Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 101: Little dog, you are still a prince

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The more Ning Fei drinks, the more he likes it. The fruit wine is cool and delicious, and the taste is very rich and rich.

However, the alcohol gradually came on, making his look a little fascinated.

"Guardian, if you drink too much, let me help you go back." Jiang Xue said, seeing him like this.

"Well, good." Ning Fei felt dizzy and dizzy, so he returned to his bedroom with Jiang Xue's support.

Jiang Xue entered Ning Fei's bedroom for the first time.

Ning Fei's bedroom was very clean, the quilts were dark blue, and there were a few books beside the bed. There are also some antique decorations in the room, the most conspicuous is a sword on the shelf.

Jiang Xue noticed that Ning Fei's bedside table also had a photo frame. In the photo frame, Ning Fei and Xiao Falcon, Little Fox, and Little Dog are photographed together. One person and three pets smile happily at the camera.

I can see that Ning Fei really likes them.

Jiang Xue put Ning Fei on the bed and looked at Ning Fei who had been asleep, hesitating to help him take off his clothes.

Generally speaking, when drunk people are sent home, they always have to take off their clothes.

"Just take off your coat." Jiang Xue muttered to herself.

Immediately, she first helped Ning Fei take off his shoes and socks, and put them aside, then took off Ning Fei's coat and covered him with a quilt.

"It's really not good for the Lord to drink!" Jiang Xue shook her head and sighed.

When everything was handled properly, she looked at Ning Fei's sleep with satisfaction, and then quietly left Ning Fei's room.

In the evening, when a jar of fruit wine is eaten, the sleep is sweet.

Especially after the rain, the weather is a little bit cooler, and sleeping in the quilt is more comfortable.

Early the next morning, Ning Fei still got up early.

He doesn't drink much, and he wakes up quickly. It is different from the kind of alcoholism that leads to drunkenness, so he has no effect in the morning, and he can't even smell a trace of alcohol.

Ning Fei first washed by the pool, then changed into morning exercise clothes, and ran outside for morning exercises.

"Little dog, come!"

Ning Fei yelled.


The dog refused to admit defeat, and barked again.

Xiao Falcon also woke up at this time, fluttering his wings and flew to Ning Fei's shoulder, and seemed to be joining the morning exercise team.

The little falcon used to eat the poultry feed obtained from the lottery, and grew faster, and the size was larger than the normal pigeons, but now it has gradually returned to the normal growth rate.

Ning Fei glanced at the little fox again, and found that the little fox was sleeping sweetly in the den, and he was holding a fox doll, which seemed very happy.

Ning Fei remembered that Xiaohu drank a lot of fruit wine yesterday.

Then, as soon as the genius was overwhelmed, Ning Fei ran across the mountains with a dog and a fox.

Strangely speaking, when Ning Fei was running, there were occasional dogs on the side of the road. They actually joined the team and ran after Ning Fei.

Not long after, Ning Fei turned around, and there were five or six more native dogs.

These two native dogs are in the standard "Ahuang" shape, which is the appearance of a Chinese pastoral dog. Two are pure black and one is white.

"What's the situation?"

Ning Fei looked at these pastoral dogs suspiciously, and thought to himself.

Immediately, he glanced at the little dog again and found that these pastoral dogs seemed to be running with the little dog.

"It won't be Rhubarb's men."

Ning Fei squatted down and picked up the dog. The dog was very active, letting Ning Fei hold it, his tail wagging cheerfully.

"You are still a prince!" Ning Fei said with a smile at it.

"Wow!" The little dog seemed to understand and called twice.

"Come on, keep running!"

Ning Fei put down the dog and continued morning exercises. The little dog followed him closely, and the little falcon didn't fly high, and hovered over his head. The following pastoral dogs also followed, looking very happy.

At this time, many villagers on the mountain had already begun to clear their farmland. On the way, Ning Fei also encountered a few medicine farmers, carrying a bamboo basket to the mountain to collect herbs.

Backing and eating mountains, the villagers of this big mountain live on this mountain. Under the sun, they also woke up and began to work.

Ning Fei ran all the way to the west of the village.

There is a farmhouse in the west, called Wang Ji, and the village's nickname is "Chicken King".

This chicken is not the other chicken.

The chicken king said that he has a large yard with several fences in it, and there are about three hundred chickens.

