Overnight Success

Chapter 75 Little Tricks Are Not Enough

Seeing this scene, everyone looked at Lin Chen with disbelief.

This man is crazy!

How dare he do anything to the young master of the Yun family!

Xiao Wanyu was also stunned for a while, and then she looked into Lin Chen's beautiful eyes, and there was a wave of fluctuation.

"Boy, what do you mean by fighting in my Xiao family?"

At this time, Xiao Kun glanced at Yun Zhongtian who was bleeding non-stop, and said in a cold voice.

However, Lin Chen didn't even look at him. Instead, he said loudly to the Xiao family: "Everyone, now that troublemaker is being slapped away by me, can you listen to me?"

Hearing this, everyone froze for a moment, not understanding what Lin Chen meant.

However, the fact that this person dared to hit the young master of the Yun family shows that his courage is not small. They might as well listen to what this kid can say!

next moment.

Lin Chen glanced around, and said lightly: "I just want to say one thing, you are a bunch of out-and-out idiots!"

The voice fell.

The hearts of the people set off monstrous anger!

I am Nima...

They thought this kid could say something useful, but in the end he humiliated them!

"Boy, who are you insulting!"

"In our Xiao family, you dare to be rampant, do you think your life is too long?"

"Come on, take off his limbs for me!"

Everyone said something to each other, looking at Lin Chen with undisguised indignation.

Xiao Wanyu was also surprised by Lin Chen's actions. She didn't understand what Lin Chen meant by saying this. Could it be for the sake of oral pleasure?

"Boy, if you dare to insult my Xiao family today, I will never forgive you!"

Just when Xiao Kun was planning to have Lin Chen executed.

Xiao Wanyu took a step forward, and said coldly: "Mr. Lin was invited by me, you can try to touch him!"


Seeing Xiao Wanyu against him for an outsider, Xiao Kun's face turned ashen.

"Stop making noise."

Lin Chen put his eyes on Master Hao, and said lightly: "To say you are idiots is to flatter you. After a long time, no one will find out that he is a liar?"

"Boy, you

Blood spurting people! "

Master Hao's face changed slightly, and he immediately refuted.

"Master Hao, with this little trick of yours, you can fool others but not me."

Lin Chen put one hand in his pocket, and a sharp light burst out from his eyes: "I think you know the reason why the old man's illness came about!"

"What do you mean?" Master Hao said in a deep voice.

"Whether it's a so-called ghost or a spell that bleeds, it's just a cover-up you have used." Biqukuku

Lin Chen said slowly: "And the reason why you can seamlessly use this deception to confuse people's hearts is entirely due to the formation you designed when you built this house."

"If I'm not mistaken, there should be a wall clock in this house!"

Hearing this, Xiao Wanyu said: "That's right, that wall clock has been hanging in the hall since Grandpa moved in, is there any problem?"

"Of course there are problems."

Lin Chen said with a loud laugh: "You send someone to fetch it, let me tell you how stupid your previous behavior was, to regard a liar as a master."

"You..." Xiao Kun blushed angrily and had a thick neck.

As the young master of the Xiao family, how could he feel comfortable being called an idiot by everyone.

However, there is indeed something wrong with Master Hao. Ever since he saw the old man's illness, he has never left their Xiao family's treasures in almost every word.

At first, because Yun Zhongtian invited him here, and because Master Hao spent a lot of effort in building this house, he didn't care about it, but now the more he thinks about it, the more strange he feels.

After all, since the old man lived here, his illness has become more and more serious day by day, far from the improvement that Master Hao said at the beginning.

At this time, a servant brought the wall clock.

Lin Chen took the wall clock, the corner of his mouth immediately raised, and sneered: "What's wrong with this wall clock?"

Reminded by Lin Chen, Xiao Wanyu frowned: "The hour and minute hands of this clock are both pointing to the nine o'clock position. No matter how the second hand moves, the hour and minute hands have not changed."


Quite weird.

"That's right." Lin Chen nodded: "It's not surprising, the hour and minute hands are engraved with the characters of the old man's birthday, right?"

"Yes, this is indeed the horoscope of grandpa's birthday."

Xiao Wanyu said coldly.

"It's nonsense. Even if the old man's birthday is engraved on this wall clock, it has nothing to do with me."

Seeing that the situation is not good, Master Hao said forcefully.

"Of course it has something to do with it, because the formation in the courtyard echoes the wall clock. The reason why the old man can see ghosts but others can't is because the formation is only targeting old man Xiao."

Lin Chen jokingly said: "It doesn't matter if you don't admit it, as long as the formation is broken, the old man will wake up, and the key to breaking the formation is a drop of your blood."

Hearing this, Master Hao's expression changed drastically.

"I still have something to do, let's go first."

After saying this, Master Hao immediately ran out the door.

Unexpectedly, two silver needles flew by and penetrated Master Hao's knees in the blink of an eye.


Master Hao let out a scream and fell to the ground in an instant.

"Could it be that Master Hao has a ghost in his heart, so he wants to leave in such a hurry?"

Lin Chen smiled coldly.

Immediately afterwards, he picked up the wall clock and threw it viciously at Master Hao's knee.


As the wall clock shattered, Master Hao's knees were bleeding. When the blood dripped on the dial, Mr. Xiao, who had been in a coma, woke up faintly.


Seeing that Mr. Xiao woke up, Xiao Wanyu immediately rushed to him with tears streaming down his face.

In contrast, the expressions of the Xiao family members are different, some are happy, some are sad...

Of course, the one with the ugliest face was Xiao Kun, and then he cast a vicious glance at Yun Zhongtian who was slowly climbing up from the pit.

Then he took a big step and kicked Yun Zhongtian directly.

This made Yun Zhongtian, who was already in great pain, feel worse. He didn't even have time to cry, and passed out on the spot.

Master Hao was hired by Yun Zhongtian, and Yun Zhongtian was hired by him. Looking at it this way, from beginning to end, he was the biggest idiot!

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