Overnight Success

Chapter 91 Arrogant Self-Exploitation, Yin Evil Backlashes


A look of astonishment flashed across Su Qingcheng's pretty face.

It never occurred to her that Liu Wentao sent someone to stop them to apologize.

Liu Wentao bowed and said: "Mr. Lin's comprehension of the art of Fengshui has shocked me deeply, so I want to ask Mr. Lin to go up and help me solve this evil situation."

Regarding this, Lin Chen said indifferently: "Don't you have the one upstairs? Besides, I didn't talk about your money. What does this dark situation have to do with me?"

"Mr. Lin can ask for anything, as long as I can do it, I will satisfy you all."

Liu Wentao said without hesitation.

"A request, it's very simple, it's the cooperation between you and Mr. Su..."

In the middle of Lin Chen's speech, Liu Wentao quickly nodded in response: "No problem, how about we go to the meeting room on the top floor to talk?"

Seeing Liu Wentao agreeing so readily, Su Qingcheng's beautiful eyes were a little surprised, and then she glanced at Lin Chen.

I saw that behind Lin Chen's hands, there was a tugging expression on his face.

Those who didn't know thought Liu Wentao owed him money.

It seems that this time, she will rely on this guy again.

After that, Liu Wentao respectfully invited Su Qingcheng and Lin Chen to the top floor.

Seeing this scene, Huang Daming felt dissatisfied.

Just now, he saw Liu Wentao knocking people down with his own eyes, but now, Liu Wentao went downstairs and invited people up again.

Doesn't this mean that Liu Wentao trusts Lin Chen more than him?

"Mr. Liu, if you trust this kid, I will leave immediately."

As Huang Daming said, he was about to leave with a flick of his sleeves.

Liu Wentao became anxious immediately, and hurried up to appease him. Biqu library

But Huang Daming didn't buy it at all, and said indifferently: "Mr. Liu, since ancient times, there can be no two tigers on one mountain, and the same is true in fortune-telling and geomantic omen. Today, you can only choose one between me and him."

After uttering this sentence, Huang Daming was very angry inside. With his reputation, why should he serve the same master with a boy in his early twenties?

, Wouldn't this make the peers laugh.

For a while, Liu Wentao was in a dilemma, not knowing how to make a choice.

"Master Huang, let me advise you, if you want to live for two more years, get away from this place as soon as possible. This place is definitely not something you can crack."

At this moment, Lin Chen spoke.

"What do you mean, kid? Do you think I can't break this evil situation?"

Huang Daming stared at Lin Chen, his tone gradually became cold.

Lin Chen shook his head: "I'm not looking down on you, on the contrary, I'm saving you."

"Save me?" Huang Daming said contemptuously: "I think you are afraid that I will break this evil situation and steal your limelight."

"Forget it, since that's the case, it's up to you!"

Seeing that Huang Daming was obsessed with obsession, Lin Chen simply didn't bother to talk, turned around and pulled Su Qingcheng to find a sofa and sat down.

"Master Huang, I don't know how you can decipher the Feng Shui of my building!"

Liu Wentao stepped forward and said.

In fact, he didn't care at all, who was the first to solve this evil situation, what he cared about was, after talking for a long time, whether these two people had the ability to solve it.

"How difficult is it to crack the little Yin Sha situation?"

Huang Daming deliberately raised the volume, then glanced at Lin Chen, and took out a compass from his pocket: "I have always carried this compass with me since I started the business. Over the years, I have solved the Feng Shui situation through it. Not a thousand, There are also eight hundred." Biquku

Hearing this, Liu Wentao was very excited: "Master Huang, let's start!"

Huang Daming snorted softly, closed his eyes, and while muttering words, he fiddled with the pointer of the compass, aiming it at the four directions of east, west, north and south.

"The master is worthy of being a master, and he is professional at first glance."

Liu Wentao praised.


After less than ten minutes, Huang Daming's demeanor changed from being calm at the beginning to becoming a little distorted.

Immediately afterwards, he kept murmuring, fiddling with the compass with his fingers,

Adjust bearing.

However, the more this happened, the more trembling his fingers were when he fiddled with the compass.

In the end, cold sweat wet his back, and his whole body was trembling.

"How...how could this be..."

Huang Daming's lips turned purple, and he felt that the compass suddenly became much heavier, and he couldn't even hold it with his hands.

next moment.


Visible to the naked eye, the compass exploded directly.

However, Huang Daming let out a miserable howl, as if he saw something terrible, his face was full of panic.

"Ghost...the ghost is smiling at me!!"

Seeing Huang Daming limp on the ground with a terrified expression, Liu Wentao also panicked.

"Master, don't scare me, what the hell, tell me clearly!"

Unexpectedly, just as Liu Wentao touched Huang Daming's sleeve, Huang Daming jumped three meters high and said in panic: "Don't touch me, don't touch me..."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I won't provoke you anymore, please don't pester me..."

At the end, Huang Daming's complexion was pale, as if he was unconscious, he ran to the corner and curled up.

Immediately, Liu Wentao was bewildered, and he didn't know why Huang Daming would undergo such earth-shaking changes in such a short period of time.

Lin Chen sighed: "If you try to figure it out, and the evil spirits come back, this person's life is completely over."

"The Yin evil situation is different from other Feng Shui situations. If you want to break it, you must first fight against it. But this chaotic graveyard is different from other places. There is a lot of resentment here, and it has been accumulated for decades. How can a compass suppress it? living?"

Hearing this, Liu Wentao swallowed his saliva, walked up to Lin Chen, and said cautiously: "Master, I wonder if you have a way to crack it?"

"Of course there is."

As Lin Chen said, his voice changed: "But, before that, shouldn't you talk about cooperation with my wife first?"

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