Overnight Success

Chapter 708: Immortal

next moment.

As the music played, Hua Furong's moving voice directly quieted the noisy scene.

The song lettinggo is mainly about sadness. It was originally incompatible with the fiery school celebrations, but under the singing of Hua Furong, it instantly resonated with many people.

Before they knew it, most people shed tears and fell deeply into the story of this song.

"Singing really well."

Under the stage, Su Qingcheng praised.

"Yeah, the hearts of those who sing will be broken." Biquku

Tang Ya wiped away her tears and said, "I don't know what kind of story Ms. Hua has to interpret this song so movingly."

"Indeed, I'm curious too!"

As Su Qingcheng said, she set her eyes on Lin Chen.

Quite profound.

In this regard, Lin Chen coughed, glared at Tang Ya, and immediately smiled at Su Qingcheng: "Honey, why are you looking at me like that, I don't know what story she has."


"But why do I feel that Miss Hua's song is for you?"

Su Qingcheng stared at Lin Chen, and said lightly: "A woman's intuition is very accurate."

"Cousin, don't say that Ms. Hua's eyes seem to be on you all the time, don't you really do something that I'm sorry for my sister-in-law!"

Tang Ya covered her mouth and said in surprise: "Although I like Miss Hua, my sister-in-law is unique in my heart. If you dare to betray your sister-in-law, I will immediately call my parents and ask them to teach you a lesson."

"Fuck you!"

Hearing this, Lin Chen swears angrily.

Damn girl, what nonsense!

Originally, he had an affair with Hua Furong before, which made Su Qingcheng a little disgusted, but this dead girl added fuel to the fire.

It really drove him to death!

"Don't talk about Yaya, I also think that Ms. Hua sang it for you. You don't look right in her eyes!"

Su Qingcheng maintained Tang Yadao.

"That's right, sister-in-law said so, you will bully me if you see it!"

Tang Ya quickly hid in Su Qingcheng's arms, saying indignantly.

"Damn girl, say one more thing!"

Lin Chen stared.

"Okay, okay, just say that, Yaya, are you up to it?"

Su Qingcheng rolled her eyes.

"Honey, how can I indulge her when this girl provokes my relationship with you."

Lin Chen snorted.

In fact, he didn't really

The anger was just to scare Tang Ya, lest the girl talk nonsense later.

After all, when he goes back tonight, he doesn't want to sleep on the sofa.

"you you you!"

Tang Ya looked aggrieved, held back for a long time, but couldn't utter a complete sentence, and finally could only sulk all by herself.

look back.

On the stage, under the spotlight, Hua Furong was like a fairy, graceful and graceful, singing this song emotionally.

Not far away, a camera is filming this scene.

And the owner of the camera is Qin Shu.

"This Hua Furong has been staring at that kid Lin Chen. It seems that my guess is indeed correct. The two may have an affair."

"Come on, go and send these photos I took to my elder brother, and tell me about my suspicions."

Qin Shu handed the camera to one of his subordinates.

"Second Young Master, do you want Eldest Young Master to come forward to punish that kid?"

"This trick is really high."

The subordinate flattered and said.

"I heard that this kid killed Nangong Ze recently, presumably even if my elder brother doesn't do it, the Nangong family won't make it easy for him."

"We'll just wait and see what happens. Of course, even if the Nangong family loses their hands, with my elder brother's temper, he won't be able to sit still."

"In short, if this kid dares to hurt me, how can I let him have good fruit to eat."

Qin Shu's tone was gloomy and cold, and there was a cold light in his eyes.

And at this moment.

Suddenly, the spotlight went out, and Hua Furong's singing stopped abruptly.

The whole scene was shrouded in darkness.

Suddenly, there was a burst of panic in the audience.

"What's the situation? No electricity?"

"This is too creepy!"

"I'm so scared."


For a moment, the campus leaders couldn't help but speak to appease everyone.


The lights are restored.

The auditorium was filled with light again.

But to everyone's surprise, Hua Furong on the stage had disappeared.

As if, evaporated out of thin air.

Seeing this, Sister He and the others in the audience turned pale with fright, and immediately dispatched Hua's guards to carry out a carpet search.

"Where is Miss Hua?"

Su Qingcheng looked confused.

"That's right, why did the lights come back on, and Miss Hua is gone?"

Tang Ya also asked curiously.

"She should have been taken away."

Lin Chen's voice was cold, and just now, he felt a wave of internal energy.

The person who came was supposed to be a martial artist who knocked Hua Furong unconscious with a single blow, that's why she didn't let her cry for help. m.x.com


Thinking of the brief power outage, this should be a plot against Hua Furong personally.

"You wait here, I will find someone."

As Lin Chen spoke, his figure flashed and he disappeared in place.

Here, when Lin Chen came to the fire exit, he found a woman in white standing at the window, watching the fireworks outside.

Beside him, there is also a woman in Tsing Yi with a long sword on her waist.

"You two, did you just see a woman who looks like a celebrity being taken away from here?"

Lin Chen asked.

Hearing this, the woman in white still looked at the fireworks, and responded: "Look at the fireworks, aren't they so beautiful, but unfortunately, this beauty is too short-lived."

Lin Chen didn't know what it meant, and continued: "Both of you..."

But in the middle of the conversation, the woman in white interrupted: "The person you are looking for has gone down here."

In an instant, Lin Chen walked down the stairs.

However, the woman in Tsing Yi pulled out her long sword and directly blocked his way.

"My lady kindly told you the whereabouts of the person you want, don't you mean that at all?"

The woman in Tsing Yi said coldly.

Lin Chen followed the prestige and found that the woman in Tsing Yi was unparalleled in beauty. She was 27 or 28 years old, with a slender but not plump figure, a cool look, and a noble and capable temperament. x.com

"It was Mr. Lin who was eager to save people just now. I would like to thank this young lady. It is considered that Mr. Lin owes you a favor."

Lin Chen took a deep breath.

"Your favour, why should my lady care about your favour?"

The woman in Tsing Yi disdains.

"Xiao Lan, don't be rude."

The woman in white yelled and said without turning her head, "Young Master, I have written down this sentence, and this is the second time I have seen you. I believe we will have a third chance to meet."

Hearing this, Lin Chen frowned. According to what the woman said, she had seen him before, but he had no impression of him at all.

But now, obviously, is not the time to ask.

He thanked the woman again, and immediately rushed down.

"Miss, last time you said that this person is unfathomable at Beijing University of Foreign Studies, but now that I look at it closely, I don't think it's so great!"

The woman in Tsing Yi said.

"That's because you are a warrior, so you can't see his depth."

The woman in white said lightly.

"Miss, what do you mean, could it be that he is just like you..."

The woman in Tsing Yi had a look of disbelief.

The woman in white smiled and said nothing.

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