Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 19: Even pile wood, white jade ganoderma!

I saw Ning Fei a few steps and came to a tree. Under the tree, there was a dead tree that had fallen to the ground. The dead tree was in a position just out of the sun, with some moss growing on it, and it was a little black. .

   "Look, this is a ganoderma lucidum."

   Ning Fei zoomed in on the phone lens so that everyone could see the Ganoderma lucidum.

   "Everyone must pay attention to the difference between Lingzhi and poisonous mushrooms."

   "Similarly, you must also pay attention to poisonous insects and poisonous snakes. Don't do it rashly, because there are often beasts around the spiritual things. There are many poisonous snakes and beasts on the mountain, which is very dangerous."

   Ning Fei explained as he approached, the audience did not dare to breathe.

   "But this Ganoderma lucidum is no longer usable. You can see below. It has been worm-eaten by insects. It's a pity." Then, Ning Fei shook his head again and said.

   Although the audience did not understand what happened to Lingzhi, they were very sorry to hear what Ning Fei said.

   Ning Fei carefully flipped a long stick to look around the Lingzhi.

   There is a faint luster on the long stick, which does not look like an ordinary stick.

   "Anchor, what kind of stick is this?" Someone asked, curious.

   "It's made of Qinxiangmu, it's worthless." Ning Fei replied casually when he saw the barrage.

   "What? Qinxiangmu?"

   After he finished speaking, it caused another uproar.

   "What is Qinxiangmu worthless? Qinxiangmu now has no market price, okay?"

   "I've heard that this kind of wood has a natural fragrance that people can't smell, but it has a particularly good effect on repelling insects."

   "Yes, this kind of wood makes insects slow, no insects like this kind of wood."

   "It is said that Qinxiang wood is made from the core of an old tree that is more than a hundred years old. The value of such a large anchor is probably not low!"

   "It's about 50,000 yuan."

   Netizens tend to be well-informed and don’t have much money, but they can say a few words about everything.

   Just like this, everyone said, and the value of Ning Fei's wood has gradually surfaced.

   This piece of wood is indeed Qinxiang wood. In reality, it is about 50,000 yuan.

  Qinxiang wood is of very good material, and the core of the tree will not rot for hundreds of years after processing.

   According to his master, this wood was handed down hundreds of years ago, and it is one of the few “assets” of Qingfeng View.

  Using this wood to explore the way, you can prevent the insects and snakes hidden in the dark from attacking suddenly.

   Jiang Feng also looked at the wood in the live broadcast, and he could confirm that it was Qinxiangmu.

   However, unlike others, Jiang Feng saw a few blood-red meridians in the Qinxiangmu, which were not very eye-catching, but they could still be seen by careful observation.

  Qinxiang wood, a century-old wood, a thousand-year-old refined.

  In other words, the scented wood in Ning Fei's hand has at least a thousand years of history!

  Qinxiangmu has an excellent effect on the human body. It can promote blood circulation, stabilize the mind and sleep peacefully.

   His ancient bed is made of dozens of Qinxiang wood!

   If the Qinxiang wood in Ning Fei's hand really exceeds a thousand years, then the value is not 50,000 yuan, at least 10 times it!


   Good fellow, this anchor looks poor, so he took out a stick at random, and it was 500,000.


   Jiang Feng found that this host’s live broadcast was really something.

   Wait and see, if he really finds Ganoderma lucidum, then there is nothing wrong with giving him some rewards.

   Ning Fei continued to fiddle with Ganoderma lucidum with his valuable "stick".

   Ganoderma has been eaten by insects and has no practical value.

   "It's a pity." Ning Fei sighed regretfully, then collected the stick and continued to walk into the mountains.

   "Brothers, the more you go in, the animals ran out. Mainly wild boars and black bears." Ning Fei continued to walk in, and if he was thirsty, he would take a sip of the mineral water bottle.

   To be honest, there are very few outdoor live broadcasts like him. And his adventure is real, which will undoubtedly stimulate the viewer's perception even more.

