Overnight Success

Chapter 727 This Woman Is A Masochist

Now that the matter has come to this point, Bai Yue is not stupid, she can tell that Lin Chen intends to let her go.

"Don't worry, after I go back, I will tell the manager about the cause and effect of today's incident. I believe the manager will make the most correct judgment and will no longer be an enemy of Mr."

Bai Yue cupped her hands and continued.

It is not difficult to see that Lin Chen has the strength to defeat the two peak existences at such a young age. It is conceivable what kind of enchanting talent this kind of person must be.

Anyone with a little brain would not choose to be an enemy of this kind of person, but would hold their thighs tightly.

Hearing this, Lin Chen chuckled: "Go back and tell your manager. As a human being, even a businessman must be honest, and you can't go back on your word. Otherwise, next time, I will never be polite!"

"Sir is right, I will definitely convey it truthfully."

After Bai Yue finished speaking, she bowed to Lin Chen again, then turned and left.

See here.

Gao Ya also came to Lin Chen, and she pursed her lips and smiled: "Mr. is really a man of God. I have already guessed that Mr. is of extraordinary strength, so just now, I stopped my sister and did not help Mr., Mr. should not be offended."

"Has no one told you that you are really hypocritical in this way?"

For this, Lin Chen sneered, and did not give Gao Ya any face: "For the sake of your father and your sister, I won't argue with you this time, but I hope you will take care of yourself in the future and don't be smart, otherwise you will end up in trouble." One day you will pay a heavy price for your cleverness!"

After saying that, Lin Chen greeted Gao Liang and Gao Jie, took Su Qingcheng's hand, and left here.

Watching Lin Chen leave.

Gao Ya's face was not very good-looking.

As the daughter of the Gao family, no one has ever dared to speak to her in that tone. If it was the past, she would definitely be furious.

But now, all she has is suffocation.

Just now, the moment Lin Chen spoke to her, the oppressive feeling that hit her face almost made her legs go limp in fright.

Apparently, Lin Chen had already seen through her thoughts of not letting Gao Jie make a move, for fear of being implicated by him.

"Sister, are you okay!" Gao Jie looked at the trembling Gao Ya and said, "Mr. Lin is actually very good, he has a knife mouth and a bean curd heart."

"If it wasn't for him, we might still be blackmailed by Gong Ruyu today."

"Xiaojie is right. Today we owe Mr. Lin another big favor." Gao Liang shook his head and sighed.

"Dad, sister, I'm fine."

Gao Ya shook her head lightly.

She just has an inexplicable feeling that she is oppressed by Lin Chen, which makes her feel very aggrieved, but she also has a kind of

Very cool feeling.

He even wanted to be beaten by Lin Chen with a whip.

Since she was a child, her peers have held her up to the clouds and regarded her as a high-ranking princess. No one has ever dared to say no to her, but today, Lin Chen is the only man who is not polite to her.

That strong masculinity still makes her linger until now.

"This man is indeed very different!"

Gao Ya murmured, a large blush rose behind her ears and neck.

Seeing this, Gao Liang and Gao Jie looked at each other, a little puzzled.

It's hard to imagine that this young lady of the Gao family has a tendency to be abused. The more others love her, the more she disdains her. Only by whipping her can she be moved.

Even Gao Ya herself couldn't help but suspect that she might not be a masochist in her bones...


after an hour.

Lin Chen and Su Qingcheng have returned to check in at the hotel.

After washing up, it was already midnight.

Su Qingcheng lay on the bed wearing a bathrobe, looked at Lin Chen with bare shoulders and said softly: "Honey, I don't know why, every time I see you kill people, I feel flustered."

"On the one hand, I am afraid that you will be in danger. On the other hand, you like that make me feel far away."

Lin Chen understood that during this period of time, he had shown Su Qingcheng too many bloody scenes.

Even though Su Qingcheng was already an immortal cultivator, she still had a woman's mentality, and she didn't take killing as normal as he did.

I think he was like this at the beginning, but it wasn't until he realized that people are being bullied by others, that sometimes it's not that you want to kill someone, but that some people are forcing you to do so.

Because if you don't kill all these people, then you or your family will die. Biqu library

"Honey, the law of nature is like this. Natural selection, survival of the fittest. You can also see that those people are obviously here for me and you. What else can I do except kill them all?"

Lin Chen said helplessly.

"I understand the truth, but I'm afraid that you will make me extremely strange."

Su Qingcheng curled up and said.

"Don't worry, my wife, no, no matter what the future holds, I will always be your husband and your family."

Lin Chen smiled.

In fact, he was more worried about his wife than he was about himself.

Fortunately, my wife's glazed heart has been relatively stable recently, and the seal in her body has not been further loosened. This time he got the spiritual soil, which has extraordinary significance. The most important thing is to plant a elixir and refine it into a pill to stabilize his wife's body Liuli Xin.

from his master in

Among the various ancient books left in his mind, he has already discovered the elixir that can stabilize Liulixin to a certain extent.

The medicinal materials needed for this elixir are extremely scarce. At present, just a few elixirs refined into elixirs make it impossible for him to buy them through various channels. Seeds of this kind can be successfully planted.

And Su Qingcheng didn't know all this, and Lin Chen didn't intend to let her know.

"By the way, if you killed that Gong Ruyu tonight, we have absolutely no chance to cooperate with Shili Taoist Temple. Why don't we go to the herbal medicine meeting tomorrow and go somewhere else?"

Su Qingcheng said suddenly.

"Honey, we have traveled thousands of miles to come here, have you forgotten what our purpose is?"

Lin Chen smiled slightly.


Su Qingcheng looked lonely, and as soon as he spoke, Lin Chen said indifferently: "Tomorrow, we must participate in the herbal medicine meeting, and we not only have to participate, but we also need to make a big splash to let everyone know that we are coming!"

"..." Su Qingcheng was speechless for a while.

Apparently she didn't understand what Lin Chen meant either.

If the people of Shili Taoist Temple know that they killed Gong Ruyu, they will have to surround them...

But she wasn't afraid, since Lin Chen did this, there must be a purpose, she just had to trust Lin Chen unconditionally.

Early the next morning.

Herbal medicine will be officially launched.

In front of the exhibition hall, there are people coming and going, and it is very lively.

After Lin Chen and Su Qingcheng successfully entered the exhibition hall with the invitation letter, they unexpectedly discovered that the interior of the exhibition hall today has changed a lot compared to yesterday.

In addition to the large number of people, there are also more staff at each booth, carefully checking every piece of medicinal material for sale, obviously affected by the incident of the spiritual soil yesterday.

Lin Chen smiled, and said to Su Qingcheng: "Let's go wife, let's find a place to sit for a while."


Su Qingcheng was taken aback, and subconsciously said: "Don't we look for century-old Ganoderma lucidum and deer antler?"

"Maybe, there are other medicine suppliers too, so we don't have to deal with Shili Taoist Temple!"

Lin Chen shook his head and laughed, "It's useless, we've been under surveillance since we came in."

Speaking of this, he looked at the imperceptible miniature cameras in the corner, and continued: "Believe me, people from Shili Taoist Temple will take the initiative to find us soon."

As soon as Lin Chen finished speaking, as expected, a middle-aged man in uniform strode up to Lin Chen and said, "You are Mr. Lin, right? Someone called you by name, please come with me."

Biqu library

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