Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 146: Call for praise? Ning Guanzhu has become an industry benchmark!

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In the early morning, netizens opened Ning Fei's live broadcast room.

In the live broadcast, Ning Fei is in the pavilion in the backyard, wearing a robes and carefully weaving bamboo baskets.

This picture is also very leisurely, and netizens just feel that they are relaxed physically and mentally.

Many netizens in the live broadcast room now open Ning Fei's live broadcast room for a few glances during work breaks. At first glance, there are always green mountains and waters, which is extremely decompressive.

"It is said in "Jinggang Cuizhu" that bamboo is a tall grass."

"For the people in the mountains, bamboo is really a treasure. Bamboo shoots can be eaten, bamboo poles can be used as fences, bamboo baskets, and bamboo leaves can be used to feed sheep and cattle."

"Today I am going to make a bamboo basket. The bamboo basket is light in weight and has a large bearing capacity. Many farmers in the mountains can use this craft."

"You can learn it if you are interested. Weaving bamboo baskets is very simple. Using handicrafts made by yourself will feel very good."

Ning Fei spoke slowly, his voice was still very clear and steady, which made people feel very comfortable.

"Lord Ning Guan started the class, we must study hard!"

"Learn, there are bamboos near my house."

"Now the materials for bamboo baskets are very easy to buy in the market, and you can really learn them."

"I have already taken out my notebook to take notes."

Many people in the barrage said that they would learn to make bamboo baskets with Ning Fei.

"The bamboos here are all selected by me. After removing the branches and tails, I saw the bamboo into three meters of bamboo, and then split it into quarters or eights."

Ning Fei explained and made movements, and saw that he used a stick knife to chop down the top of the bamboo. The netizens hadn't seen what was going on. Ning Fei had already split the bamboo into eight halves.

The bamboo is not thick, it is very difficult to divide into eight equal parts. But Ning Fei finished it easily.

At this time, some netizens realized that something was not quite right.

Ning Fei said that making a bamboo basket is very simple, and this first step is not too simple.

"Next, we need to use wattle to set the shape. This depends on what kind of bamboo basket you want to weave. If it is a square bamboo basket, you need to shave off the hard part of the bamboo and cut it off where you need to bend. The inner wall is bent to 90 degrees and grilled."

"However, farmers in the mountains generally make round bamboo baskets, so that they can be directly fixed and formed with wattles, and they are also stable."

"Look, everyone, at this time, you need to set the shape first, then fix the shape with your body, and then start wrapping with bamboo strips.

"The first few bamboo strips are more troublesome. You must be careful. This is related to the shape of the finished product. After fixing it, it is much easier."

Ning Fei continued to make bamboo baskets, but his movements were not fast, and even seemed a little gentle.

But many netizens showed a helpless look when they saw this.

Those netizens who took out their notebooks to take notes have quietly put away their notebooks.

"Look, everyone. The next step is very simple. It is to repeat the process of weaving. A bamboo strip is inserted from here, then passed through here, here, here, and finally out.

Ning Fei's expression seemed calm, but the netizens were not calm.

"Ning Guanzhu, do you think this is simple?"

"The brain told me that I would, but my hand said: ‘No, you won’t.’"

"It will be done at a glance, and it will be discarded as soon as it is done."

"If you want to learn, I suggest you forget it, just watch it quietly."

"The key is that if you want to learn but you can't learn it, go to Taobao. There is a simple tutorial."

"I'm a farmer, and I can tell you that making bamboo baskets looks simple, but it's actually very difficult. Only some experienced veterans have the ability to make very round bamboo baskets."

"Weaving bamboo baskets is a handicraft, not something that a craftsman can't make."

At the same time, Ning Fei found two more cloth straps and entangled them in the bamboo basket.

The cloth strap was sewn by Grandma Wang. After the old man's eyes were healed, he was busy with his favorite things again.

For example, the road boots under Ning Fei's feet have a pair of red insoles embroidered with a picture of dragon and phoenix stitched by Grandma Wang.

Ning Fei's craft of making bamboo baskets was also learned from Grandma Wang.

Little Fox was lying on the narration, looking at Ning Fei, as if feeling a little bored, stood up and stretched his feet forward, stretching his waist.

The little dog was restless and played with Ning Fei's feet constantly biting the bamboo on the ground.

Sometimes the dog moves too hard, biting a small bamboo and shaking his head back and forth, Ning Fei will whisper in a low voice, and then the dog will put down the bamboo and sit down obediently.

