Overnight Success

Chapter 718 Colorful Lotus Seeds

And this movement immediately attracted the attention of the people around.


Everyone came towards this one after another.

Lin Chen didn't bother to explain this, he glanced at Gong Ruyu and said: "Since you think that the colorful lotus is a mutated snow lotus, then do whatever you want."

After speaking, he was about to leave.

However, Gong Ruyu was dissatisfied and said: "Sir, I can see that you are half a person who is proficient in medicinal materials. In our business, we must be strict with medicinal materials, and your attitude just now is really perfunctory."

"People are good-faced, and I can understand it, but when you make a mistake, you have to admit it, not just avoid it."

After finishing speaking, he couldn't help laughing inwardly. It was obvious that the use of medicinal materials to win a game today would undoubtedly allow him to regain face from yesterday's defeat.

In this way, both sides have their own winners and losers.

But when Su Qingcheng heard these words, she was very unhappy.

Obviously her husband is too lazy to talk much, but this person has been pursuing it all the time, which shows that this person is narrow-minded, and he is not as organized as he appears on the surface.

"Honey, let's ignore him."

Originally, Su Qingcheng wanted to chat with Gong Ruyu and others about medicinal materials and other matters, but now she has no interest.

Seeing that Su Qingcheng was about to leave with Lin Chen.

Gong Ruyu said indifferently: "You two, why get angry, if you think what I said is wrong, you can refute it, it happens that the big guys are here, let the big guys comment."


Su Qingcheng glared at Gong Ruyu and was about to speak, but Lin Chen interrupted with a wave of his hand.

Afterwards, Lin Chen took a step forward and said to Gong Ruyu, "Sometimes, I'm too lazy to fight. It's not that I admit defeat, but that I'm too lazy to explain to a shallow-sighted person like you."

"Since you don't know what's interesting, let me teach you another lesson today."

After saying this, Lin Chen turned around and came to the display cabinet regardless of the livid color on Gong Ruyu's face.

Suddenly, he flicked his fingers.

A silver needle shot into the cabinet lock.


The lock cylinder was pried.

Lin Chen raised his hand to open the showcase.

Seeing this, Zhang Hongyu was shocked, and hurriedly said: "Sir, what do you mean?"

She mistakenly thought that Lin Chen was so angry that he wanted to break the jar, thus destroying the medicinal materials in the display cabinet. x.com

"Don't worry, I'm not that kind of person."

Lin Chen said lightly, grabbed the palm of his hand, and put the colorful lotus in his palm.

Immediately afterwards.

Lin Chen peeled off the leaves of the colorful lotus layer by layer.

A fragrance followed.

When everyone smelled the fragrance, they felt extremely happy physically and mentally, and it was rare for them to relax.

But for people in the martial arts, smelling the fragrance, the body covered in blood

They all started to boil.

Obviously, the source of this fragrance must be of great benefit to practice.

next moment.

When Lin Chen peeled off the leaves of the colorful lotus, the lotus pod inside was revealed.


Among the lotus pods, a lotus seed exuding a colorful halo slowly emerged.


Everyone was shocked and gasped.

"To judge whether this lotus is the original seven-color lotus or a mutated snow lotus, in the final analysis, it is enough to judge the appearance of the lotus seeds." m.x.com

Lin Chen spoke eloquently.

"As we all know, the lotus seeds of the colorful lotus transformed from the mutated snow lotus are still white, and only the lotus seeds in the original colorful lotus pods are colorful and eye-catching."

Speaking of this, Lin Chen looked at Zhang Hongyu and said, "It's a pity that this colorful lotus seed was affected by the environment, and you didn't seal it up in time, so the efficacy of the medicine has been reduced."

"You people are too careless in doing things. If I didn't point it out, one day, the medicinal effect of this colorful lotus seed will be completely lost, and it will only be reduced to an ordinary lotus seed in the end."

"At that time, even if your Boss Baohetang is crying, it will be too late."

The voice fell.

Zhang Hongyu was at a loss for a while.

Obviously, she didn't expect that there was another mystery inside this colorful lotus, and there was a lotus seed hidden inside.

