Overnight Success

Chapter 710 Killing Nangong Hao, Zhou Clan Appears

"Be careful!"

Su Qingcheng exclaimed.

However, Lin Chen had been on guard for a long time, and calmly resolved all his various moves with a single dodge.

Seeing that the offensive failed, the leader was very surprised, and couldn't help but let out a little gasp.

"who are you?"

Lin Chen glanced around and spoke coldly.

"Boy, you kill my elder brother, this time I will avenge him!"

The leader shouted in a low voice, his brows filled with killing intent.

"You are?"

Lin Chen was puzzled.

"Nangong Hao."

As the leader spoke, he gave the elite of the Nangong family a look, did not give Lin Chen a chance to speak, and continued to launch the offensive.

Compared to before, this time the offensive was even more violent.

Seeing this, Lin Chen showed disdain at the corner of his mouth: "So it's from the Nangong family. Since you're here, you don't have to go back today."

"This is your burial ground!"

The words fell.

An extremely terrifying coercion erupted from Lin Chen's body, and he directly blasted out with a palm.

As soon as this palm came out, the air exploded.

All the elites of the Nangong family brought by Nangong Hao were knocked to the ground, each of them spattered blood, and suffered heavy injuries.

next second.

Lin Chen stepped forward with a single step, his aura condensed, and he swung a blazing long sword away.


The elite Nangong family who fell to the ground were pierced by a sword before they had time to defend themselves, and a stream of blood spattered from their chests. They stared at Lin Chen with wide eyes, and died one by one.


The only remaining Nangong Hao saw this scene, and his eyes showed a touch of shock.

From Lin Chen's flaming long sword just now, he also felt a sense of threat.

You know, since he broke through to the half-step heaven realm, almost no one can make him feel threatened since he broke through to the half-step heaven realm, but now, he really feels it from Lin Chen.

No wonder this person was able to kill his eldest brother, it really is extraordinary.

"It's okay to want to avenge Nangong Ze, but you have to be prepared to accompany him."

Lin Chen said indifferently, mobilizing the aura has locked the surrounding space, and there is no chance for Nangong Hao to escape.

"Only by you?"

Nangong Hao snorted coldly, and a coercion that was not inferior to Lin Chen erupted from his body, and he faintly confronted Lin Chen tit for tat.

Lin Chen could naturally see that the Nangong Hao in front of him was stronger than everyone he had met before.

But it's okay, what level is he at when he explodes with all his strength?


Then, Lin Chen's aura climbed to the extreme, and he no longer kept his hand.

"Boy, take your life!" Nangong Hao also roared, and collided with Lin Chen.

"Bang bang bang..."

In just a split second, the two figures have fought hundreds of times in this space, making deafening noises.

Gradually, Nangong Hao already had countless scars on his body. The flaming long sword in Lin Chen's hand cut through his skin, leaving countless sword qi crazily penetrating into his body.

Naturally, Nangong Hao was not a good opponent, and his desperate counterattack also made Lin Chen have two more fist marks on his body.

But compared to Nangong Hao's bruised body, Lin Chen's injury is almost negligible.

The two exchanged attacks again.

This time, Nangong Hao was pierced through his shoulder and flew out completely upside down. The bright red blood flowed down his arm.

On the other hand, Lin Chen was like a god, holding a sword, overlooking Nangong Hao, and said indifferently: "From today onwards, the Nangong family can never be seen again."

"Boy, you are too crazy, do you think you are sure to win?"

Nangong Hao wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, gritted his teeth, formed seals with both hands, and activated the secret technique.

All of a sudden, under the blessing of the secret technique, Nangong Hao's injuries were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his eyes were glowing with the deepest light.

"Lin Chen, I'll send you to Huangquan Road right now!"

"The Nangong family cannot be humiliated!"

Nangong Hao roared, fighting Lin Chen almost desperately.

Obviously, he knew from the previous confrontation that even if Lin Chen's strength did not reach the heavenly level, he was definitely above him.

If he wanted to win, he could only sink the boat.

Even if the cost of activating the secret technique might make him fall from the half-step heaven, as long as he can kill Lin Chen, it will be worth it.

Lin Chen's life must be used to pay for his elder brother's death!

See here.

Lin Chen sneered, concentrated his aura on the long sword, and slashed at Nangong Hao head-on.

If this person can defeat him with a desperate attitude, then he will respond positively with his strength and tell this person how naive and ridiculous this idea is!


The deafening voice sounded again.

This piece of locked space was completely annihilated under this violent offensive.

After hundreds of killing moves.

The dust dissipated.

A figure appeared first.

It was Nangong Hao.


At this moment, Nangong Hao knelt down on the ground, his face was as pale as paper, and he spat out a mouthful of blood with a wow sound.

Visible to the naked eye.

There are hundreds of gaps in his chest, and hundreds of sword qi are raging non-stop at the gaps. He hangs his head somewhat dejectedly, dying.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Chen also appeared.

And his whole body went down, except for some minor injuries, the whole body was almost unharmed.

"Boy...you can't kill me..."

"You killed me... Neither my father nor my master will let you go..."

Looking at Lin Chen standing in front of him like a god, Nangong Hao finally showed strong fear in his eyes.

Even if he used the secret method and tried his best, he still couldn't cause substantial damage to this person. This is enough to show that this person's strength is probably at the same level as his master.

And that level is the peak of the half-step heavenly realm, only a short distance away from the heavenly realm.

Otherwise, with his strength of stepping into the half-step heaven realm, he wouldn't have suffered such a miserable defeat.

"Nangong Ze also said this sentence, but the result is obvious."

Lin Chen said with a blank expression: "I hate the threat of the weak the most. If your father and your master don't have eyes and dare to trouble me, don't worry, I will send them to hell to see you together."

The voice fell.


Lin Chen held the blazing long sword and swung it lightly, piercing Nangong Hao's throat directly.

Nangong Hao showed disbelief, and immediately fell to the ground.

Get rid of it all.

Su Qingcheng stepped forward and said with concern: "Honey, are you alright?"

As soon as Ah Ying shot, bloody beams shot out from between his fingers, and the corpses of these people were all blasted into ashes, not even a single bone was left.

"I'm fine."

Lin Chen shook his head and immediately coughed.

"It's just a small injury, just rest for two days."

"Let's go, let's go home." m.x.com

"Okay." Su Qingcheng nodded, took the initiative to sit in the cab, and drove the Ferrari towards home.

Lin Chen took this opportunity to close his eyes and meditate.

But it was on the main road leading to the villa when a group of people passed by.

At this time, a group of men in white robes with lotus marks carved between their brows completely blocked their way with long silver swords in their hands.

Su Qingcheng was shocked by this, and hurriedly stepped on the brakes, keeping a few meters away from this group of people.

And Lin Chen, who had closed his eyes tightly, opened them suddenly at this moment.

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