Overnight Success

Chapter 80 The Clown Is Actually Myself

"Xiao...Miss Xiao..."

At this moment, everyone was stunned and murmured.

Apparently, the person who hurried towards this side was none other than Xiao Wanyu.

But, with Xiao Wanyu's background, what could make her so short of breath, even wheezing, no one in their hospital would have such face!

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, with shock written all over their faces.

At this time, in the office, seeing Xiao Wanyu coming, Xie Ziang was very excited, and quickly walked to Xiao Wanyu, nodded and bowed: "Miss Xiao, I just said that I would welcome you later, I didn't expect you to arrive so early."

This was the first time he had contact with Xiao Wanyu. It had to be said that Xiao Wanyu's beauty made him feel ashamed, as if looking at her more was a kind of blasphemy against her.

Huang Yingjun beside him was so excited that his heart was pounding.

He immediately tidied up his clothes, and faced Xiao Wanyu with the most perfect posture, trying to leave a good impression in her heart.

At this moment, no one would have thought that Xiao Wanyu's arrival would have something to do with Lin Chen.

However, for Xiao Wanyu, since she received a call from Lin Chen, she immediately rushed from Xiao's house to the hospital.

Thinking of the industry she invested in, and the friends who dared to frame Lin Chen, Xiao Wanyu wished to kneel down everyone in this hospital to apologize to Lin Chen.

"Miss Xiao, my father is not here. Why don't we go to the conference room to talk about the investment?"

Seeing Xiao Wanyu approaching, Xie Ziang smiled and said: "We already have a preliminary plan for the promotion of the hospital project, why don't you take a look at it."

With that said, Xie Ziang took out a document from his desk and handed it to Xiao Wanyu.

However, Xiao Wanyu ignored it and said impatiently: "I'm not here to ask about the hospital project!"

After saying that, she ignored Xie Ziang's stiff expression and continued walking towards Lin Chen.

Perhaps it was due to the coincidence that Huang Yingjun was standing in front of Lin Chen. When he saw Xiao Wanyu walking towards him, his brain went into a trance with excitement. Biqu library

Immediately, Huang Yingjun rubbed his hands together, and excitedly greeted him, "Miss Xiao, hello..."

However, as soon as he opened his mouth, Xiao Wanyu interrupted him in the most indifferent tone: "Go away, don't block my way."

Originally, Xiao Wanyu did not intend to swear when she was in a good state of self-cultivation, but since she came in, one Xie Ziang and one Huang Yingjun blocked her from talking to Master Lin one after another, and she didn't let the two of them leave the hospital directly.

At the same time, being ignored by Xiao Wanyu, Huang Yingjun's face was also very ugly. He and Xie Ziang looked at each other, completely confused.

I don't know what Xiao Wanyu wants to do!

Moreover, why did she come by herself without seeing the rest of the Xiao family.


Before they had time to think, they were completely shocked by the scene in front of them.

Xiao Wanyu came directly in front of Lin Chen, lowered her head slightly, and said in an apologetic tone: "Master Lin, after I investigate this matter, I will definitely explain it to you!"

boom! ! !

When everyone saw Xiao Wanyu using such a humble tone to Lin Chen, their minds exploded and went blank!


The daughter of the Xiao family wants to explain to a dick? What to explain?

Xie Ziang and Huang Yingjun looked at each other, and they both saw the disbelief in each other's eyes.

"Miss Xiao, do you know this dick?"

Xie Ziang asked boldly.


Without warning, crisp applause sounded.

Xiao Wanyu slapped Xie Ziang directly, and said indifferently: "Master Lin is our Xiao family's benefactor, what are you, dare to disrespect Master Lin?"

This slap not only broke Xie Ziang's glasses, but also made him stupid on the spot.

This dick turned out to be the benefactor of the Xiao family!

Suddenly, Xie Ziang felt a little suffocated.

"Miss Xiao, don't you recognize the wrong person..."

