Overnight Success

Chapter 87 The Secret Behind The Consortium

the other side.

When Lin Chen learned that the Su family was sanctioned by the Yunhuai Chamber of Commerce and the Han family, he sent Li Fei back to the villa, and immediately rushed to the Su family.

At this moment, people in the Su Clan were panicked.

No matter how Su Qingcheng comforted them, many employees submitted their resignation reports one after another.

However, just before this, the Han Group where the Han family belongs suddenly issued a statement to recruit a large number of employees.

Obviously, this is the intention of the Han family to disintegrate the Su family through this method, so that they can break up without attack.

Just when Su Qingcheng was devastated and didn't know how to deal with it.

next moment.

A sudden sound sounded.

"Honey, since they want to go, let them go, there is no need to keep them."

I saw Lin Chen walking over with big strides, with a faint smile on his face.

Hearing this, Su Qingcheng immediately stepped forward and whispered, "Lin Chen, why are you here?"

"Why didn't you tell me that something happened to the company?"

Lin Chen pretended to blame.

"I don't want to trouble you with anything, I can solve it myself."

Su Qingcheng pouted and said.

Since she knew Lin Chen, every time the company encountered a major problem, it was Lin Chen who came to make suggestions, but it was herself, who was the president, who was dispensable.

Therefore, this time, she didn't want to rely on anyone, and wanted to solve it by her own ability.

"Fool, I'm your man, don't bother me if there's any trouble."

Lin Chen continued, "I already have a solution to this matter, just listen to me."

The words fell.

Lin Chen focused on the employees who came to resign: "You can resign, but the salary needs to go through a process, and it will be paid to your card within five working days."

"Lin Chen, is this your solution?"

Hearing this, Su Qingcheng complained in a low voice: "Do you know what the company's situation is now!

You let them all go, what about the company? "

"Wife, don't worry, I believe they will regret it soon."

Lin Chen chuckled lightly.

Immediately, he walked to the corner and called Xiao Wanyu.

Xiao Wanyu: "Lin Chen, are you really going to use our Xiao family's favor so quickly?"

After all, helping the Su family against the Yunhuai Chamber of Commerce and the Han family, the Xiao family will also face a very serious loss. If they don't keep their mouth shut, the Xiao family will probably be dissatisfied.

Compared with what happened in Tongmei Hospital, this

This thing is of another nature entirely.

Lin Chen smiled: "Thank you, old man, for me."

He knew that if he wanted to persuade the entire Xiao family to fight against the Yunhuai Chamber of Commerce and the Han family, Mr. Xiao might have to come forward.

"I'm a little envious of Su Qingcheng."

Xiao Wanyu's tone was resentful, and she hung up the phone immediately.

ten minutes later.

Several other large groups in Yunhuai City, headed by the Xiao family and the Tang family, issued a public statement, strongly resisting the domineering behavior of the Yunhuai Chamber of Commerce and others. Azimuth cooperation.

As soon as this news came out, it instantly caused a sensation in the entire Yunhuai City.

Both the Xiao family and the Tang family are the top families in Yunhuai City. Before that, they were the core members of the Yunhuai Chamber of Commerce. Now they have withdrawn from the Yunhuai Chamber of Commerce for the sake of a Su family. open confrontation.

At this moment, the power of the major families has changed from being one-sided to a dilemma. No matter which side they take refuge in, they will undoubtedly offend the other to death.

However, among the Su family.

Those employees who have just submitted their resignation reports are very regretful.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they made a choice on their front feet, this kind of thing happened on their back feet.

It is not difficult to imagine that even if they join the Han Group in the future, there may not be much room for improvement. To put it bluntly, they are just victims of the confrontation between the two camps.

"Since you can persuade the Xiao family to help, why do you want those employees to leave?"

In the office, Su Qingcheng looked at Lin Chen puzzled and said.

"When the company encounters a little difficulty, it wants to find another job. What's the use of keeping such an employee?"

Lin Chen shrugged: "Although their ideas are understandable, if the company wants to grow bigger, there will be difficulties. At that time, such employees will be unstable factors."

Su Qingcheng nodded, and then said: "Actually, even if you don't use the Xiao family's favor, I am sure that I can solve this matter. There is something I haven't told you.

Some time ago, a large consortium contacted my grandfather and wanted to negotiate a cooperation with the Su Corporation. If the negotiation is successful, the Su Corporation will receive continuous financial support from them in the future. "Biquku

"Consortium, what consortium?" Lin Chen was suspicious.

"It is said that the original founder and chairman of the consortium was the head of the Lin family, Lin

Beifeng was in charge, but since the Lin family's accident, the chairman was replaced by a man named Liu Wentao.

This time, he also called his grandfather to discuss cooperation and negotiation matters, but his grandfather recovered from a serious illness and was not fit to go out, so he entrusted this matter to me. "

Su Qingcheng explained.

After listening, Lin Chen frowned slightly, both curious about the reason behind this consortium and Liu Wentao.

Perhaps, from this person, he can find some clues about the Lin family.

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go." Lin Chen said.

Not long after.

Lin Chen drove to a luxurious office building.

In the car, Su Qingcheng said to Lin Chen: "After the negotiation is completed, let's go out for dinner."

"Okay, but what about Li Fei?"

Lin Chen said while staring at the office building.

At this moment, in his field of vision, the office building was covered by a dark cloud, as if an evil ghost was about to enter the world.


"Just bring her some back home."

Su Qingcheng saw Lin Chen staring at the office building without blinking, and immediately said: "I forgot to tell you, you must not talk nonsense when you enter later, according to what my grandfather said, the strength of this consortium is in Tianhai Province. Enough to come out on top.”

"If we can really gain their support, it will be very easy for Chuhen Yao to expand its market beyond Yunhuai City."

Seeing that Lin Chen was indifferent, Su Qingcheng frowned: "Did you hear what I said?"


Lin Chen responded.

Su Qingcheng raised her brows upside down: "What did I say?"


Su Qingcheng: "..."

"Lin Chen, let me reiterate that this negotiation is very important. Although the Tang family and the Xiao family are willing to help us resist our opponents, this is not a long-term solution after all, so go in later, no matter what happens, you take it easy Temper, don't talk nonsense, do you hear me?"

"Understood." Lin Chen nodded.

In fact, he didn't care about the content of the negotiations. What he really cared about was how many clues about the Lin family did that person named Liu Wentao know, or why Lin Beifeng wanted to establish a consortium and what was his purpose.

These may be the key to unraveling the tragedy of the Lin family.

Just when the two got off the car and were about to enter the office building.

A group of security guards suddenly appeared and stopped them.

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