Overnight Success

Chapter 658 I Want To Destroy Him, No One Can Stop Me

Almost instantly, Ouyang Shaofeng's two arms were pulled off by Lin Chen.



With two bloody arms falling to the ground, Ouyang Shaofeng almost fainted from the pain at this moment.


There was an uproar in the audience.

No one thought that Lin Chen would use such cruel methods to treat Ouyang Shaofeng.

No one thought that Ouyang Shaofeng, who was favored by everyone before the competition and was almost the top player in this competition, would be as weak as a chicken in Lin Chen's hands, with no room for resistance at all.


Ouyang Shaofeng continued to scream, his whole body seemed to be in pain.

"I...I admit..."

Just when Ouyang Shaofeng felt fear and was about to admit defeat.

Lin Chen suddenly kicked him in the mouth.


This kick immediately broke Ouyang Shaofeng's brow bone, the bridge of his nose collapsed, and two streams of blood flowed directly from his nostrils.

As for the teeth, more than a dozen were lost.

From the outside, the original face of a military doctor has long since disappeared.


Ouyang Shaofeng lay on the ground, the pain from the broken arm hadn't dissipated, and the pain on the face also came.

He wished that he would faint in this instant.

However, these external injuries were not enough to make him, a late stage powerhouse, fall into a coma.

A lot of pain accumulated together, Ouyang Shaofeng looked at Lin Chen who was walking towards him step by step, only horror and fear remained on his face. kΑnshuwu.ξa

He never dreamed that this person would be so powerful that he would be completely powerless to fight.

Suddenly, he felt that he, like a clown, kept provoking this person.

"Boy, stop it for me, my son has clearly surrendered!"

Under the stage, Ouyang Nan Feng finally couldn't sit still, and shouted directly.

However, in response to his scolding, Lin Chen remained expressionless, and responded: "Really?"

"But what about me, I only heard that I recognize two words?"

"It's because you were so cruel to my son that he didn't finish his sentence!" Ouyang Nan Feng's face was livid: "I advise you to stop in moderation, otherwise my Ouyang family will never let you go."

"Ha ha!"

Lin Chen sneered, "Patriarch Ouyang, this is a contest about who is the top martial arts family. Don't you think your threat is ridiculous?"

As he spoke, Lin Chen stepped on Ouyang Shaofeng's knee again.


There was a cracking sound.

Ouyang Shaofeng trembled all over, and let out another scream like killing a pig.


It can be seen with the naked eye that with Lin Chen's kick, one of Ouyang Shaofeng's knees was completely useless.

"Lin Chen!"

Seeing this scene, Ouyang Nan Feng was even more furious, his whole face was extremely ugly.

It never occurred to him that Lin Chen would dare to continue to touch his son in front of him.

Chapter 658 I want to abolish him, no one can stop [1/3 hand.

This is undoubtedly slapping him in the face!

Slap the entire Ouyang family in the face!

But, to Lin Chen, this is nothing at all!

The reason why he treated Ouyang Shaofeng so cruelly was, on the one hand, that this person was cruel to Shangguan Wan'er, and on the other hand, the Ouyang family was very likely to be involved in the extermination of the Lin family.

After all, they have a close relationship with the boss, and they will never be good people.

"Lin Chen, do you really want to make enemies with my Ouyang family?"

Ouyang Nan Feng's face was as gloomy as water, and he shouted in a deep voice.

"I said before that if his limbs are to be amputated today, even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu comes, it won't work, let alone you!"

Lin Chen's face was indifferent, and he stepped on it again.

"Click!" kanδんu5.net

Ouyang Shaofeng's last remaining limb was also completely crushed by Lin Chen.

At this time, Ouyang Shaofeng didn't call out, of course it wasn't that he couldn't feel the pain, but that the piercing pain had already made him numb, and he didn't even have the strength to call out again.


The audience gasped.

Facing the threat of Ouyang Nan Feng, the young people in front of them still dared to go their own way. I have to say that this courage alone is not comparable to them.

No wonder, Ouyang Shaofeng was defeated so badly by him.

next second.

Lin Chen was condescending, looking down at Ouyang Shaofeng, and swung his kick.

In an instant, Ouyang Shaofeng's body took off, like a dead dog, was directly kicked out of the dojo by Lin Chen, and fell heavily under the stands.


Following Ouyang Shaofeng's eyes widening, he spat out a mouthful of blood.

