Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 325: Breathtaking deep mountain caves!

Looking for the wall Ning Fei said, they didn't experience too much difficulty, and they found it quickly.

But the members of the expedition team didn't look so good.

Ning Fei immediately covered Bai Yi's eyes with his hands.

"Brother, what happened?" Bai Yi asked in a low voice, blindfolded.

"There are dead human bones, don't look at it." Ning Fei comforted her.

In the live broadcast room, the drone was playing a dark hole in the wall.

Next to the entrance of the cave lay a skeleton.

Only the skeleton is left of this skeleton. It looks like it is sitting on the ground with his back against the wall, and it just died.

He was still wearing some rags, which had rotted in a bad shape, and there were a few metal utensils on the ground that were all rusty.

"He was from the time of the Republic of China."

Zhang Ke knelt down, probed, and frowned.

"Clothes and things are from that era. It looks like a professional tomb thief."

"I just didn't expect to die here."

Ning Fei also looked at the corpse.

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room is getting tense.

When have netizens seen such a scene in the live broadcast room?

Ning Fei's live broadcast room has not been closed yet, because this is an expedition research project in cooperation with the government, so the politics is relatively correct, and Douniao Live Broadcasting Company dares to broadcast it.

"Why did he die here?"

"Is it because the maze can't go out?"

Zhang Ke muttered to himself.

Hearing this, Ning Fei shook his head and said, "He can even find this wall, how can he not get out of the maze."

"Look at the position of his hand bones, overlapping with the breastbone, it is obvious that he was holding his chest before he died."

"The approximate possibility is that this person came out of the cave, was poisoned, or suffocated for some reason, lay here, clutched his chest and died."

Ning Fei had a clear logic and gave his own analysis based on the scene. When netizens heard his words, they nodded and secretly admired him.

Zhang Ke looked at Ning Fei and said in admiration:

"Ning Guanzhu, you are too powerful. Fortunately, you followed this time, otherwise I really don't know what to do in this situation."

Ning Fei just replied: "Don't say this for now, things may be worse than we thought."

"Since this person died here, it means that there is an unknown danger inside."

Zhang Ke also sighed and said:

"Yeah, I always thought that there were organs in the tomb, just the plot in the movie."

"After all, in reality, we found such a large Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang, so many terracotta warriors and horses, and we have not seen any institutions."

Ning Fei nodded and said:

"I think our previous understanding was wrong."

"That map is marked with a small tomb and a large tomb. We think that the tomb in the stalactite cave is an accompanying burial. This is the master's tomb."

"Not really."

"If I guess right, the tomb in the stalactite cave is the decoy tomb, and here is the tomb for nourishing blood."

Ning Fei's words were calm, but everyone heard it and felt cold behind their backs, and a cold air rushed from the soles of their feet, heading towards the sky.

Coupled with a bone from the Republic of China era next to it, it looks even more cripple.

"Ning Guanzhu, what do you mean?" Zhang Ke asked a little nervously from the side.

"Look at the map."

"This place is in the Dragon Vessel. On the bright side, it is a treasure of geomantic omen, but it corresponds to the two stars of Tianyi and Taiyi. These two stars are lucky stars, but the tombs of Tianyi and Taiyi must be Dizang tombs. It is buried deep in the ground, it cannot be a mountain burial."

"From the beginning, I felt something was wrong."

"Let's put it this way, there may be many tombs in Qinshan that are the same as the tombs in the stalactite caves, and such tombs will point to this place."

"This place is like a big altar, attracting tomb robbers to enter, and then find a way to take away the blood of these people and use it to raise the tomb."

"This is not the main tomb, but the altar of the main tomb. The life of a living person is used to raise the real master."

"Of course, I am also guessing, who knows what the ancients thought."

Ning Fei spoke quietly.

The cave was silent and extremely quiet.

The audience who was watching this live broadcast were already speechless.

At first, everyone thought this was just a simple cultural relic exploration activity, located in the depths of the Qin Mountain, so the road may be dangerous.

But who would have thought that the actual situation would be so dangerous.

"Is what Ning Guan said is true?"

Netizens talked a lot.

"At that time, I believed in ghosts and gods. Maybe it was possible."

"Qin Shihuang has built terracotta warriors and horses, and the nobles can't think of any way to live forever."

"The level of technology is still not enough. It is the kingly way to maintain a long life and a reasonable health."

"This hole is so dangerous?"

"Maybe it's just to scare people."

While everyone was talking, the expedition team was also discussing it.

"Then what shall we do?" Zhang Ke looked at the thief and asked.

"It's very simple. What age is it now? There are so many ways to explore. People in that age couldn't imagine that there would be drones in the future."