   Therefore, the popularity of his live studio has been increasing.

   It didn't take long for it to reach a popularity of nearly 300,000.

   "Wild boars are not terrible, that stuff does not easily attack humans." Ning Fei continued to explain, "The most terrifying thing is the black bear. Don't underestimate the speed of the black bear. It runs quite fast, and most people can't run them."

  Ning Fei walked carefully while exploring.

   Where he is now, he has passed the outer edge of the forest, which is relatively deep.

   People in the mountains rarely come here.

   "With stakes?" At this moment, Ning Fei's eyes lit up again.

   Not far away, there are four big trees that seem to grow together, and the trunks are very close to each other.

   "Brothers, look there, there are four trees growing together."

   Ning Fei pointed his finger forward and explained to the audience.

   "Four trees will compete with each other, they can only grow outward to seek more sunlight."

   "In this case, the area between them will not be exposed to sunlight for many years."

   "Ganoderma is easy to appear in this kind of place!"

   "Let's go see if I am so lucky today."

   Ning Fei continued to explain.

   With his commentary, the curiosity of the audience is also mobilized.

   The audience stared intently at the four big trees growing together.

  As Ning Fei gradually approached, everyone's breathing became a little tense.

  This kind of wood is often difficult to encounter!

   Ning Fei is really lucky today.

   Ning Fei slowly approached the stump wood. The stumps of the four big trees were like walls on all sides, besieging an isolated dark space.

   Ning Fei looked inside, and saw a white ganoderma lucidum blooming tenderly inside.

   "Gosh! It's Bai Lingzhi!"

   Ning Fei looked happy.

   You must know that Ganoderma is also a kind of fungus. For this type of product, the brighter the color, the more toxic, and the purer the color, the better the variety.

   This white Ganoderma lucidum looks very good!

   After seeing the real thing, the barrage is also surging by now.

   "White Lingzhi? What is Bai Lingzhi?"

   "Anyone who knows how to do it."

   "It looks like it's rare."

   "White Ganoderma is one of the best of Ganoderma! It only exists in the wild, and its growth conditions are extremely harsh!"

   "Yes, white Ganoderma lucidum has extremely high requirements for temperature and humidity. Unexpectedly, there is such a unique environment here that can grow white Ganoderma lucidum. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

   "Which old man tells me, how much is this thing worth?"

   "Looking at this, the fineness is estimated to be around 30,000 yuan."

  At this time, [Jiang Zi] also said: "That's not ordinary white Ganoderma lucidum. White Ganoderma lucidum is usually about the size of a palm, but this Ganoderma lucidum is only the size of a watch dial. It is very likely to be Baiyu Ganoderma!"

   "What? Bai Yu Lingzhi!"

   Baiyu Ganoderma lucidum has more demanding growth requirements than Bai Lingzhi!

   Baiyu Ganoderma lucidum is the growth process of Baiyu Ganoderma lucidum. Due to the influence of temperature and humidity, it stops growing when it grows to a certain extent, but it is still changing inside and has extremely high medicinal value!

   "Audience friends, I think I might have made a lot of money this time." Ning Fei saw Bai Yu Lingzhi from a distance, and his expression gradually flooded with joy.

   White Ganoderma lucidum of this size can only be white jade Ganoderma lucidum, and judging from the quality, it is simply the best!

   After speaking, Ning Fei took out the Qinxiang wood, first intending to confirm the safety around the Lingzhi.

   But at this moment, a small green snake visible to the naked eye suddenly sprang out of the weeds under the Lingzhi!

   The audience was watching Ganoderma lucidum attentively, and they were shocked when they saw a snake suddenly appeared in the camera.


   Many viewers suddenly screamed, and some even threw their phones away.

   Liu Ting is one of them.

   She was watching the live broadcast just now, and she was watching well, when a snake suddenly appeared. She was shocked and threw the phone out when she shivered.

   Soon, she hurriedly picked up the phone again and said eagerly:

   "Gosh! Snake! There is a snake!"

   "Then little brother is okay!"

   "Don't be disfigured."

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