Ning Fei didn't say much any more, just weaving the bamboo basket intently.

His look was very serious, and he didn't deliberately show anything, just doing ordinary farm work.

However, the popularity of the live broadcast room has remained high.

While Ning Fei was weaving bamboo baskets, another unexpected thing happened.

At this moment, a person suddenly said in the chat barrage:

"Everyone, go to Weibo, Ning Guanzhu was named and praised by the people!"

As soon as this sentence came out, it immediately attracted the attention of countless netizens.

"What's the situation? What praise?"

"what's happening?"

"Where do you look?"

"It's true. Just open the hot search on Weibo and you can see it. The popularity is very high now!"

"I see it, it's amazing, it has directly become an industry benchmark!"


"As expected of Ning Guanzhu!"

Ning Fei's fans were immediately excited.

Super tube [A Duo] I have been watching Ning Fei’s live broadcast during this period of time. She is the super tube who manages the outdoor area. How can I say that after watching Ning Guanzhu’s live broadcast, other people’s live broadcasts really can’t stand Up.

She saw the barrage and someone said that Ning Fei was on the hot search, and she also opened Weibo curiously.

To be honest, in her heart, she was still a little worried.

Generally speaking, if an anchor is named by the people, it is definitely criticized. If the matter is serious, it will be directly blocked by the platform.

No way, the views of the People’s Daily represent the main theme of society. No one can violate the main theme, especially celebrities and Internet celebrities.

As long as it is offended, it must be blocked.

[A Duo] After opening Weibo, I saw this hot search for the first time. There is also a flame icon behind the hot search, indicating that the popularity of this hot search is growing rapidly.

The People’s Daily said:

"Zi said:'Educated by literature, and invited by courtesy'. The majority of Internet celebrities use live broadcasts and short videos to attract their eyes. They have a wide audience, and they should be civilized and clean, but the live broadcast is chaotic and the video is vulgar. There are endless phenomena."

"A bad case and a bad demonstration have brought extremely negative effects to society."

Seeing this, [A Duo] felt a little bit in his heart.

The problems seen at different levels are different.

When netizens read these few words, they may only think, "Oh, the People’s Daily is criticizing the vulgar anchor for causing adverse effects on society."

In the eyes of [Aduo], she knows that this is a signal from the above, that is, the next step is to clean up the vulgarity of webcast and short video!

Entrepreneurs are different from ordinary people. They must figure out the intent of the policy, otherwise they don’t know how to die.

This is the case in the live broadcast industry.

In other words, in the next period of time, any sensible live broadcast platform will definitely crack down on vulgar live broadcasts and avoid hitting the gun.

[A Duo] A little flustered, she continued to look down.

"Culture is a spiritual value and a way of life. For example, outdoor anchor Ning Fei lives in a Taoist live broadcast mountain village, and achieves the utmost in common things. In every move, he shows the confidence of Chinese culture for a thousand years."

"Entertainment is human instinct~www.ltnovel.com~Culture is the result of precipitation. In the Internet age, to spread Chinese culture, tell Chinese stories, and present the beauty of Chinese culture to the world, we need more ‘clear breeze views’.”

After reading the last two passages, [A Duo] was stupid.

Her heart was overwhelmed.

Oh my God!

Is the People’s Daily’s evaluation of Ning Fei so high?

What does this represent?

You should know that the Weibo articles posted by newspapers of this level have definitely been reviewed by the editorial department.

Generally speaking, the People's Daily will name and praise a few young celebrities at most, and they are all about the topic of promoting positive energy.

Praise the anchor? Never heard of it!

To be honest, only from a professional point of view, the anchor presents the real things happening around him to netizens and gains everyone's love. Thinking about it this way, this profession is actually very good.

But now because of the conflict of interests and the chaos of the industry, the word "anchor" always makes people feel a little frivolous.

Ning Fei is now using his own hands to justify the name of the host industry!

He has only broadcast live for less than two months.

People report to praise?

With the words "promoting Chinese culture"?

The value here is great.

If you do some good articles and put a few false names like "Huaxia Cultural Communication Ambassadors", you can just make your debut and collect money.

After reading this Weibo, [A Duo] clicked on Ning Fei's live broadcast room.

Ning Fei, still weaving bamboo baskets there...

Little Fox was still lying on his stomach. Little Dog was messing around with Xiao Fei. Little Falcon didn't know when he flew back, standing on the railing, quietly guarding Ning Fei.

Seeing this scene, [A Duo] felt that Ning Fei was not surprised at being praised by the people.

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