Ning Fei said.

Then, he changed the drone to manual and controlled the drone to fly in from the hole with the virtual joystick of the phone.

Zhang Ke hurriedly took out his mobile phone, opened Ning Fei's live broadcast, and checked the footage captured by the drone with netizens.

The drone has its own light, and a beam of light hits it, forming a beam of light in the dark tomb.

Then, the cave in front suddenly became brighter and bigger.

"There are dark shadows!"

Zhang Ke looked at the live broadcast and suddenly said aloud.

Everyone was scared and asked him to bluff like this, and some people just threw their phones away.

"Damn, the video is not terrible, this cry scares labor and capital!"

"I was so scared that I hit a set of five consecutive whips."

"What is the dark shadow?"

Everyone thought it was weird.

Ning Fei manipulated the drone to approach, and the netizens finally saw the true face of the dark shadow.

That is a monument.


A trace of doubt appeared in Ning Fei's expression.

He pulled the drone closer and everyone could see that there were many complicated words on the stele.

"This is Zhou Dynasty text!"

"The Zhou Dynasty believed in the theory of immortals the most. For example, when the king of Shang Zhou was destroyed, the oracle bones had to be counted as a hexagram before the expedition. There are also stories about the Fengshen Bang, mostly from this dynasty."

Zhang Ke said in shock.

"Team Zhang, can you recognize the meaning of these words?" Ning Fei asked.

Zhang Ke shook his head, "If I still have references in the academy, it would be too difficult to recognize the Zhou Dynasty text now."

"Then look at this symbol. In the culture of the Zhou Dynasty, does it mean a lot of fierceness." At this time, Ning Fei used the light of the drone to illuminate a symbol on the stone tablet and said.

Zhang Ke looked carefully and was surprised: "Yes, this is the meaning of a big evil omen. In the Zhou Dynasty's divination culture, if the result of divination is this symbol, it is the most dangerous result."

Suddenly, Zhang Ke realized something, and looked at Ning Fei with a stunned face, and said, "How do you know this symbol?"

"I have read some ancient books that record things about the Zhou Dynasty. I have always had a good memory, so I have an impression." Ning Fei just explained, and didn't say much.

Netizens can only say one thing after seeing this scene:

"Ning Guanzhu is really awesome."

Nothing could be seen from the inscription, Ning Fei controlled the drone to look around again. However, at this moment, a dark shadow suddenly passed across the screen.

This black shadow shocked everyone!

There are animals in this tomb!

Zhang Ke trembled all over and threw the phone directly into the sky. Fortunately, Ning Fei's eyes were quick and he reached out and took the phone off.

"what is that?"

The netizens were trembling with fright.

There are animals in a closed tomb, which is too scary.

Ning Fei realized something. He manipulated the drone, and the camera slowly moved up.

When you see what's on it, everyone's brain is blank.

What the drone sees is hundreds of pairs of green eyes.

Wherever the light passes, you can see furry bat-like creatures crawling away from the light circle in disgust.

"It's a bat, it looks like a large bat."

"Large bats generally eat fruit and nectar, while small bats generally prey on insects."

"The road just walked, there was no bat droppings or traces of bats coming out."

"In other words, bats can be self-sufficient in caves."

Ning Fei came to many conclusions only at the first glance at the bat.

So many bats must have the means to survive.

As a result, everyone was still in shock, and Ning Fei slowly looked down at the drone footage.

Below, there is a platform. There are vacancies around the platform. When the drone goes down, everyone sees another shocking scene.

Under the platform, there is a dark purple moss. Under the moss is a dark river that has been flowing endlessly for many years.

"Good calculation."

"The person who designed this tomb not only has a fine channel method ~www.ltnovel.com~, but also has an understanding of biology."

"The mountain waterfall in the stalactite cave, the salamander creature, there is a tomb hidden inside, and the salamander may have been cultivated by him."

"It's the same here. There is a dark river in the mountain, and a deep purple moss has been planted by humans. This moss may have grown repeatedly for thousands of years."

"If there is no accident, the moss is highly poisonous, and the bats can feed on the moss, and the droppings of the bat's excrement become the nourishment of the moss. The bat does not know how many years have lived in this cave."

"Awesome. Only relying on the underground river can cultivate a relatively closed ecosystem that can still operate for thousands of years. This person is too powerful."

Ning Fei was amazed.

He has always been obsessed with ancient culture.

The technique and handwriting of the people who can create this tomb is amazing.

Looking at other people, they were still immersed in the strange environment inside the mountain, and their brains couldn't keep up with Ning Fei's rhythm at all.

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