Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 329: 1 Whale falls, everything lives

Text Chapter 329: A whale falls, everything is born

This live broadcast once again caused a storm across the entire network.

Ning Fei is too popular now, and reposts of his videos are everywhere.

When netizens watched the video of Ning Fei wandering under the water with a dozen sperm whales above their heads, everyone's body trembled.

Some people even suspected for the first time whether these were special effects.

In many of the promotional images of the game, a huge kun flies across the sky.

Compared with the scenes Ning Fei has experienced now, these scenes are nothing but insignificance.

Ning Fei followed the group of sperm whales and swam forward.

He had already found the injured sperm whale whose positioning system was disturbed.

But he didn't bother it rashly.

Because it is now a ceremony for the sperm whale group.

A ritual that accompanied the longest person in the race and continued to swim on the bottom of the sea before his death.

Everyone watched this scene quietly.

The whales’ grief seemed to spread. Through the screen, they infected netizens who watched the live broadcast.

At this moment, the eyelids of the elderly sperm whale in the middle seemed to have run out of strength, slowly, little by little, and closed.

Before he died, his eyes were calm and calm.

It stopped swinging its tail.

In an instant, its people continued to cry in sorrow, and then scattered around, swimming around its body slowly.

And the old sperm whale fell straight and gently.

"When a whale falls, everything is born."

"Scientists have discovered that in the Pacific Ocean, at least 12,490 organisms of 43 species depend on whale landings to survive."

At this time, Ning Fei's calm voice came from the live broadcast room.

The scene of the whale falling, matched with Ning Fei's voice, his live broadcast room is comparable to the animal world explained by Teacher Zhao Zhongxiang, which is endlessly memorable.

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"It did happen today."

"At present, there are fewer than 50 whale falling images observed by scientists, and most of them are whale carcasses after the whale has landed."

"This whale fall may be one of the rarest spectacles in the sea."

Netizens looked at such a picture, only feeling amazed.

A group of whales wailed around an old and dead whale.

And the dead whale, with a body weighing 50 tons, landed very slowly.

"It's no wonder that Whale Falls is called the'most romantic death in the world'."

"It's shocking! I can actually see this picture in Ning Guanzhu's live broadcast room!"

"I like Ning Guanzhu's live broadcast room so much, it is so pleasant to see!"

"Look at those whales, they are so sad!"

Netizens sent barrage to express their emotions.

At this time, Ning Fei was also very moved, and he continued:

"Death is the ending of every life."

"But the death of some lives is the beginning of more lives."

"The ocean is the cradle of life. However, when it reaches 200 meters below the surface of the sea, darkness is the normal state. The sunlight that arrives here cannot provide enough energy for life."

"The life in the deep sea depends on the ‘snow’ under the shallow water."

"The ocean will snow, that is, the food residues of shallow marine organisms, which will fall like snowflakes, and deep-sea life will feed on it."

"And a dead whale, the food brought by its body is more than the total amount of food residues that have been dropped for a thousand years in a sea area."

"Tens of thousands of creatures rely on whale carcasses to maintain the ecology of the ocean."

"And after the whale dies, it also returns all of its own to the ocean."

"This is the whale fall."

Ning Fei felt deeply.

Taoists are compassionate and compassionate. Although they do not delight in things or grieve themselves, they still have feelings. For any life worthy of awe, they will silently pray for them.

At this moment, Ning Fei is like that.

This whale fall was too shocking.

In the end, the body of the sperm whale fell into the mud on the bottom of the sea, splashing a cloud of mud.

The other sperm whales screamed a few more times, and immediately, they continued to swim towards the distance.

The dead whale was quietly waiting for his fate in the cold water.

"Why suddenly want to cry."

Some netizens said sadly when they saw the whale dying.

"It's probably such a beautiful and magnificent death, which can easily cause fluctuations in people's hearts."

"The ocean is really amazing, animals still have such emotions."

"Such scenery can only be seen by following Master Ning Guan."

"Hey, animal emotions are sometimes much purer."

At this moment, Ning Fei accelerated his swimming speed and headed straight for the group of sperm whales.

Netizens are puzzled again.

What is Ning Guanzhu doing?

Is he going to swim with the sperm whales?

At this time, I only heard Ning Fei say:

"After the whale fell, the first thing that found the whale carcass and started to eat was a shark."

"There will be many sharks coming over and vying to eat the whale carcass."

"After that, scavengers will come, octopuses and squids will use whale skeletons as nests, as well as various crustaceans."

"Even a few years later, there are still many kinds of bone-eating worms attached to whale skeletons."

"I have to leave soon, this will be the world of sharks in a while."

After hearing Ning Fei's words, netizens couldn't help becoming nervous.

If the most scared animal in the sea is probably the shark.

The sharp teeth like jagged teeth and the ferocious shape always make people feel very panic.

"Ning Guanzhu, hurry up!"

"Yes, most people dive in the deep sea and are kept in a cage. You don't have any protection. It is too dangerous to encounter sharks."

"Yi Gao is really bold!"

"I can only say something fierce!"

When everyone heard that sharks were about to appear, they all persuaded Ning Fei to leave here quickly.

However, Ning Fei still had a mission to complete.

I encountered a whale landing before, so Ning Fei did not rush into the group of whales, but now that the whale landing is over, he has to complete his mission~www.ltnovel.com~ Ning Fei is swimming very fast.

Sperm whales generally move slowly downstream.

So it didn't take long for Ning Fei to catch up with the sperm whales.

It is not far from the coastline, so the sea floor is not too deep. Before, Ning Fei was on the bottom of the sea, looking at it.

And this time, he directly began to swim upward.

Seeing such a picture, netizens were stunned.

"What is Ning Guan's main purpose?"

"He seems to be heading towards the group of sperm whales!"

"Is he dead?"

Everyone exclaimed.

You know, sperm whales are large whales.

A big mouth can swallow thousands of fish.

Humans are not enough to stuff their teeth in front of it.

However, just like that, Ning Fei swam all the way up, towards the sperm whale! .


The netizen swallowed unconsciously.

Because the live broadcast at this moment is more and more shocking.

Ning Fei had already come to the bottom of the sperm whale.

He was right next to the sperm whale's eyes and beckoned to the sperm whale.

The sperm whale stared at him with kind eyes, and seemed very interested in Ning Fei.

It seems that sperm whales have never encountered such an interesting creature on the seabed.

However, when netizens saw that eye, they no longer knew what to say.

The hand that sent the barrage was a little trembling.

That's a sperm whale! A 50-ton sperm whale! The body is dozens of times, hundreds of times the size of a human!

Ning Guanzhu just greeted it so gently, not afraid at all?

Netizens felt scared just by looking at it.

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