Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 221: From today, you are the security of Nanhu

   Ning Fei took the little guys around the lake.

   He is mainly familiar with the environment around the lake, and see where there is a need for renovation, and where something is suitable for building.

   Nanhu Lake is a lake where groundwater accumulates. There are several small tributaries flowing down, and there is also a tributary at the source.

   "It is living water, but the tributaries seep out from the ground."

   "In other words, if a slightly larger fish swims here, there is no way to leave."

   "Even the road up against the current is not easy to walk."

   Ning Fei observed the structure of Nanhu Lake and explained to netizens.

   "Ning Guanzhu meant that this lake is equivalent to a cage. After the fish come in, they can't get out again?"

   "It's kind of scary to say so."

   "The carnivorous fish in this lake has become the overlord."

   "No wonder there are few fish in Nanhu Lake, and it's hard for small fish to survive."

   "Thinking from the perspective of a small fish, this is quite scary. In a confined space that cannot escape, there are terrifying big fish around to eat it, and I'm scared to think about it."

   Everyone is also talking.

   Ning Fei shook his head and said again:

   "No, every lake and river has large predatory fish like blackfish and perch."

   "The other little fish are alive and well, no problem."

   "The reproduction ability of fish is extremely fast, hundreds of them can be born at a time, and the growth rate is also very fast, big fish can't finish eating."

   "It can only be said that the current ecological consequences of Nanhu Lake are precisely the fact that the number of fish is too small, but the carnivorous fish in it need to do their best to grab food and even kill each other."

   "In addition, it is the more ferocious subspecies of bass, so the fish here grow so big."

   Ning Fei explored the situation in Nanhu, and the rest of the matter was much easier.

   "The way to solve this problem is very simple, put some fry down, come here from time to time to feed the fish."

   "South Lake will be another scene."

   Ning Fei is very satisfied with her plan.

   He had already expected the scene of fish leaping out of the water in Nanhu, full of vitality.

   "But autumn and winter are not suitable for fish farming. The best time for fish farming is spring and summer."

   "The large-scale stocking of fry can only wait until next year."

   At this moment, Xiao Falak suddenly fell from the sky, and a fierce boy plunged into the water.

   Then, its claws caught a fish and threw it onto the deck.

   That is another snakehead bass, only about 40 cm long, which is considered a big fish.

   Netizens are full of praise for this scene.

   The current little falcon hasn't fully grown up yet, and he doesn't even look as big as this snakehead bass.

   But judging from the performance of Falcon just now, it turned out to be easy to catch a fish larger than himself on the boat.

   Little Fox, Little Dog, and Xiao Fei all looked at Xiao Falcon with an expression of admiration on their faces.

  Especially Xiao Fei, the chirping is the brightest, flashing its wings around Xiao Falcon, alive with little fan.

   "This silly chicken."

   Xiaofeng also called out when he saw Xiao Fei on the top of the boat. But then it saw Xiao Falcon's sharp gaze, and immediately closed its mouth, and did not dare to speak any more.

   After all, Falcon’s deterrence is not a joke.

   "Good job." Ning Fei said with a smile to Xiao Falcon.

   Fishing is still very good.

   Ning Fei floated on the lake in a small boat.

  The Nanhu Lake has a mountain on one side, and the rest are shrubs and shrubs. On the opposite side of the mountain is a grassland and a sparse wood. If you come to Nanhu, you can only come through the woods.

   On the other two sides, almost no one has been there.

   Ning Fei rowed the boat and looked at the shore of Nanhu Lake. At this moment, his expression changed.

   "There seems to be something."

   Ning Fei looked into the distance and said something.

   When he said that, netizens became curious.

   "Is there something? What is it?"

   "Is there anything else on the edge of South Lake?"

   Several little guys also looked over.

   The little dog also saw the abnormal movement by the lake, and immediately barked two warning barks.

   The camera of the drone was turned over and the screen zoomed in, and netizens finally saw what Ning Fei was talking about.

   I saw a black bear less than one person tall on the shore of Nanhu Lake. At this moment, the black bear was hiding behind a tree, leaning out half of its body, carefully looking at Ning Fei.

  Different from the grumpy black bear Ning Fei had encountered before, this black bear looked a lot more dazed, and his face was full of fear.

   Every expression reveals a cautious feeling.

   "There is a bear here!"

   Ning Fei chuckled and said with interest.

   "I can count as my neighbor."

   After finishing speaking, Ning Fei propped the boat and drove towards the shore on one side.

