Overnight Success

Chapter 714 Ten Mile Taoist Temple

Hearing this, Su Qingcheng gave Lin Chen a blank look, and said in a slightly resentful tone: "That's right, a certain person is the shopkeeper and is still sleeping on the bed, so I can only do all the work from dawn to dusk."

"Hee hee, isn't it that those who can do more work?" Lin Chen chuckled.

"Look here."

Su Qingcheng said, turned on the phone with a serious face, and handed it to Lin Chen.

"This morning, I held a meeting and asked the procurement department what they think. Recently, Furong Town in western Hunan has held a herbal medicine conference."

"This time, the Herbal Medicine Conference is of a huge scale. It is the largest one held in the Xiangxi area in recent years. At that time, all pharmaceutical industry groups from all over the country will participate."

"It is understood that the organizer of this herbal medicine meeting has joined forces with a hidden force in the Miao border - Shili Taoist Temple to jointly hold this herbal medicine meeting."

"At that time, take this opportunity, I believe we will definitely obtain the medicinal materials we need."

After Su Qingcheng finished speaking, Lin Chen also checked the information about the Herbal Society in the phone.

In general, he was only deeply attracted by the four words Shili Taoist Temple.

Before that, he went to the Xu family to treat Mr. Xu. According to Mr. Xu, a piece of Huayu was related to the people of Shili Taoist Temple.

During this period of time, he has always wanted to set off to find the Ten Mile Taoist Temple. After all, according to Mr. Xu, the Taoist Temple is hidden in the 100,000 mountains in the Miaojiang area, and it is not easy to find it.

But perseveringly, he has been entangled in many affairs for a long time, and he can't get away from it. He didn't expect to get such an opportunity now, and through this herbal meeting, he is likely to meet people from Shili Taoist Temple.

Facing this unique opportunity, Lin Chen nodded and said, "Honey, what are your plans for the future?"

"I plan to go to Furong Town in western Hunan to find out."

"See if you can find a herbalist who supplies us with herbs."

Su Qingcheng said.

"Well, I'll accompany you."

"The premise is good. We are not traveling this time, but have important things to do." Su Qingcheng glanced at him. Biqu library

On weekdays, she never saw Lin Chen intervene in the group affairs, but unexpectedly, Lin Chen expressed a strong willingness for this matter.

"No problem, you are responsible for finding the drug dealer, and I am responsible for protecting you."

Lin Chen said with a playful smile.


Su Qingcheng snorted: "Then you go back and prepare your luggage. I'll book a ticket and we'll leave tomorrow morning."



next morning.

Lin Chen and Su

Qingcheng boarded the flight to Furong Town in western Hunan early.

It wasn't until the afternoon that the two landed on the ground, changed to a taxi, enjoyed a lot of beautiful scenery in western Hunan along the way, and successfully arrived at the hotel booked in advance.

Since there was nothing to do on the first day, the two found an authentic restaurant to eat, and then walked on the Wuli Shiban Street in Qingshiban, watching the stilted buildings with local characteristics, and then punched in the nearby native caves Ruins, as well as watching the famous waterfall that passes through the town.

"It's so spectacular!"

Su Qingcheng exclaimed, looking at the waterfall in front of her, she couldn't help opening her arms, enjoying a moment of relaxation.

"Honey, after we got married, we haven't had our honeymoon yet, so let's take it as our honeymoon this time."

Lin Chen stroked Su Qingcheng's beautiful hair and said dotingly.

"Why, you want to send me away!"

Su Qingcheng snorted.

"However, it's really beautiful here."

As Su Qingcheng said, she closed her eyes slightly and listened to the sound of the waterfall.

In a blink of an eye, it was evening.

Lin Chen and Su Qingcheng walked side by side on the small road, and they could see many tourists coming and going, and among these tourists, there were also many warriors.

Obviously, these so-called tourists should all come to participate in the herbal meeting.

And the martial artist beside him should be a bodyguard or something.

"Honey, look there!"

Suddenly, Su Qingcheng pointed diagonally forward, where a middle-aged man's complexion turned pale, his lips turned purple, and he collapsed on the ground covering his chest with his hands, showing a painful expression.

Seeing this scene, the young woman beside him panicked, and then shouted to the middle-aged man: "Dad, what's wrong with you, don't scare me!" x.com

At the same time, many people around were attracted to it.

The young woman looked anxious and quickly dialed 120.

But his fingers trembled violently due to tension, but the 120 was dialed wrong for a long time.

"Miss, by the time 120 comes, your father may have passed away, so don't waste your efforts."

At this time, an insipid voice sounded.

Then, the crowd around here automatically gave way.

A group of people appeared in front of the young woman.

The leader was wearing a Taoist robe, with a very tough face, and he was only twenty-seven or eight years old. Behind him, there was also a group of people wearing Taoist robes.

Everyone was surprised by this, and they couldn't help saying: "People from Shili Taoist Temple."

At this time, the young woman looked at the young man in charge. Obviously, what she said just now was exactly

He issued.

"Can you save my father, my father is fine, what's wrong?"

said the young woman eagerly.

"Since I have encountered it, I will naturally not sit idly by."

The young man in charge knelt down to examine the middle-aged man, and said, "Your father must be suffering from epilepsy. Judging from the current situation, there is no time to go to the nearby hospital."

"But I have a pill here, which can relieve the symptoms of epilepsy."

When the young man said this, he took out a yellow pill from his pocket.

Seeing this, everyone on the side showed envy.

Ten Mile Taoist Temple, the most famous of this temple is the technique of alchemy.

It can be said that in western Hunan, it is hard to find a pill from Shili Taoist Temple.

Many local wealthy businessmen would rather give up their wealth in exchange for a pill. It is mainly said that every pill in Shili Taoist Temple has the effect of prolonging life in addition to curing diseases.

Now a middle-aged man can get one, which is really a great blessing.

"Thank you."

The young woman took the pill from the leading youth and immediately gave it to the middle-aged man.

Just when everyone was expecting the effect of the medicine to work.

An accident happened.

The middle-aged man was short of breath, his face was bloodless, and his condition seemed to be getting worse.

Even, the middle-aged man had already started to foam at the mouth, and his body showed signs of trembling.

"How is this going……"

The young woman collapsed to the ground, utterly bewildered.

There was also an uproar in the audience, and they all looked at the leader and the group.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the patient's symptoms are severe, and they all started after taking the elixir.

Obviously, there are nine out of ten problems with the elixir.

The young man at the head was also slightly taken aback, and murmured: "Why is this happening? I just made this pill according to the formula the day before yesterday. Even if it is still in the development stage, it will not make the condition serious!"

Looking back, the leading youth glanced around, and found that many people present had already criticized him.

If this matter cannot be properly resolved today, there is a high probability that it will affect the reputation of the dojo.

Taking a deep breath, the young man took out another yellow elixir from his bosom, his eyes full of disbelief, and he was about to swallow it at the middle-aged man.

Seeing this, the young woman's expression changed drastically, and it seemed that she couldn't stop it in time.


The sound of breaking the air sounded.

A silver needle shot out quickly, aimed at the young man's palm holding the elixir.

ps: Taoist Huayu paved the way for Chapter 547.

The story is too long and there are too many pitfalls, please forgive me, and the author will fill in one by one.

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