them all, otherwise I'm afraid you will never have the chance to use them again."

"You're still uttering wild words when you're about to die!" Luo Wanqiu yelled violently, "Go ahead, tear this kid into pieces!"

Immediately afterwards.

This zombie army opened its bloody mouth and directly surrounded Lin Chen.

However, just when Luo Wanqiu thought that Lin Chen was about to die in the mouth of zombies.

A golden light suddenly appeared.

Following this, the ace zombie army he painstakingly cultivated was gradually reduced to ashes under the golden light.


Shocking screams came from the mouths of the zombies.

Luo Wanqiu even spat out a mouthful of blood, and suffered backlash.

"What's the situation? My ace army!"

Luo Wanqiu let out a loud cry with grief on his face.

"A mere evil thing, dare to come out and make trouble? I'll send you to reincarnation!"

Bathed in the golden light, Lin Chen slowly walked towards Luo Wanqiu, and all the nearby zombies were turned into piles of ashes, blown away by the wind.

However, upon hearing this sentence, Luo Wanqiu looked up.

In an instant, a pair of eyes were filled with extreme fear.

The scalp can't help but tingle.

Visible to the naked eye, the golden light converged into the divine beast Qilin, hovering over Lin Chen, looking down at him from a height.

It seemed that he was about to be judged at any time.

At this moment, Luo Wanqiu no longer had the courage to resist, and his heart had long since buried Qianming's scolding blood on his head.

"No wonder this guy sent him Gu worms to beg him to take action. After a long time, the other party is so powerful!"

"Now, he was killed by Zan Qianming!"

Luo Wanqiu groaned inwardly, so he could only step on his weak legs and run as far away as possible.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing this, Lin Chen still walked slowly, letting Luo Wanqiu run away desperately.

But then, a scene that made Luo Wanqiu terrified appeared.

No matter how he ran, he still couldn't distance himself from Lin Chen.

It was as if he had been standing still.

"What's going on, what's going on here?"

Luo Wanqiu was shocked.

"This space of yours has been locked by me, so even if you exert all your strength, you can only circle around in place."

Lin Chen said lightly.

This trick, which he has recently comprehended, is called space blockade.

The main thing is to use aura to lock a short-distance space, and people in this space can't escape no matter what.

However, with his current ability, the limit distance he can perform this trick is to control it within a hundred meters.

Once the distance between the two exceeds 100 meters, or the strength of the opponent far exceeds him, then this trick will fail.

"As long as you tell me what you have learned about the high priest, I will give you a happy time!"

Lin Chen came in front of Luo Wanqiu, and the strong coercion forced Luo Wanqiu to kneel down.

"I...I don't understand...what are you talking about..."

Luo Wanqiu said tremblingly.

"Well, that's a pity."

Lin Chen shook his head, grabbed Luo Wanqiu's hair, and slammed it to the ground.

"Bang bang bang..."

Luo Wanqiu was picked up again and again by Lin Chen, and at the same time he smashed the ground into a human-shaped pit, all the bones in his body were cracked and broken.

The whole face was bloody and bloody, and there was no human appearance at all.

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