As soon as this statement came out.

The atmosphere instantly became tense.

Xie Fangtian's complexion changed drastically, and he was sweating profusely on his forehead.

And Shangguan Tongshi couldn't help shouting: "Boy, don't spit blood!"

"Have I ever sent someone to tamper with my elder brother?"

Hearing this, Lin Chen glanced at him and said hehe, "I told you, did you do it?"

"Patriarch of the family, you are not asking yourself, are you?"

"You..." Shangguan Tongshi blushed and calmed down quickly.

Otherwise, if this continues, he will only show more and more false feet.

"Shangguan ruled the world and you killed my father?"

Shangguan Wan'er's eyes were scarlet, and she asked Shangguan Tongshi forcefully.

If someone could take advantage of his father's retreat and do something to him, then Shangguan Tongshi is definitely the most likely suspect!

"Nonsense!" Shangguan Tongshi pretended to be calm and said: "You say that I harmed my eldest brother, you better show me evidence, otherwise I can sue you for defamation!"

"That's right, I've been in the business for 20 years, but I haven't seen anyone taking the initiative to tomorrow's family. How did you see it, kid?"

Seeing this, Xie Fangtian also echoed, "I think you're just talking nonsense, and you want to put the blame on us."

"Of course you won't see that someone has tampered with tomorrow, because you are a participant!"

Lin Chen's voice was cold, and he continued: "You two don't need to worry, the truth will be revealed soon."

next moment.

Lin Chen came directly to Shangguan tomorrow.

During the period, Xie Fangtian wanted to stop him, but was knocked back to the ground by an invisible air current from Lin Chen.


Lin Chen reached out and tapped Shangguan Mingming's forehead quickly, then swung three silver needles and pierced several acupuncture points on his face.

When the three silver needles were inserted, Shangguan's complexion suddenly became miserable tomorrow.

The whole person kept twitching, as if something was about to break through the ground on his forehead.

Lin Chen kept his fingers, and swiped out several silver needles one after another, piercing the important acupuncture points on Shangguan Mingming's brain one by one.

There are nine needles in total, and the needle application process is smooth and smooth without delay.

Seeing this, even Xie Fangtian couldn't help but widen his eyes. To be called a miracle doctor undoubtedly shows that he has excellent understanding of medical skills.

but now

Now, he was still shocked by Lin Chen's acupuncture technique.

Not long after.

Shangguan's body twitched even more violently tomorrow.

Visible to the naked eye, a raised pustule slowly appeared on Shangguan tomorrow's forehead.

See this scene.

Everyone quickly stepped forward and found that there seemed to be a living creature wriggling in the pustule.

Setsuna, everyone was shocked.

His face was full of strong doubts.

"Little friend Lin, what is this?"

Wang Xionglie couldn't help asking.

He has also dealt with many medical masters, but it is indeed the first time he has seen such a chic and pleasing acupuncture technique as Lin Chen.

Therefore, he was a little more curious about the young man in front of him.

No wonder Shangguan Wan'er would rather die than marry his son, this young man does have some abilities.

Lin Chen did not answer Wang Xionglie's doubts, but took a silver needle and gently pierced the pustules.

next second.

Pustules burst open.

As a large amount of pus leaked out, a small bug about the size of a grain of rice was slowly crawling out.

"That's it."

Lin Chen said.

"Bugs? Why will there be bugs in the Patriarch's brain tomorrow?"

Wang Xionglie said in surprise.

"This is not an ordinary worm, to be precise, it should be a Gu worm."

Lin Chen sneered.

"Gu worm?"

Shangguan Wan'er seemed to have thought of something, and asked, "Is it the kind of evil insect that controls people's thinking and consciousness?"

Lin Chen nodded: "This Gu worm lives in your father's brain and feeds on his brain cells. It is also because of its influence that your father cannot wake up."

"The so-called cultivation obsession, suffering backlash, and causing old wounds are nothing but lies."

Speaking of this, Lin Chen stretched out his hand to pick up the Gu worm, and squeezed it hard.

In an instant, the Gu worm exploded into a cloud of blood mist.

The smell of blood filled the whole house.

It's hard to imagine that this little Gu worm can carry such a huge amount of blood energy.

"I don't know who gave this bug to tomorrow's Patriarch."

"It's really a heinous crime!"

Wang Xionglie's eyes were not friendly.

"Patriarch Wang, the person who played Gu, this is already obvious."

Lin Chen chuckled.

"Ah?" Wang Xionglie was taken aback.

"Since we want to see tomorrow's home

When the master, a certain person kept refusing, and after we came in, Dr. Xie prevented us from approaching tomorrow's master. You said that if these two people don't have ghosts in their hearts, why should they cover it up? "

Lin Chen said leisurely.

"Boy, don't spout blood!"

"We stopped you for the sake of my elder brother's health!"

Shangguan Tongshi said in a panic.

"That's right, don't beat me up. As a doctor, I have treated countless patients. How could I do such a nasty thing!"

Xie Fangtian also hurriedly said.

"Besides, my elder brother has a high level of cultivation. If I want to cast a Gu on him, I must have this strength."

"Boy, I know you don't deal with me because of Wan'er, but you don't need to label me like this, do you?"

Shangguan Tongshi snorted coldly.

"I really don't cry without seeing the coffin."

Lin Chen glanced at the two of them, "Since you are stubborn, wait until the Patriarch wakes up tomorrow, and everything will come to light."

Hearing Lin Chen's words, the expressions of the two of them became unstable immediately.

They didn't expect that Lin Chen not only had the ability to catch the Gu worms, but could also save Shangguan Mingming who was on the verge of brain death after being devoured by the Gu worms.


This is absolutely impossible!

Especially Xie Fangtian, the reason why he helped Shangguan rule the world was because he was sure that no one could save Shangguan tomorrow, so he dared to gamble his career and make a transaction that violated medical ethics.

But now, hearing that Lin Chen can save Shangguan tomorrow, why isn't he afraid?

Thinking of this, Xie Fangtian's heart jumped into his throat.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Chen activated the spiritual energy and poured it into Shangguan tomorrow's mind through the silver needle.

In an instant, the brain cells lost by Shangguan tomorrow were recovering at an alarming speed.

Not long after, under the gaze of everyone, Shangguan Mingming's eyelids moved, his face became rosy, and he, who had been in a coma for several days, opened his eyes slowly.


Everyone's eyes are full of disbelief.

Shangguan Wan'er even rushed to the bedside immediately, with tears in her eyes, she held her father's palm and burst into tears.

"Wan'er doesn't cry..."

Shangguan glanced around in a daze tomorrow, and said weakly.


Shangguan Wan'er burst into tears.

However, at this time, Lin Chen suddenly shouted: "Shangguan Tongshi, you are courting death!"

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