You should know that if a farmhouse raises chickens in a distance, the survival rate of chickens is very low.

Generally speaking, it is very profitable to raise 100 chickens and grow up to 70 normally.

But Wang Ji raises chickens very well. He has been raising chickens for many years and has very rich experience. The survival rate of chickens is very high.

"Uncle Wang, buy some eggs." Ning Fei knocked on Wang Ji's far door and shouted.

Wang Ji got up very early, and many people rushed to buy eggs early in the morning.

"Ning Fei, I came early enough, how much do you want?" Wang Ji asked with a smile.

"Come three catties, there have been guests recently."


Wang Ji weighed three kilograms of soil eggs and handed them to Ning Fei. Ning Fei paid the money and walked back with the eggs.

On the way back, Ning Fei went to Aunt Liu's house to buy some tofu. The tofu in the village is basically bought with Aunt Liu. Her tofu is smooth and delicious.

So, carrying eggs and tofu, Ning Fei returned to Taoist temple.

The little dog kept following him.

The little dog is still too small now, but the slap is so big, it walks fast and looks cute.

But dogs grow faster and can grow up a lot in a few months.

When Ning Fei returned to Qingfeng Temple, Jiang Xue had already gotten up. She was holding a broom and was sweeping the fallen leaves in the yard.

"Morning, watch the Lord." Jiang Xue greeted.

"Morning." Ning Fei replied, "I bought some tofu and eggs this morning. I will have this for breakfast later."

The breakfast is relatively light, one scrambled egg, one green onion mixed with tofu, a dish of pickles, and a pot of millet pumpkin porridge, plus steamed buns, milk, bread, etc. It was just right for two people.

After that, Ning Fei went to the vegetable garden to be busy again, pulling out some weeds, picking some peppers, and then going to recite the early homework sutra for a while. Jiang Xue went to the flower bed to take care of it.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Ning Fei opened the live broadcast as scheduled.

"Good morning Ning Guanzhu!"

As soon as the live broadcast was opened, many people greeted him. Ning Fei also responded to the camera: "Good morning."

"Does the master go up the mountain today?" someone asked.

Ning Fei nodded and said: "Well, it rained just yesterday, and after another night, some fungi and wild vegetables will grow wildly. It is the best time to pick them."

"Haha, that's great."

Netizens like to watch Ning Fei Jinshan. The scene close to nature allows them to see many things they can't see in the city.

Then, Ning Fei said to Jiang Xue again: "I will go to the mountain, pick some wild vegetables and come back. At noon you will eat anything by yourself, and I will cook dinner."

"Yeah. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" Jiang Xue nodded and said.

After that, Ning Fei put on hiking boots and carried a bamboo basket on his back, and set foot on the mountain again.

"At this time, there are more villagers coming into the mountains. Many people in the mountains like to pick mountain products. Occasionally they pick up valuable medicinal materials and plants, and they can sell them to subsidize their families."

Ning Fei still took the little falcon up the mountain this time, and little falcon is now Ning Fei's most powerful partner.

Hearing Ning Fei's words, some netizens questioned: "Ning Guanzhu, so many people go to the mountains to pick plants, won't it damage the ecology?"

Ning Fei also saw this barrage and couldn't help but shook his head, explaining:

"Destroy the ecology? Of course not. It's not to cut chaotically, but to gather some natural ingredients such as Ganoderma lucidum and fungus."

"People in the mountains grow up in the mountains. You can also understand that the people here, like the animals here, will get something they need from this land."

"Moreover, the Forest Law clearly stipulates which plants cannot be harvested, and trees are not allowed to be felled indiscriminately. As long as they are not regulated by the Forest Law, they can be harvested under normal circumstances."

"Such as bamboo, Ganoderma lucidum, fungus, wild vegetables, etc."

Ning Fei found it a little strange. Since the mountain was populated hundreds of years ago, the village names have picked wild vegetables, Ganoderma lucidum, and bamboo shoots in the mountains, including the more precious things like Dendrobium officinale.

This is part of the life of the mountain people.

People in cities may have been educated in protecting the environment and loving nature since they were young, and believe that trampling on a grass is immoral. But this standard is not suitable for Dashan.

Ning Fei didn't want to explain too much. He grew up in a mountain. Since he was a child, he and his master and villagers often went into the mountains to gather herbs, dig wild vegetables, and eat wild fruits.

This is his life.

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