Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 325: Ning Guanzhu, really flying!

Ning Fei went up the mountain all the way, passing through the green tea fields in the tea garden.

Netizens saw that Ning Fei went straight through the tea field, but instead walked towards the back mountain.

"Where is Lord Ning Guan going? Isn't the best place to grow tea in this area?"

"Isn't the tea field that Ningguan mainly picks?"

"There is no other good tea."

Everyone talked a lot.

At this time, Ning Fei finally came to his destination, Bai Yuanche's tea garden.

Compared with the previous tea gardens, this tea garden looks much worse.

The growth of tea trees is neither neat nor regular, and the tea trees are not shrub-type low varieties, but the most primitive tree tea trees.

Instead of calling it a tea garden, it is more appropriate to call it a tea forest.

"This is the tea garden where Ning Guan came mainly?"

"Such a good blue shirt has such a bad hair, running to this strange place?"

"Then good tea is not from Ningguan, and he can't pick it."

"Did you run so far to pick this tea tree? It looks ugly."

"Who can make popular science, what tea tree is this?"

"I have never seen a tea tree that grows so tall."

Everyone talked a lot, and the disappointment could not be concealed in their words.

They originally expected Ning Fei's tea garden to be a beautiful tea garden, but after seeing it, they found that it was completely incomparable with the beautiful green shirts.

At this time, Ning Fei's eyes lit up.

He explained unhurriedly:

"Tea trees are divided into three types: tree type, small tree type, and shrub type."

"Arbors are the most primitive type of tea trees. The tea trees are tall, with high branches and relatively sparse branches and leaves."

"The small tree type is an evolutionary type, and the yield is slightly larger. The shrub type is the best evolutionary type. The vast majority of tea on the market today are shrub type tea trees."

"However, some teas can only be grown from the most primitive tree-type tea trees."

After hearing Ning Fei's explanation, everyone's discussion stopped a bit.

Tea culture is an important culture of China. There are many people in China who love tea, from the old to the young, and there are many people who know tea.

[Old man]: "Ning Guanzhu, what kind of tea are you, why have I never seen it?"

Ning Fei said with a smile:

"This is the Green Dragon Pu'er, the common name is Green Dragon."

"Green Dragon?"

Hearing what Ning Fei said, many netizens who knew tea were taken aback, because they had never heard of the name Green Dragon.

"Ning Guanzhu, how come I haven't heard the saying about the green dragon Pu'er, where is it produced and which province is it special?"

Someone couldn't help but ask.

Ning Fei continued to explain: "The Green Dragon is an ancient tea, which is almost extinct now."

"China’s tea culture has a long history. It is recorded in ancient texts that'Shen Nong tasted a hundred herbs, met 72 poisons a day, and got tea to relieve it.' In the late Eastern Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms period, tea was already drunk as a beverage.

"Later, people in the Tang and Song dynasties were keen to drink tea, but people in the Yuan Dynasty preferred to drink. It was only in the Ming Dynasty that tea developed to a peak and began to brew tea with tender leaves."

"In the Ming Dynasty, the green dragon Pu'er appeared."

"It is rumored that this kind of tea has a scent of tea and has a calming effect. At that time, there was only this kind of ancient tea in Yunzhinan Province, and it was used as a tribute."

"Now it's gradually lost."

Netizens will believe in Ning Fei's words.

"Ning Guanzhu meant that this is a lost ancient tea?"

"real or fake?"

"I don't know, Ning Guan said that it's true is true."

"I don't know what these teas are, but I really like another kind of'tea'."

"The'tea' that the previous brother said, I thought of it with me."

"What are you talking about, why can't I understand?"

"Hey, the taste of this tea is very good."

When everyone was talking about it, another ID suddenly attracted the attention of netizens.

[Yunzhinan Green Tea Co., Ltd.] Rewarding anchor 10 super rockets: "Ning Guanzhu, can you let me take a closer look at this tea tree?"

Ning Fei happened to see this barrage, and he himself was about to go up the tree to pick tea, so he let the drone slowly approach the tea leaves on the tree and zoomed in carefully.

"The tea leaves are slightly thin, slender, with slightly disordered textures. The whole is darker green. The shape is similar to Pu'er, but the shape is very uniform."

In a certain office in Yunzhinan, the manager Liu Cen was surprised to see the tea in the live broadcast.

"This is Mozhu Pu'er tea! It is the Mozhu Pu'er tea recorded by the tea house!"

Liu Cen was so excited that he ran to the depths of the tea house to find the elders in the tea house.

You should know that in a large tea-picking province like Yunzhinan, many tea houses have been handed down from generation to generation, and they have a profound knowledge of tea.

At this time, the scene in the live broadcast room is more unique.

Ning Fei carried a bamboo basket on his back, climbed onto the tea tree, picked up the good tea, and started picking tea.

The tea tree is very tall and its branches are not sturdy, so it seems to break at any time.

Ning Fei stepped on a branch like this, like a fluttering bird, still shaking with the branch.

Seeing such a picture, the hearts of netizens almost jumped into their throats.

They felt that Ning Fei would fall from an altitude of eight or nine meters at any time.

Ning Fei was quite calm.

He knew that the branches of the Green Dragon Pu'er tree were very resistant and difficult to break.

Although the branches are somewhat soft, the softer they are, the less likely they are to break.

As long as he pays attention to his strength and does not step on the air, there is no problem at all.

When picking tea, the drone slightly zoomed out the camera.

The picture is even stronger.

Because the branches underneath Ning Fei's feet are relatively thin, if the lens is zoomed out, it is not very clear.

So the live broadcast looks like a Taoist priest wearing a blue robe, carrying a bamboo basket, hanging in the air to pick tea.

The fairy picks tea.

How awesome is it.

"I'm not mistaken, right? Ning Guanzhu is flying?"

"It seems, really flying!"

"It's not just flying, it seems to be suspended in the air."

"This allows foreigners to see, thinking that we have a fairy in China!"

"Don't talk about foreigners, I now believe that Ning Guanzhu is an immortal!"

"This is so handsome, right? Flying to such a high and slow picking tea? Nima, Xuanhuan dare not shoot like this!"

Everyone talked a lot, and they had already stopped discussing tea varieties.

The drone zoomed in and everyone saw that Ning Fei stepped on a tree branch under his feet, and still picked the tea leaves slowly and put them in the bamboo basket behind.

This video is once again popular across the Internet.

The drone's lens is zoomed out until the ground can be seen.

You can see that a Taoist priest is floating in the air, picking tea leaves lightly, about ten meters above the ground.

what is this? The new Xiuxian blockbuster?

The comments of netizens also exploded.

All kinds of discussions, appreciation, and ridicule are endless.

Ning Fei didn't care much about this.

The tea leaves of the tea plants have just begun to mature, and some tea plants seem to take a few days to grow to their best. Ning Feidao also specializes in picking the grown tea leaves.

The tea leaves on one tree are almost picked, so he needs to go to another tree.

The branches are intertwined with each other. Ning Fei checked the position, and then leaped vigorously, and jumped directly from the branch of one tea tree to another tea tree~www.ltnovel.com~ He thought it was not far. , At best, a distance of about 1.5 meters, normal people can jump over with a little approach.

But netizens don't think so.

This is ten meters high in the sky, which is already very high above the ground. Even people who are not afraid of heights will have some soft legs in such a place, let alone such a light jump of Tamkhe.

Moreover, Ning Fei's movements are very elegant.

Therefore, in the eyes of netizens, he is flying.


Everyone just thinks that their eyes are dazzling, and they seem to have seen something extraordinary.

"Ning Guanzhu, really flying!"

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