Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 195: The beauty of the world, probably so

  Ning Fei Jiang made the appearance of Panda’s house.

   The house is very big, almost one person tall.

   In the live broadcast room, Ning Fei is constantly improving the details of the house.

   "Ning Guanzhu's craftsmanship is really not good, amazing!" Seeing this, some netizens sighed with emotion.

   "My family is a carpenter. I said before that Ning Guanzhu's craftsmanship is very professional and he is a craftsman."

   "Watching Ning Guanzhu's live broadcast, I feel more and more that I have come to the world to make up the numbers."

   "Like every day!"

   "As expected of you!"

   praise and admiration kept coming and going in the live broadcast room.

   The overall structure of the house has been completed and is strong enough. Then, Ning Fei returned to the view of Qingfeng and took a bucket of green paint and some brushes for painting.

   Ning Fei poured the paint into a small basin, took some clean water, and stirred it with a brush.

   "Wild pandas usually live in the woods and have no fixed shelter."

   "In winter, I will look for tree caves or caves to hide in."

   "The original color of this hut is close to the color of trees, but it lacks some green, and it is bare and a little abrupt."

   "So I plan to decorate it."

  Ning Fei was talking, picking up the brush and immersing it in the paint.

   At this time, I just saw Zhang Xiaofeng jumping to Qingfeng Temple and visiting Ning Fei.

   Zhang Xiaofeng can be said to be a Chinese netizen who grew up watching. She smiled with crooked eyes, her face is sharp and angular, sometimes sitting quietly on the side of the show, it seems that the show has become a lot gentler.

   Let's put it this way, most of China's variety shows, in fact, do not welcome actresses as permanent guests.

  Because actresses are often the role of vases, sometimes they really don’t fit the show. The show team only signs in to attract traffic, but it often affects the quality of the show.

   This is why the first few seasons of "Extreme Challenge" are so good-looking, because there are no female guests, the gentlemen can play together, don't need to take care of others, and you don't have so much scruples to play openly.

   Zhang Xiaofeng is definitely one of the few actresses to add luster to the variety show.

   Her shots are full of beauty and innocence, like the face of first love when she was young. Although she doesn't have much sense of variety, it is this reality that is more suitable for "Longing".

   Compared with other actresses, she has more scent of fireworks, less sense of distance, and is not feminine and pretentious, making people feel very kind.

   "Ning Guanzhu, I'm here to visit."

   Zhang Xiaofeng smiled and said.

   Ning Fei also likes this girl, just the feeling of being a little sister.

   "Welcome." Ning Fei said with a smile.

   "I heard Teacher Huang said that you are going to build a house for the panda. You are so amazing." Zhang Xiaofeng walked over and looked at the house in front of him, his face was full of wonder.

   "Well, there is a panda and I have a lot of fate. It's winter, and I will make it a shelter from the cold." Ning Fei explained.

   As he said, Ning Fei covered the paint with a brush and began to outline the side of the house.

   Paint is different from ink. If the amount is not well controlled, it will easily flow down and flow out in a pattern.

   So painting is also very skillful.

   and Ning Fei is painting with paint.

   What else did Zhang Xiaofeng want to say. Seeing that Ning Fei was already working, he stopped talking and watched quietly.

   Ning Fei's brush moved fast, and in his hand, the brush seemed to have a soul, dancing lightly.

   Xiao Feng looked at Ning Fei's painting, her eyes brightened.

  Ning Fei is painting bamboo on both sides of the house.

   He uses traditional Chinese painting techniques. The ordinary Chinese paintings are painted with black ink on white paper. There is only one color, and the beauty of charm is emphasized.

   The scene from the live broadcast is also very shocking.

   I saw that where Ning Fei's brush was passing, the green bamboo seemed to grow out, and it appeared suddenly.

   He draws very fast, because he really has a good idea.

The image of    bamboo is in his mind.

   The brush in his hand seems to be magical. Wherever the tip of the pen touches, Hsinchu flourishes.

   The netizens of "Yearing 6" saw such a scene, and each one was so surprised that they couldn't speak.

   "This Taoist master can actually paint!"

   "Good professional Chinese painting technique, I am studying Chinese painting, this person is definitely a master!"

   "This bamboo is too real. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would not believe it!"

   "I can draw a bamboo painting with just a few strokes, so strong."

   "Ask my Chinese painting teacher, my teacher said that Ning Guanzhu's Chinese painting skills and accomplishments are very high."

   "You have never seen Lord Ning Guan painting on the oil paper umbrella before, that's good."

