Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 236: Lake house, building a house game

South Lake.

  Ning flew to the lake, looking at the seven or eight large boxes piled up by the lake, a trace of helplessness appeared on his face.

   The boxes are about three meters high and three meters wide, and they are very tightly bound.

   Inside the box is the wood he customized from the lumber factory to build the wooden house.

   In addition to these boxes, there are also bundles of encapsulated long logs on the ground, all of which are necessary parts for building a wooden house.

   Yesterday, because he was going to repair the ancient paintings, Ning Fei asked the lumber factory not to rush to work. The price is good, and he will pay.

   Lumber factory received such a big deal from him, he was very serious, so when binding, they used the highest specifications.

   "What are these?" Netizens asked curiously when they saw these boxes.

   Ning Fei put down the little fox and explained to the netizens in the live broadcast room:

   "These are my custom-made lumber parts, yesterday after a day and night, the lumber factory made them specially."

   "I plan to build a wooden house on the edge of Nanhu Lake."

  On hearing Ning Fei's words, netizens understood.

   "It turned out to be a wooden house."

   "These are all wooden house materials."

   "Does Ningguan build the house alone?"

   "My friend happened to be engaged in the design of wooden houses. It is particularly difficult to build wooden houses. It requires a deep understanding of wooden structures."

   "I almost forgot, Ning Guan seems to understand architecture too, isn't Qingfeng Guan designed by him?"

   "I don't understand architecture, but very proficient."

   "Ning Guanzhu is really an all-rounder."

   Netizens talked a lot.

   At this time, the little bear also appeared. When they saw it, netizens thought of its enchanting dance, and they all smiled knowingly.

   Ning Fei moved his body slightly, and said:

   “Wooden houses come in many forms, and the popular ones are light wood structures, heavy wood structures and well-dry wood structures.”

   "The wooden house I want to build is a light wooden structure."

   "Because the material is lighter and the materials are already prepared, the construction speed will be much faster."

   "I remember there was a video before. It took a total of six hours for several people to build a wooden house, which was the fastest."

   "Today I will challenge this record."

   "It is half past one in the afternoon, and I strive to finish the construction of the wooden house before half past six."

   When Ning Fei's words were heard, netizens found it incredible.

   "To build a wooden house in five hours, would it be a bit too much."

   "If Ning Guanzhu, everything is possible."

   "Who makes the other party a fairy?"

   At this time, Ning Fei was already moving.

   He found a crowbar, jumped up to the big wooden box, and then used the crowbar to pry open all the edges of the wooden box.

   Netizens can also see that inside the wooden box are the wooden walls, roofs, and stairs that need to be assembled.

   Then, Ning Fei took a shovel and found a relatively high and flat place aside, and began to dig a hole.

   "Now is the first step to build the foundation of the wooden house. The foundation is very important, it can prevent insects, moisture, and fix the wooden house. The foundation of the wooden house is relatively simple."

  The wooden house that Ning Fei wants to build is not large, with a total area of ​​about 140 square meters, divided into two houses.

  To build a foundation is to dig a hole, bury wooden piles, and then make a wooden floor on it.

   "Then the second step is the construction of the frame and the installation of the internal and external walls."

   Ning Fei devoted himself to the construction of the wooden house.

The    frame is constructed by erecting square wooden sticks at the corners of the house and fixing them after the wooden floor is laid. Then hit the wooden wall again.

   In the shocked eyes of netizens, Ning Fei easily lifted a wooden wall, then installed the wooden wall in the frame of the wooden house, and then fixed it with screws.

   "Do you think this scene looks like Ning Guanzhu is playing a game of building a house."

   "I did this when I was a kid, but I played with plastic toys. Who would have thought that someone would play in a real house."

   "Similarly, when I was young, I especially liked building blocks."

   "If I say one thing, I would rather watch and build a house for two times. Ordinary people really can't come."

   "Don't underestimate the wooden wall, after all, it is solid wood and very heavy."

   At this moment, Ning Fei concentrated on making a wooden house.

The little guys beside    are all watching him.

   After installing the wooden wall, the prototype of the house has come out.

   "Next, the roof of the wooden house."

  "The wooden roof is composed of wooden roof trusses, sandalwood strips, wooden looking boards and roof waterproof building materials."

