Overnight Success

Chapter 650 White Jade Buddha Statue

Regarding this, Shangguan Wan'er said solemnly: "No one knows the real name of Master Xing, but he is indeed a living legend."

"This man is unrestrained and erratic. Because he often drinks heavily, his colleagues call him an old alcoholic."

"Every year in the Martial Arts Competition, Master Xing is almost either late, or he just doesn't come."

Lin Chen was a little surprised: "But if he did this, wouldn't the four masters talk about him?"

"Of course I said it." Shangguan Wan'er shook her head: "It's just that Master Xing always listens to the left ear and the right ear, whether he should be late next time or be late. As time goes by, the four masters will not say more even if they are upset."

"By the way, you just said that he is a living legend. I don't know what to say?" Lin Chen asked.

"Although Master Xing is not very reliable in his work, he is still admired by the world and called a legend, mainly because he was one of the fighters who survived the Eight Kingdoms War against China."

Speaking of this, Shangguan Wan'er's tone was full of respect: "Besides, it is said that Master Xing's strength is as high as the sky, and the strength of one person is enough to beat the other four grandmasters together."

"A person of martial arts respects strength, Master Xing is the strongest, so no matter how unhappy the four masters are, they can't do anything about him."

"Is this person so strong?" Lin Chen was surprised.

"Mr. Lin, you are also very strong, haven't you heard about Master Xing's deeds?" Shangguan Wan'er asked curiously.

"Uh..." Lin Chen was speechless for a while.

Thinking that he has been staying in Yunhuai City, how could he know this, not to mention, if it is said that he has only been practicing for less than three months, I am afraid that everyone present will be shocked.

"Wan'er is right, Master Xing is indeed terrifyingly powerful."

At this time, Shangguan took over the conversation tomorrow: "At the beginning, when faced with this kind of occasion, Master Xing refused, but in the end it was a few old antiques who invited him out. After all, the martial arts world needs a paramount person like him."

The strong ones frighten all the strong ones. "

"But having said that, Master Xing was originally a soldier, and he didn't drink at all in the first half of his life. The reason why he often drinks heavily now is mainly because he lost his love in that battle. After returning, he drank all day and all night to numb himself. .”

Hearing this, Lin Chen's eyes flickered: "Unexpectedly, he is still an infatuated person. I like this character."

"According to the past, if Master Xing does not come, the game will be postponed, but I don't know this year..."

As soon as Shangguan Wan'er said this, Qing Lao got up and said to everyone: "Everyone, the time has come, I announce the official start of the competition."

"The Star Venerable couldn't come here because of something, in order to ensure the normal progress of the competition, we won't wait for him anymore."

The voice fell.

Suddenly, a slow voice sounded.

"Who said I was busy?"

next moment.

A drunk, long-haired man carrying a wine gourd, with a blushing complexion, was walking towards this side with three swaying steps.

Looking at this posture, everyone was afraid that he would fall to the ground in the next second.

"Master Xing!"

I don't know who yelled.

In the next second, everyone also saw the face of the visitor, and they were in awe.

At this moment, everyone stood up and saluted Master Xing.

It can be seen that Master Xing's prestige and status in the martial arts world.

On the one hand, it is his unparalleled absolute strength, on the other hand, he is the hero of the battle that year.

Lin Chen also looked towards him.

Look down.

Setsuna, Lin Chen narrowed his eyes.

Because when he looked at the dragon head pendant hanging on the man's neck, the fragment of the dragon seal contained in the mysterious triangle in his arms was trembling slightly, giving off a subtle sensation.

However, this change directly caught Lin Chen's attention.

Could it be that what this person is wearing is one of the fragments of the Dragon Seal?


I don't know if it's an illusion, Lin Chen just thinks that the star master seems to be

He glanced at him inadvertently.

But, shortly afterwards, he returned to his drunken appearance, barefoot, and matched with a beggar's clothes, like a beggar on the roadside.

Walking on the street, it is estimated that people are disgusted.

"Old Xing, since you're here, take your seat quickly."

The old man urged.

As for the other three, they didn't have a good face.

Master Xing smiled and shouted: "Here we come."

Then, he sat down on the chair, which made the chair rattle.

"How much to drink, what are you?"

The old man sighed slightly.

At this time, Lin Chen looked at the unkempt star master, and suddenly there was a sound in his ear: "Boy, after the game is over, don't leave, I have something to see you."

Lin Chen was slightly startled, then looked at Master Xing, and found that Master Xing was grinning at him.

Shangguan Wan'er was relatively close to Lin Chen. When she found Master Xing looking at Lin Chen, she couldn't help asking curiously: "Mr. Lin, do you know Master Xing?"

"do not know."

Lin Chen said.

"But why do I feel that he is looking at you?" Biquku

Shangguan Wan'er was puzzled.

"You really don't know him?"

Seeing Shangguan Wan'er's serious tone, Lin Chen felt dizzy for a moment, thinking that this woman's insight was too sharp.

Just when he wanted to make up a reason to prevaricate the past.

In front, the young and old shouted loudly: "Since everyone is here, I will announce the official start of this year's martial arts competition!"

"Papa papa—"

There was a burst of thunderous applause from the audience.

"Next, I invite the Lan family, the top family in the last martial arts competition, to hand in the white jade Buddha statue as a gift!"

In the Lan family's phalanx, a middle-aged man with a resolute complexion and an extraordinary bearing presented a half-meter-tall white jade Buddha statue.

Lin Chen glanced subconsciously, and his pupils shrank suddenly, as if he had discovered something strange.

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