Facing this white light beam that could annihilate everything, Lin Chen's skin felt a strong tingling at this moment.

For him, in such a dangerous situation, the last time he faced the Heavenly Killer Ghost Emperor, his master took action at the critical moment, controlling his body with consciousness, and delivered a sure-kill blow to the Heavenly Killer Ghost Emperor.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Chen condensed the aura in his hands, releasing two different powers.

The left hand forms a fist, and the palm of the fist is mighty.

The right hand holds the sword, palming the power of the sword.

Afterwards, he closed his eyes, used his strongest trump card, and slowly condensed his fist power and sword power together.

This technique is called 'Shenwei'.

It was taught to him by his master Taoist Tianji last time. At that time, Taoist Tianji killed the ghost emperor with a single move of divine power.

During this period of time, he has also been comprehending this technique, and has delved into it, using it as a trump card.


Lin Chen breathed out a foul breath, and his divine power turned into a strong thunder light to resist the falling white light beam.

Rumble! ! !

There was a sonic boom.

The entire scene was completely covered by a burst of dazzling light.

Su Qingcheng turned pale with fright, just when she couldn't help but wanted to get out of the car, Lin Chen's figure flashed out of the light, and went straight to Zeus.

at the same time.

The smile on Zeus' face was stiff. According to his prediction, Lin Chen should be wiped out.


Not giving Lin Chen a chance to get close, Zeus immediately made a judgment and moved out, unwilling to fight Lin Chen close.

As the Judge of the Zhou Clan, his biggest advantage is the magical attack, not the physical combat.

"Draw the ground as a prison!"

Zeus's eyes were cold, his hands were sealed, and he planned to repeat the same trick.

In an instant, the grid reappeared, locking Lin Chen in one space again.

"Brilliant black hole!"

Zeus mobilized all the internal energy in his body and performed this move in the most perfect posture. For some reason, he had a premonition this time that Lin Chen now is quite different from before.

If he is not careful, he may overturn.

As the radiant black hole fell again, it hit Lin Chen who was firmly fixed in a space.

This time, Lin Chen didn't sit still, but bit his finger, blessed with essence and blood, and displayed his divine power once again.


The square space is completely annihilated!

Lin Chen still stood on the spot, his black hair fluttering, his robes were tattered, but they still danced with the wind, and his pair of eyes were tough enough to make anyone tremble with fear.

And in his hands, streaks of thunderous light are constantly emerging, obviously resisting the shining black hole has not exhausted the divine power.

From another level, it also shows that from the point of view of the technique alone, the divine power is far above the shining black hole.

Seeing the lights of thunder, Zeus felt

It was very uncomfortable, vaguely, things had gradually slipped out of his control.

Especially when he looked at Lin Chen, he felt a strong sense of danger.

In other words, Lin Chen in his current state really has the ability to destroy him!

"It's my turn!"

Lin Chen said indifferently, his fighting spirit climbed to the extreme, he raised his arms, and blasted the divine power at Zeus.

"Boy, do you think I'm afraid of you?"

Not to be outdone, Zeus also followed Lin Chen.

The two combo moves just now had exhausted his internal strength, and now even if he didn't want to, he could only fight Lin Chen hand-to-hand.


The power of the gods blooms!

Almost instantly, Lin Chen applied a point of strength to Zeus's chest. Zeus spurted a mouthful of blood, his eyes protruded, and a hole was pierced through his entire chest. Without the slightest bit of high-spiritedness before.

And that's not all!

The power of thunder was still tearing Zeus's wound, and the blood was soaring!

However, Lin Chen staggered a little after this blow, obviously exhausted both in spiritual energy and physical strength.

But even so, he still walked towards Zeus step by step, punching to the flesh, venting wantonly!

Zeus, who was seriously injured, could only resist desperately, but his breathing became more and more rapid. The ground was almost stained red with blood, and he was dying.

"What are you still doing in a daze, do it!"

Zeus looked at his subordinates not far away, and said with all his might.

Because Lin Chen was allowed to fight like this, he might really fall here today.

Hearing this, the rest of the judges of the Zhou clan approached Lin Chen tentatively.

However, Lin Chen was not afraid, his body was as straight as a gun, and even though he was severely injured, he never showed any sign of decline.

When the rest of the universe judges looked at Lin Chen's eyes without any expression, each of them couldn't help but tremble. For a long time, no one dared to act rashly.

"Trash, a bunch of trash, fuck me!"

"Otherwise, it will be dealt with according to the clan law!"

Seeing this, Zeus was so angry that he almost wanted to slap each of them, and they all flew out.

listen to this.

The rest of the universe judges looked at each other, bit the bullet, and were about to charge towards Lin Chen.

Unexpectedly, a figure flickered.

Immediately afterwards, the judges of the Zhou clan had their throats cut off one by one, their eyes widened, and they fell to the ground.

See this scene.

Zeus was also in a daze, and he didn't see the figure's face clearly until he came back to his senses.

It was Aying.

"Dare to touch my big brother, are you tired of working?"

Aying said coldly, her voice did not carry any warmth, and her originally dark eyes had turned into

The golden pupil that never goes out.

At this moment, she seemed to be no longer that confused girl, but a high and mighty queen.

The plain clothes that were originally worn on the body turned into a blood red, with the tip of the nose as the center, the elegant and pretty face grew lines like flowers, revealing an inexplicable strangeness and majesty.

Su Qingcheng was sitting in the car, and when she realized it, A Ying who was sitting in the back seat of the car had already disappeared.


Su Qingcheng murmured.

She didn't know what it meant for A Ying to become like this, but at this time, A Ying's back alone brought her only infinite strangeness and inviolable dignity.

Seeing this, Lin Chen also understood that A Ying had disappeared, and the one standing in front of him now was the saint of the Desolate Race!

The future king of the Desolate Clan!

"Big brother, thank you for taking care of me for so long, but give me a little time, let me get rid of all these annoying guys."

A Ying said lightly, and waved his palm.

A sea of ​​blood-red flowers spread out, and in the blink of an eye, all Zhou people including Zeus were sucked dry by the sea of ​​flowers and turned into withered bones.

Putting away the sea of ​​flowers, A Ying waved to the dazed Lin Chen, "big brother, what are you thinking?"

Lin Chen shook his head, "It's nothing, it seems that you have recovered your memory."

"Yeah, in fact, the memory has been restored a long time ago."

A Ying giggled.

"Sure enough." Lin Chen took a deep look at A Ying. Since Zhou Tian came to arrest A Ying last time, he felt that something was wrong with A Ying.

"Since you have recovered your memory, why don't you go back to the Desolate Race, they should need you very much."

Lin Chen asked.

"It's a short answer. Big Brother saved me. Of course I want to spend more time with Big Brother."

As A Ying said, she stretched her body, revealing her perfect figure at a glance.

"By the way, big brother, you probably don't know my real name, remember, my name is Desolate Shengyue."

"Of course, you can continue to call me Aying, I also like the name big brother chose!"

Huang Shengyue spoke.

"I'll continue to call you Aying, I'm used to it."

"Okay." Huang Shengyue said, a little lonely: "But I have awakened, I'm afraid I won't be able to stay with the big brother for a long time, presumably the elders in the clan will find out soon and come to me."

"It's okay, as long as you don't want to, I will protect you to the end, after all, you are the one I rescued."

Lin Chen said seriously.

"Don't talk about this, let's go big brother, my sister-in-law is still waiting for us in the car, I want to eat your cooking."

Huang Shengyue hugged Lin Chen's arm and said carelessly, without any airs of a saint.

"Okay, go home and big brother will make it for you."

Lin Chen smiled slightly.

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