   "Much heavier than a wooden wall."

   Ning Fei explained as he lifted a piece of wooden house cover, still looking very relaxed.

   Then, he set up the ladder and climbed up the wooden roof.

   You must know that the wooden roof is about two meters long, one meter wide, and the thickness is close to 20 cm.

   Wood parts like this can weigh hundreds of catties, less to say.

  Ning Fei just held up the wooden roof and stepped on the ladder, keeping his balance.

   When netizens saw this scene, they all squeezed a cold sweat.

   Is this still playing acrobatics?

   Next, Ning Fei put the wooden house cover on the frame built by the wooden house, and it was tightly fitted, just covering one side of the wooden house.

   He tried to move the wooden roof, confirmed that it was very strong, then climbed up and started to drive the screws.

   The drone rises high.

   Looking around, there are mountains, waters and spirit beasts in the picture, which is very beautiful.

   Ning Fei was so dedicated and busy.

   Xiaohu is more dexterous. Seeing Ning Fei climb the roof, he jumped up along the ladder. The enchanting posture makes netizens shine.

   The little dog was below. Seeing that the little fox was so flexible, he barked several times, his voice full of envy.

   On the roof, Little Fox squatted beside Ning Fei, looking at him.

  Ning Fei is still fixing the screws.

   After fixing this wooden roof, Ning Fei saw the little fox beside him, smiled and picked it up, then went down the ladder, moved the ladder to the other side, and started to fix another wooden roof.

   From 1:30 in the afternoon to around 5:30 now, Ning Fei has been building a wooden house by the lake.

   Netizens watched him build a house from the foundation, bit by bit.

   The netizens who have been watching do not think the speed is so fast, but some netizens watch it for a while and then go to work on other things. When the live broadcast is turned on after two hours, the cabin completely changed.

  Moreover, building a wooden house has never been so simple. It involves a lot of knowledge of architecture and wooden structures.

   A little carelessness will cause an irreparable loophole at a certain stage, causing the entire project to fall short.

   Looking at Ning Fei again, every step is so calm and powerful.

  The technique of nailing wood and the construction of wood structure, even if you ask experts in wooden house design to see it, you can't find the slightest fault.

   The point is that he is still fast.

   At about 6:20 in the afternoon, Ning Fei fixed the beam of the wooden house and tightened the last screw into the groove of the wood.

   He walked out of the house, stretched his waist, and said comfortably:

"Finally finished."

   Ning Fei looked at the wooden house. The drone's camera followed his gaze and moved towards the wooden house.

  I saw an exquisite wooden house suite rise from the lakeside. There are two suites, one is the master bedroom and the other is the activity room.

  The whole wooden house is light brown, the original color of the trees. Ning Fei bought the top-quality construction wood, and he could smell a faint fragrance of new wood.

"What a nice view."

   Netizens looked at this picture~www.ltnovel.com~ and couldn't help but exclaim.

   "This traditional wooden house uses the most natural building materials." Ning Fei said softly next to the wooden house.

   "Traditional materials such as wood, bamboo, stone, bricks and tiles can adjust the air humidity and improve people's comfort. Therefore, many people who have lived in big cities for a long time want to live in wooden houses in the country for vacation."

   "Here, I can get closer to nature."

   "Of course, there are good and bad, such a wooden house has no water and electricity, and some personal life problems are not easy to solve."

   "For this, the benevolent sees the benevolent, and everyone has a choice."

  Ning Fei said, opened the wooden door, let the drone follow him in, and let the netizens see the structure inside the wooden house.

   There are two rooms in the first wooden house, one is the bedroom, inside it is a wooden bed, a wooden table, and a wooden chair. It is simple but clean.

   Outside is a large room, temporarily empty, but what surprised netizens is that there is a fireplace on the wall of the wooden house.

   The fireplace is prepared by Ning Fei Rang Timber Factory. It is made of clay tiles and is inlaid between the partitions of two wooden walls.

   The fire resistance of the fireplace is very good, even if a large flame is ignited in it, it will not cause any harm to the house.

   lakeside, wooden house, fire.

   If there is another rocking chair, and another cup of hot tea, when the sun goes down, just warm and drink tea by the fire, life will not have a special flavor.

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