Overnight Success

Chapter 627 Hidden Dangers In Liulixin, New Layout

Qingxuan raised his eyes and found that the person who stopped him was Lin Chen.

Suddenly, she was slightly puzzled, and asked in a deep voice: "Lin Chen, are you...?"

Lin Chen explained:

"This demon's nature is not bad. At the critical moment, he still knows how to protect the master. Even if he follows the wrong person, he should be trained well. In time, it will be a great help."

"And, I promised its sister that one day I will rescue him."

Hearing this, Qingxuan took a deep breath: "Lin Chen, there are two ways of being a monster and a monster. If you insist on keeping it, I won't say much, but killing it can prevent future troubles."

"Don't worry, I have my own measure."

Seeing what Lin Chen said, Qingxuan put away Qingfeng, then set his eyes on Su Qingcheng, and then walked over step by step, "Miss, can you let me have a look?"

Regarding this, Su Qingcheng couldn't figure it out, so she nodded and followed suit.

Feeling the aura released by Su Qingcheng, Qingxuan frowned, and his expression became more serious than ever: "It really is the aura of Liulixin."

"What's the meaning?"

At this moment, Lin Chen asked.

"Liu Li Wugou, the way of a saint."

As Qingxuan said, he turned to Lin Chen and said, "Lin Chen, is it true that no matter how hard your wife cultivates, is she still unable to break through her realm?"

Upon hearing this, Lin Chen's eyes narrowed, and he said, "That's right, how did you know?" kΑnshuwu.ξa

"It's not that I know, but I've read the records about Liulixin."

"My master once said that a person with a glass heart is born with ten seals, and these ten seals correspond to the three souls and seven souls of a person. Once they are completely released, the person with a glass heart will forget everything and achieve the way of a saint. "

When Qingxuan said this, his tone was persuasive: "Lin Chen, I think your wife has already detached herself. Although it is harmless, it is still within the controllable range, but if you don't want one day in the future, your wife will become the woman you are most familiar with. stranger, I suggest that you let her practice as little as possible."

"However, this move is not a long-term solution. After all, once the Glazed Heart is awakened, even if you don't want to deliberately cultivate, you will continue to absorb the spiritual energy from the world."

Hearing the word Reiki, Lin Chen was surprised: "Do you still know Reiki?"

For a long time, the aura has been mysterious and mysterious, and ordinary martial arts practitioners can't touch it at all. Only he, as an immortal cultivator, can absorb and mobilize it and transform it into a sharp weapon to kill the enemy.

But right now, Qingxuan knows aura, how can this not surprise him.

"Don't be surprised, you are not the only immortal cultivator in this world. My master is also an immortal cultivator, but he is not from the same line as you."

Qingxuan continued: "Master said that this world used to be a realm of cultivating immortals as early as in ancient times. It was only after the great destruction, lack of spiritual energy, and the fall of cultivators that it became what it is now."

"But, just because this place was once glorious enough, there are still many secret methods of cultivating immortals that have been handed down and scattered all over the world."

"Actually, I didn't realize that you were a cultivator at the beginning. It wasn't until you unleashed that flaming long sword that I realized that the aura on your body is so similar to my master."

After Qingxuan finished speaking, Lin Chen also came back to his senses.

Just now, his mind has been stuck in the three words Qingxuan said, the big shattering. When he mentions this, he thinks of the picture he saw from the black and golden triangle he picked up in the mysterious island.

Dark shadows are everywhere, the sky is gray, and everything seems to wither.

Could it be that the scene recorded by this object is the Great Destruction in the ancient times?

Thinking of this, Lin Chen simply shook his head, and didn't intend to delve into it.

After all, the ancient times were too far away from here, but the only thing that disturbed him was that the group of black shadows, like outsiders, carried the meaning of destruction and devouring, enough to make people creepy, I don’t know if the ancient sages completely wiped them out .

"By the way, what's your master's name?"