Huang Yingjun was also stunned.

"You mean I'm blind?"

Xiao Wanyu asked back.

"Don't dare, dare not..."

Huang Yingjun shook his head quickly, and said with an apologetic smile.

At the same time, he shouted from the bottom of his heart, after all, this kid had some shit luck to become the Xiao family's benefactor.

First Li Fei, then Xiao Wanyu, why did the woman he fell in love with never even look at him, but greeted a stinky dick with a smile on her face.

He can't figure it out!

"I'm here this time, and I just want to ask you one thing, what happened to the operation accident yesterday, I advise you not to be clever!"

Xiao Wanyu stared at Xie Ziang and said every word.

Hearing this, Xie Ziang's heart trembled, and cold sweat instantly dripped from his forehead.

"It's like this, Miss Xiao, a doctor named Li Fei missed the scalpel yesterday, causing the patient to bleed profusely and suffocate instantly.

But don't worry, I have fired her. "

Xie Ziang said.

In fact, the reason why Li Fei didn't hold the scalpel was entirely because of the glass of water she drank in her office before the operation.

This water has already been drugged by him. According to the time when the drug will work, it was during the operation, and it was off-duty time. There was no one else in the whole hospital except two interns, so Li Fei had no choice but to administer Knife.

If Li Fei chooses to refuse

Absolutely, that's understandable, but who made this woman kind-hearted, choose to agree, and it's in his arms!

"Director Xie, I'm afraid things are not as simple as you said!"

At this time, Lin Chen spoke lightly.

Upon hearing this, Xie Ziang's face changed: "Boy, don't spout blood. This matter has nothing to do with me."

"Hehe, Director Xie is not asking for it?" Lin Chen smiled slightly.

"You..." Xie Ziang blushed like a monkey's butt, unable to utter a word.

"Since Miss Xiao has arrived, I just happened to listen to a recording for everyone."

The corners of Lin Chen's mouth curled up slightly, and he took out a recording pen from his pocket.

This was specially prepared before he came, in order to leave useful evidence.

The switch is pressed.

Xie: "If you hadn't angered the Zhou family's youngest, Li Fei wouldn't have been implicated by it, but it's also thanks to you, otherwise, I wouldn't have gotten the five million yuan from the Zhou family."

Lin: "So, you admit that Li Fei was the one you plotted against?"

Xie: "So what if I figured it out?"

"If you want to blame, you can only blame Li Fei for being ignorant of current affairs. Let the Zhou family's youngest not choose, but she just fell in love with you, a dick."


Lin Chen frowned, and smiled triumphantly: "How about it, Director Xie, how do you plan to explain it now?"

At this moment, Xie Ziang trembled all over, and a cold air rushed straight to the cerebral cortex.

It is no exaggeration, this one recording is enough to ruin his reputation and put him in prison.

For a while, Huang Yingjun gritted his teeth looking at Xie Ziang.

Originally, he was still curious about how such a thing happened to the good-looking Li Fei, but it turned out that it was Xie Ziang who planned it.

Most importantly, he even hooked up with the Zhou family.

"Miss Xiao, do you think it is still necessary for you to invest in such a hospital?"

Lin Chen said with no emotion in his voice.

"Miss Xiao's investment is very important to our hospital. All the mistakes in this matter are due to me alone, and have nothing to do with the hospital."

"It's because I was obsessed with ghosts and was temporarily tempted by money. I am willing to give all the money the Zhou family gave me to Miss Li Fei as compensation."

When Xie Ziang said this, he knelt down in front of Xiao Wanyu with a plop.


Xie Ziang's intestines are full of regrets!

First of all, he did not expect that the young man in front of him was actually a benefactor of the Xiao family.

Secondly, he didn't expect that this young man would be able to record everything he said.

It's over, it's all over now.

At first, he thought the kid was a clown, but he didn't expect the clown to be myself.

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