   The black bear was even more frightened when he saw Ning Fei coming over, and immediately took his body back and hid it behind the tree.

   It's just that the tree is so small that it doesn't even have a third of the black bear's body.

   This scene is really funny.

   A black bear, hiding behind a tree smaller than himself, stood upright, his head tightly attached to the tree, as if he was afraid.

   "This bear is really interesting. Does it want to hide behind a tree?"

   "I think of one piece's hiding method inexplicably."

   "Brother, you are a bear, what about your power!"

   "This black bear is so embarrassed?"

   "Hahaha, I look so happy."

   "It's true that when the forest grows, there are all kinds of bears."

   "Black bear, you have to stand up."

   "Is it the only one who thinks this bear is very smart? I know that I can't provoke Ning's subject."

   "It makes sense, after all, Ning Guanzhu is the man at the top of the food chain."

   "The black bear spirit meets the Daoist Demon, can you not be afraid?"

   Everyone also thought it was very interesting, and the barrage rushed in immediately, all teasing the black bear.

  Ning Fei docked the ship on the shore, immediately jumped off the ship, and walked towards the black bear.

   The little dog rushed down, but the other little guys didn't move.

   The black bear saw Ning Fei and the little dog walking towards him, and was so scared that he immediately turned and ran. It lay on the ground, supporting the body with its front feet and crawling quickly.

   "This black bear, what are you running?"

   Ning Fei smiled with interest, and then speeded up. After a while, he caught up with the black bear.

   When Ning Fei appeared next to the black bear, the black bear stood up with a "cock", and at the same time opened his hands, posing a very scary look.


   The little dog yelled at it twice, and the black bear immediately got down and lowered his head, looking at Ning Fei with a slightly aggrieved expression.

   The black bear's expression and movements fully express the word "counsel".

   "Little dog, don't scare him!"

   Ning Fei said.

   Hearing Ning Fei's words, the little dog stopped barking immediately, just wagging his tail, tilted his head, and looked at the black bear curiously.

  Ning Fei didn't expect this black bear to be so scared, even a pony dog ​​was afraid.

   "Don't be afraid, I just say hello to you."

   Ning Fei said gently to the black bear.

   The black bear is obviously more afraid.

   Ning Fei looked around and found that this place should be the territory of this black bear.

   He said to himself again:

   "There are so few fish in Nanhu, but you take Nanhu as your territory."

   "It seems that I couldn't find a good place, or was bullied by other people."

   "It's no wonder it has such a personality, and the body looks thin."

   This black bear is indeed not strong, ordinary black bears have big waists and round waists, otherwise the term "tiger back bear waist" would not be used to describe a strong man.

   Then, Ning Fei said to netizens:

   "Look, this bear is not too strong. It should be because it is born incapable of hunting, or it has a relatively weak personality and cannot compete for the same kind."

   "There are so few fish in Nanhu Lake, but they came to occupy the land and survive in Nanhu Lake. You can imagine how miserable it was."

   "If I guess right, maybe Nanhu Lake is the only place where it can survive. There are relatively few of its kind here, and there are no other beasts."

Then, Ning Fei glanced at the black bear again, and smiled: "The other bears are all grabbing territory. Be the king and dominate the other side. It's better for you to run to this place where there is no one, just want to chase the butterfly peacefully and sleep. ."

   When netizens heard Ning Fei's words, they felt that this black bear was really pitiful.

   I came to a place where resources are not abundant, just wanting to live my life in peace.

   At this time, Ning Fei said again:

   "But Nanhu has been contracted by me. If there is an unfamiliar black bear next to it, it is always not good. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

   Hearing what Ning Fei said, some netizens said immediately:

   "Ah, Ning Guanzhu, don't drive away the black bear."

   "Yes, it is not easy for this black bear to find such a place."

   "It's already miserable, and Nanhu may be its only habitat."

   "Finally find your own paradise, are you going to be driven away like this?"

   "There is no way. If someone contracts a pond and there is a black bear next to the pond, it must be driven away. Normal people will do this."

   "Yes, no matter how hard the black bear is, it is always at risk of hurting people."

   Everyone was talking, but Ning Fei suddenly laughed.

   He whispered to the black bear:

   "My fish pond does not allow strange bears to be nearby."

   "So, from today, I will officially hire you as the security guard of Nanhu."

   "The salary is the big fish that can make you full."

"how do you feel?"

   Hearing what Ning Fei said, the discussion among netizens stopped abruptly.

  Ning Guanzhu actually wanted to... hire a black bear as a security guard? !


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