Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 350: Seabirds all over the sky, sea turtles escape, strange natural scenery!

The first small turtle came out of its shell.

It stretched out a small head, then crawled out of the turtle's shell with difficulty, swaying its limbs, and headed straight for the sea against the white sand.

In front of it is a large swath of seabirds.

"It's a little turtle!"

"Gosh, the little turtle is so cute!"

"I think any animal is cute as a child."

"It's true."

Everyone was amazed when they saw that it was a sea turtle.

However, some people worry:

"It only has one, will it be eaten!"

"It must have been eaten. The goal is so obvious. There are so many hungry seabirds out there that don't know how long they are, how can they survive."

But contrary to everyone's expectations, the first little sea turtle climbed all the way from the beach to the sea, and the seabirds were indifferent.

what's going on?

Everyone is curious.

At this time, Ning Fei explained:

"This is a magical way of communication between species. The first turtle is like a sentry. It is here to test the danger outside."

"If it fails, other turtles on the beach will delay the time to break their shells."

"If it succeeds, it will tell the other little turtles in a special way."

"Seabirds have long understood the habits of sea turtles. Therefore, the first sentinel sea turtle, seabirds will not eat it."

Sure enough, after the first turtle climbed into the sea.

There are traces of looseness everywhere in that beach.

Then, turtles one after another crawled out of the beach holes.

In each hole, there are a dozen small turtles, and they crawl outward together.

This scene was really shocking.

Countless little turtles just broke out of the sand and rushed to the sea, ready to welcome the beginning of their lives.

But the next second, the seabirds on the beach also moved.

White seabirds all flew up and crossed in the sky.

They swooped down from time to time, came to the beach, and ate a turtle with one mouth.

The shells of newly born turtles are not hard, they are like brittle bones to seabirds, and they taste even more delicious.

The protection staff of the protection station protect the turtles on the two roads from the disturbance of seabirds, and also try to let the small turtles reach the ocean.

This beach has become a Shura field for the little turtles.

Whether to embrace life or to embrace death is all in the choice of nature.

Ning Fei looked at such a scene very emotionally, but did not move.

He respects the rules of nature.

At this time, a little sea turtle was running, turned over at his feet, sunk in the sand, with his feet upright, struggling feebly.

After Ning Fei saw it, he immediately knelt down and turned the little turtle over.

As soon as the turtle turned over, he ignored Ning Fei and ran towards the sea.

After all, for them, time is life.

Ning Fei came to the beach and saw many small turtles rushing into the waves excitedly, and then disappeared.

After arriving in the ocean, sea turtles can grow up healthily, and can become the upper level of the food chain, preying on other small fish and shrimp. It is also a causal cycle.

The scene on the beach is chaotic and spectacular.

There are seabirds and baby turtles everywhere.

Netizens are only amazed when they see such a magical natural scene.

Nature is amazing!

The drone gave a close-up of a small turtle.

The look of the little turtle is very cute, and the shell looks a bit crystal clear.

The little turtle crawled forward hard, fiddled with all four legs quickly.

Netizens followed the little turtles from the first point of view, unconsciously becoming nervous.

"Come on, my turtle!"

"The tortoise is so cute, run forward hard!"

"Don't be eaten!"

"Come on!"

Netizens cheered for this little turtle.

During the live broadcast, a few seabirds flicked by from time to time.

Every time a white bird's shadow appeared, netizens were shocked for fear that this little turtle would be eaten.

This little sea turtle is also very smart. When it runs forward, it will escape from behind the seabird.

Therefore, it is safer to rush all the way.

The drone took a close-up of the turtle.

Netizens clenched their fists unconsciously, and felt a little slow in breathing.

Everyone is nervous.

At this time, in the drone footage, netizens saw a white seagull coming straight to the little turtle.


Netizens exclaimed!

This little sea turtle has just come to the edge of the beach, crawling in the moist mud on the beach.

The scene was very critical at the moment!

At this moment, the seawater was at high tide, and the seawater spread upward.

The seagull just wanted to catch this little turtle. The little turtle had embraced the sea, and then disappeared in the sea instantly.

The seagull jumped into the air, then turned the bird's head, and went back to hunt other turtles.



"Haha, Little Turtle made it!"

The netizens were very happy and cheered for the little turtles in the live broadcast room.

As fewer and fewer sea turtles are born, this natural wonder is gradually coming to an end.

Ning Fei sighed, and then did not say goodbye to the members of the protection station. He left alone, got on the dock, and left here by boat.

Nature is cruel.

However, with the protection and treatment of protection stations, the number of sea turtles will slowly multiply.

Netizens just watched a live broadcast and found it very enjoyable. Everyone is still very excited.

Seeing such a scene from the live broadcast is more interesting than watching the animal world.

Ning Fei sat on the side of the ship, slowed down the speed of the ship, and drifted full on the sea.

There are many sea turtles around the island of North Island.

Ning Fei looked down from the boat and could still see a scene of a big turtle swimming past with four or five small turtles.

Seeing such a warm picture, Ning Fei also felt a lot more cheerful.

Netizens watched Ning Fei quietly.

At this moment, the sky was already a bit dark, and Ning Fei's side face looked unusually handsome, making everyone's hearts itchy.

However, at this moment, Ning Fei's expression changed. He suddenly stood up from the bow without taking off his clothes and jumped directly into the sea.

Seeing such a scene, netizens were stunned.

"What's the situation? Ning Guanzhu jumped into the sea?"

"Is there anything you can't think of?"

"I'm going, why did Ning Guanzhu jump into the sea somehow!"

"what's happening?"

Everyone was amazed, and the drone shot towards the sea.

The sea was rough and there was no movement for a long time.

When everyone was worried, suddenly, Ning Fei came out of the sea.

He voice-controlled the smart steward on the ship to lower the ship ladder and pull himself up.

Everyone was surprised at Ning Fei's behavior. At this time, they noticed that Ning Fei was holding a large sea turtle the size of a schoolbag!

They looked closer and saw that the shell of this turtle was different from other turtles.

It is like a zongzi, with several steel cords interlaced on the turtle shell. These wire ropes have been deeply embedded in the turtle shell.

Ning Fei got on the boat, put the turtle down, and said:

"Because of some man-made factors, many marine life will be affected."

"I don't know how long the wire rope has been wrapped around the turtle shell~www.ltnovel.com~ As the shell continues to grow, the wire rope will only become deeper and deeper, which will eventually affect the normal growth of the turtle."

Ning Fei found wire cutters from the cabin and cut the wire rope on the turtle shell bit by bit.

Seeing this, everyone was amazed again.

It turned out that when Ning Fei was watching a turtle in the sea just now, he saw a turtle with a wire rope wrapped around its shell, so he jumped into the sea for the first time to help the turtle get out of trouble.

This move made netizens feel very warm.

Ning Fei cut off all the wire ropes and put them into the garbage storage area of ​​the cruise ship.

After that, Ning Fei picked up the big turtle and threw it into the sea.


Turtles return to the sea.

For the turtles, they just felt relieved, and Sa Huan'er swam farther and farther.

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