"Can you arrange for him to meet with me? There are some things I want to discuss with him."

Lin Chen asked.

For Master Qingxuan, who is also a cultivator of immortals, at this moment, he felt a strong curiosity.

"Master's Taoist name is Wuchen, but he is an old man who can't see his head and tail. I haven't seen him in the past year."

As Qingxuan said, he took out a green leaf-shaped pendant and handed it to Su Qingcheng.

"Master once left a message, if one day you see someone with a glass heart, you should give this thing to her. It is said that it can cover your breath to a certain extent and prevent you from being harmed by evil people."

"Since ancient times, people with a glazed heart have been the same as people with an exquisite heart. It is rare to meet in a thousand years. It is said that whoever can swallow the two will be transcended and live forever. If you can get one of them, you will be invincible in the world!"

"So, Miss Su must protect herself."

After Qingxuan finished speaking, he greeted the two of them and left directly.

At the beginning, when she went here, she felt the aura of Liuli Xin. She wanted to find it and take it back to the teacher's school for protection, but when she found out that Lin Chen was also a cultivator, she immediately changed her mind.

The master's gate is not a safe place. Compared with going back there, it is undoubtedly the most secure to be with the cultivator.

Seeing the back of Qingxuan leaving, Su Qingcheng held the pendant in the palm of his hand, recalling what Qingxuan said just now, he couldn't help but lower his expression and said: "Honey, you say that I won't really not know you in the future, right... ..."

"Silly girl, what are you thinking? With me here, I will never let that happen."

Lin Chen rubbed her head and comforted her.

"My lord, thank you for your mercy, the little demon is grateful here."

At this moment, the feminine young man knelt down on the ground and said sincerely.

"I also look at your sister's face."

"Your sister, in a place called Piaomiao Village, go there, and you will know if I lied to you."

Hearing Lin Chen's words, the feminine young man was even more grateful and knelt down to thank him.

"You don't have to be so grateful to me. If you want me to know that one day you will do a lot of evil, even if you escape to the cape of Tianya, I will kill you!"

After Lin Chen said this, he stretched out a hand to hold Su Qingcheng, and walked down the mountain.


the other side.

After the Eyeless Taoist priest fled with serious injuries, he came to a private stronghold.

Here, Rose's face was livid, and he gritted his teeth: "You trash, you can't handle such a little thing for you?"

"Didn't you say that your strange art is the best in the world, more than enough to deal with Lin Chen?"

"Why are you losing so embarrassingly now?"

Originally thinking of getting things done, Ross could hear the good news that Lin Chen had been killed, but he didn't expect to be defeated by Wuyan Dao!

At the moment, Ross wished he could slap Wuyan to death with his palm, he is really a waste who has done more than failed!

"Speaker Ross, I was indeed defeated in this battle, but please don't speak so harshly."

The head of the Wuyan Taoist said with an ugly face: "Lin Chen destroyed several ghost caves I built, and even lost five subordinates. From now on, I will be at odds with him."

"So, even if you don't want to cooperate with me, I will kill Lin Chen!"

"Hmph!" Ross said disdainfully, "It's up to you?"

"Do you think you will be Lin Chen's opponent?"

"This time, I overestimated myself and underestimated Lin Chen. However, my senior sister sent me a message a few days ago that the largest underworld cave is about to be completed. At that time, I just need to use a little trick to let Lin Chen enter there. At that time, my senior sister and I will cooperate with each other." Take the shot, he will die!"

After uttering this sentence, Taoist Priest Wuyan's eyes were filled with strong hostility.

Obviously, he was aggrieved by losing this battle.

"Okay, then I wish you success, don't waste my last patience."

Ross snorted coldly, and left here immediately. He wanted to report the latest situation to Mr. Boss as soon as possible.

This Lin Chen, whose strength is beyond imagination, must be listed on the number one kill list.

He was worried that even if Wu Yan joined forces with his senior sister, he might not be Lin Chen's opponent.


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