He finally got his wish and fell into a coma.


Ouyang's family turned pale with fright, and immediately rushed to Ouyang Shaofeng to take care of him.

After some inspections, everyone in the Ouyang family looked extremely embarrassed, and immediately said to Ouyang Nan Feng: "Patriarch, the young master has lost a lot of blood. Although his life is safe, he must be sent to the hospital for treatment."

"Then what are you waiting for, go!"

Ouyang Nan Feng roared, he couldn't bear to see Ouyang Shaofeng's miserable situation.

As a father, his son was beaten like a dog by others, one can imagine his furious mood at the moment.

Immediately afterwards, Qing Lao stepped onto the dojo and announced to the crowd: "In this competition, Lin Chen from the Shangguan family won. I announce that after this competition, the number one family in the martial arts world will belong to the Shangguan family."

In an instant, everyone in the Shangguan family showed joy and raised their arms and shouted.

For a long time, the Shangguan family has been dominated by the Ouyang family, and the two families have already had Liangzi. Now that Lin Chen has helped them win the first place in the martial arts family, this obviously makes them proud.

Even if Shangguan saw the big scene tomorrow, he couldn't help showing his excitement.

And Shangguan Wan'er and Shangguan Xue were so excited that they wept.

Seeing that Shangguan's family was happy and happy, everyone in Ouyang's family was in a low mood, and everyone's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.


Chapter 658 I want to abolish him, and no one can stop it "

As soon as Qinglao finished speaking, Shangguan Mingming took a deep breath, solemnly took over the white jade Buddha statue, and lifted it up to the sky.


The audience burst into warm applause.

Except for the Ouyang family, the other three major families expressed their congratulations.

Now that Shangguan's family has won the first place and holds the right to make decisions about the practice of the exercises, everyone naturally wants to curry favor and curry favor.

Seeing Shangguan surrounded by everyone tomorrow, Lin Chen came to Shangguan Wan'er, looked at her pale pretty face, and asked softly, "Hold on, I'll heal your wounds first."

"Okay." Shangguan Wan'er nodded slightly.

I saw Lin Chen holding Shangguan Wan'er's broken arm, and with a click, he started to set the bone.

And during this process, Shangguan Wan'er was in pain, sweating, but she still clenched her teeth, but she didn't make a sound of pain.

Afterwards, Lin Chen waved out the silver needle, and then helped Shangguan Wan'er to recuperate with acupuncture and moxibustion.

In just a few breaths, Shangguan Wan'er only felt that the pain had eased a lot, and the broken arm was gradually filled with strength.

"In the past two weeks, rest as much as possible, and you should recover soon." wΑp.kanshuwu.net

Lin Chen put away the silver needle and said.


Perhaps it was related to the treatment, Lin Chen was very close to Shangguan Wan'er, so when he spoke, Shangguan Wan'er could clearly feel the heat from his mouth, which made her blush behind her ears.

"Mr. Lin, you have done me a lot of favors for Shangguan's family many times. I can't repay you. When I go back, I will never refuse you whatever you want to do to me."

As soon as Shangguan Wan'er finished speaking, her pretty face turned red.

"Hee hee, I'm afraid the eldest lady has this idea already?"

On the side, Shangguan Xue interrupted with a smile.

"Xiaoxue, don't talk nonsense, I just want to repay Mr. Lin."

Shangguan Wan'er said, and added: "Mr. Lin, don't worry, I will keep this matter to myself, and I will not destroy the relationship between you and your wife."

Lin Chen shook his head and couldn't help laughing: "You want to repay me, there are many ways, you don't have to choose this one."

"Besides, I'm such a lecherous person."

Shangguan Wan'er hurriedly said: "But Mr. Lin, I..."

Lin Chen interrupted with a smile: "Okay, I don't want to repay you for helping you. Besides, I didn't target Ouyang's family just because of you."

"Be obedient, go back and have a good rest, and stop thinking about it."

"Oh..." Shangguan Wan'er could only nod her head, a look of sadness appeared in her eyes.

After a while.

When the young and old announced the end of the competition.

Other martial arts families left one after another.

Just when Shangguan's family was smiling and was about to leave.

A deep voice full of killing intent suddenly sounded.

"Injured my son like this, and still want to pat his ass and leave, have you got my permission?"

Chapter 658 No one can stop me from destroying him [3/3]

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