"Who is making a lot of noise in front of my showcase?"

At this time, a sonorous and powerful voice sounded.

A middle-aged man in a suit, leading a young woman, came here from a distance.

The middle-aged man, with slightly gray temples, was about fifty years old, and he walked with a sense of calmness and prestige.

The young woman's pretty face is cold, and her eyes are like swords. When they look at each other, ordinary people only feel a sting in their eyes.

At the same time, a sense of indifference that rejects people thousands of miles away also permeates from the woman.

It's a bit big, the sense of sight that strangers should not get close to.

"Manager Bai!"

Seeing the middle-aged man coming, Zhang Hongyu immediately greeted him.

"What's going on, today is not the day for the Herbal Medicine Fair, why are all these people gathered in front of our showcase?"

asked the middle-aged man.

While speaking, his eyes swept to Gong Ruyu, who was at the side, and he smiled immediately: "I didn't expect Master Gong to come to visit our Baohetang counter for a while."

"However, the medicinal materials of our Baohetang should be far from your Shili Taoist temple."

As the manager of Baohetang, the middle-aged man, who is also from Xiangxi forces, naturally recognizes Gong Ruyu.

"Manager Bai doesn't need to be humble, Baohetang herbal medicine is also not bad."

Gong Ruyu is also a courtesy


In any case, Baohetang is also a well-known large pharmaceutical factory group in western Hunan. Even if he is a Taoist disciple, he has to give enough face.

And the manager Bai in front of him, whose real name is Bai Fangyuan, is not only the manager of Baohetang, but also a powerful warrior.

"Manager Bai, the thing is actually like this..."

Zhang Hongyu was about to explain the reason for the crowd gathering.

Suddenly, Bai Fangyuan waved his hand, interrupting Zhang Hongyu's words, and then walked up to Lin Chen, his eyes were deeply attracted by the colorful lotus in his hand.


Bai Fangyuan took a closer look and said, "If I'm not mistaken, this should be a colorful lotus seed!"

As soon as the words came out.

There was an uproar in the audience.

Obviously, Bai Fangyuan's words undoubtedly confirmed that the lotus in Lin Chen's hand is the original colorful lotus. x.com

In contrast, Gong Ruyu's expression was a bit ugly.

Apparently, he just swore that the colorful lotus was mutated from snow lotus, but he didn't expect to be slapped in the face by the speed of light right now.

"Manager Bai, the seven-colored lotus seeds are hidden in the lotus pod, and this gentleman discovered them."

Zhang Hongyu glanced at Lin Chen and motioned to Bai Fangyuan.

"I didn't expect my little friend to have such eyesight. I have seen this colorful lotus before, but I didn't see any clues."

Bai Fangyuan praised Lin Chen.

It is not difficult to see that Lin Chen is only in his early twenties, but at this age, he has such vision, which is enough to see that he is talented and has a bright future.

"Manager Bai has won the prize."

Lin Chen smiled, and immediately said: "It just so happens that you came today, and I want to buy the colorful lotus seeds. You can make a price!"

The seven-color lotus seed is far more effective than the seven-color lotus. Even if this lotus seed is damaged, its value is not inferior to ordinary elixir.

If it can be used for alchemy, it will be enough to assist him to hit the next level.

On the contrary, when Bai Fangyuan heard this sentence, he hesitated for a moment.

Colorful lotus is rare, but due to an accident during the picking process this time, the colorful lotus was damaged, and its value was greatly reduced, even lower than the price of snow lotus.

Therefore, they researched and decided to disguise the colorful lotus as snow lotus in an attempt to sell it for a good price.

But never expected that there is a colorful lotus seed inside this colorful lotus.

You know, even if the colorful lotus seeds are swallowed by a dying person, it can revive him and make him live for another ten years.

In the past, this was a priceless existence.

After thinking for a while, Bai Fangyuan said to Lin Chen: "According to reason, this lotus seed was discovered by my little friend. I owe my little friend a favor. I should meet your needs, but the value of colorful lotus seeds is incalculable. Please give me some time."

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