   "But I have never seen Ning Guanzhu paint a painting specially, maybe it is even more amazing."

   "I will see it later."

   "This Taoist priest, I really love it."

   Netizens talked a lot.

   Ning Fei drew a few strokes, and a wooden wall was covered with Hsinchu.

   At this moment, Zhang Xiaofeng's eyes are full of worship.

   "Ning Guanzhu, how did you paint this? It's so pretty."

   she asked with a smile.

   Ning Fei held the brush in his hand and dipped in some paint, then squeezed the nib against the edge of the basin to squeeze out the excess paint.

   He came to the wall on the other side, and while painting, he politely explained:

   "Drawing bamboo is very simple. When drawing bamboo, draw the pole first. Pay attention to the long bamboo joints in the middle part and the shorter ones at the upper and lower ends. The pen and ink are heavier when the dots are dotted. Pay attention to the change in density and dryness."

   "Next is painting leaves, and painting bamboo leaves is slightly more difficult."

   "The combination of bamboo leaves should have primary and secondary, virtual and actual, front and back, and how many changes. The main part has many leaves, usually drawn with heavy ink."

   "The secondary part is the leaves that interact with the main body and play an auxiliary role. Usually, some water is added to make the leaves a little empty."

   "Painting bamboo pays attention to composition. The layout of bamboo leaves in a painting must be gathered and scattered, not uniform. Where there is gathering, where is scattered, and where is left blank, all should be considered before painting."

   Zhang Xiaofeng listened quietly, his little head occasionally clicked to show that he was listening carefully.

   Actually, she really didn't understand, but she thought it made sense.

   Moreover, she looked at Ning Fei and listened to Ning Fei's explanation. She felt very comfortable, and she was very relaxed.

   Not only her, but the netizens who watched the live broadcast have this feeling.

   "It's the link of Ningguan's master show of knowledge again."

   "I don't know how to be serious."

   "Ning Guan is so strong, what he said is similar to what my teacher said, and it is more refined."

   "I have written down what he said."

   "Useless knowledge has increased again."

   "Who can tell me why he knows everything and is so proficient."

   "Ning Guanzhu seems to have said that painting is also one of his hobbies."

   "His hobbies are better than professional people, I don't know what to say."

  Ning Fei didn't notice the change in Zhang Xiaofeng's eyes, he was still painting bamboo intently.

   This group of bamboos is different from the previous group.

   "I drew fine bamboo just now. The brush strokes are clean and the relationship between the bamboo leaves is clear."

   "What I paint now is Fengzhu."

   After hearing Ning Fei’s words, netizens looked closely and found that this group of bamboos was slightly bent, and the bamboo poles were all swinging towards one side.

   "Drawing style bamboo, use the pen to be vigorous, press the emptiness, and pass it with one stroke, and you must not hesitate when you paint."

   At this moment, Ning Fei is like a lonely painter immersed in his own world. He uses artistic techniques and language to let the world see the charm of Chinese painting art.

   In the picture, Ning Fei is tall and straight, with a correct pen posture, and his painting movements are elegant and full of charm.

   For an instant, netizens felt that they had traveled to the era of the flourishing Chinese culture hundreds of years ago, and saw a painter who was addicted to picturesque splashing ink.

   The realm of Ning Jingzhu is really high!

   All the netizens flashed such a sentence. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

   Ning Fei is still telling:

   "Drawing wind bamboo pays attention to the control of the wind, and draws the corresponding shape of the bamboo leaves according to the size of the wind."

   "Each part of the bamboo leaves must also have strength and primary and secondary relationships, as well as the dynamics of each group of leaves."

   "So if you want to paint windy bamboo well, you must observe more on weekdays. With the image of wind blowing bamboo in your heart, the painting will naturally have more charm."

   After saying this, Ning Fei just finished painting.

   Netizens look again, the green bamboo on the wooden wall bends slightly, as if swaying in the wind, the bamboo leaves seem to have life, and every leaf dances in the wind.

   Ning Fei turned his head, only to find that Zhang Xiaofeng was looking at him, startled in a daze.

   "Did I speak too deeply?" Ning Fei smiled helplessly, and couldn't hold back the rise just now.

   "No, no, no! You said so well!" Xiao Feng hurriedly waved his hand and said with a smile.

   This scene of the live broadcast looks very beautiful.

   Outside the courtyard of Qingfengguan, a few fallen leaves were falling, Taoist paintings on the wooden wall, and a simple and lovely girl next to him was smiling innocently.

   The beauty of the world is probably that way.


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