Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 359: The magical **** behavior of humpback whales...

Ning Fei swam out of the trench, but the emperor hairtail did not follow.

After seeing the scene just now, netizens understand how terrifying the deep sea is.

In any case, the body of the emperor hairtail is indeed exactly the same as the shape of the dragon.

It looks like a sea dragon wandering in the sea.

At the same time, overseas YouTube videos.

The video of #华夏主播深潜海沟遇皇带鱼# also became popular.

The characteristic of foreign countries has always been to respect the strong but not to sympathize with the weak.

They like extreme sports or exploring things that are difficult for humans to reach. They think such people are really brave.

[China's video? Dive into the deep sea? Just kidding. 】

[Is this Huaxia anchor so good? 】

[I seem to have seen a video of him beating a python before. 】

[Two hundred meters deep, he can dive down? 】

[It’s not fake! 】

Foreign netizens talked a lot.

Ning Fei has not officially entered the overseas live broadcast platform yet, but the signing agreement is already on the way, and within a few days, he will cross the live broadcast.

This glory is enough to be included in the annals of the Chinese anchor class.

Many foreign netizens don't believe that anyone dares to dive into the 200-meter deep sea, so many people click into the video.

When they saw the fantasy scene two hundred meters under the sea, they were all surprised and speechless.

After that, they saw Ning Fei leaping down from the edge of the trench and into the trench. Everyone was even more surprised that they didn't know what to say.

[Oh-my-god! This Chinese person is too brave! 】

[He dare to jump in such a place! 】

[Awesome, this person is so amazing! 】

Ning Fei wandered in the dark trench. It was the first time for foreign netizens to see the scene in the trench, and they were all very interested.

They saw the seagrass swaying with the waves in the trench, and saw many unknown fish, which really gained insight.

Then, the king hairtail appeared, and everyone was nervous again.

Ning Fei and the emperor hairtail fought directly in the trench.

In those scenes, in the eyes of foreign netizens, it was like a human being against King Kong.

[Is he still human? 】

[There are gods and people in the mysterious China! 】

[Huaxia people really know kung fu! 】

Everyone can't help thinking in their hearts.

The popularity of this video soared rapidly.

After that, Ning Fei received a call from Global Geography.

"Global Geography" is the world's most well-known company that shoots magical geographical environments and rare creatures. The documentaries, magazines and short videos they publish have a deep influence worldwide.

It is said that the salary of photographers in "Global Geography" is very impressive.

When Ning Fei received a call from Global Geography, he thought that the other party wanted him to be a photographer, so he rejected the other party's kindness.

"Mr. Ning, you are misunderstood. We just want to buy the broadcasting rights of your live video."

"That is, we will edit your recording and broadcast and then play it."

The other party replied.

"Global Geography" hopes to purchase the right to play Ningfei's recorded and broadcast content, because Ningfei's live broadcast content is more exciting than the video clips taken by the photographer.

This is a bit like the feeling of UP master.

It's just that the place where the video is played is changed from station B to "Global Geography", facing the world.

This can help him accumulate popularity, Ning Fei readily agreed.

The price given by "Global Geography" is also very good, 20 million yuan, to purchase the right to broadcast Ningfei's live broadcast content for one year.

After this incident, Ning Fei's video has remained at the top of the "Global Geography" list, and the number of fans has skyrocketed for a while.

After Ning Fei swam out of the trench, he drove a submarine to see the seabed again.

"Look, everyone, that's the king squid, the enemy of the sperm whale!"

At this moment, Ning Fei looked forward and said.

The tuna submarine aimed the live camera over.

Netizens saw that a huge octopus was swimming slowly not far from Ning Fei.

Each leg of the king squid is three to four meters long, and the body is even more like a giant.

In front of such sea beasts, human beings seem very small.

Ning Fei's submarine was next to it, looking like a toy.

Humans’ natural fear of beasts pervades netizens.

Unexpectedly, there are still such big squids in the world.

Really gained knowledge.

This thing often fights with sperm whales.

What kind of scene will it be like when two giants are fighting?

The netizens watched the king squid pass in front of Ning Fei. Everyone was very nervous, for fear that the squid would swallow Ning Fei's submarine in one bite.

Ning Fei wasn't worried. The King Squid generally wouldn't take the initiative to attack, and the submarine was so big that the other party had no appetite.

Ning Fei continued to drive the submarine.

The feeling of driving a submarine deep in the sea is very good.

Various schools of fish are swimming around him.

Sometimes Ning Fei would specifically drive towards the school of fish. As soon as the submarine swam over, countless small fish immediately scattered and fled, and the submarine was surrounded by panic marine fish.

Ning Fei thought it was quite interesting, and the netizens also laughed at Ning Fei's childlike innocence.

At this moment, Ning Fei suddenly saw something.

Directly in front of the submarine, a huge black shadow swam towards this side.

"It's a whale! I met a whale again!"

Ning Fei exclaimed.

The whale swam directly towards the school of fish, its huge mouth opened, as if it could swallow an off-road vehicle.

The scene of whales hunting is really shocking.

The dark waves under the sea were raging, and countless small fish were eaten by whales in one bite.

"It's a humpback whale!"

"This whale is called a humpback whale, also called a bowback whale because its back is not as straight as other whales, but instead arches upward to form a beautiful curve."

"There is another interesting thing about the married life of humpback whales. I don't know if it is appropriate to talk about it. It is not suitable for children."

Ning Fei was under the sea, watching the humpback whale above his head prey, and said with a smile.

[Ning Guanzhu, what's interesting? 】

[Hurry up! All aroused my interest! 】

[Marital life? Could it be that kind of thing! 】

At this time, Ning Fei coughed, and then said:

"Humpback whales are monogamous, and whales are mammals and do something in the same way as mammals."

"But in the sea, male whales are not so easy to use their energy."

"So, when they are about to have sex, the female whale is up, then a male whale is down, and the other male whale is down, supporting his brother to make it work harder."

"After that, the two male whales switched positions, and one male whale held the other male whale on its back."

"This can be regarded as a magical characteristic of species."

Netizen: "........"

After hearing Ning Fei's explanation, everyone came to understand why Ning Fei would say it is not suitable for children.

[The two husbands are monogamous, and they are holding each other...]

[Good guy, I’m just good guy! 】

[Sao talk is on my lips~www.ltnovel.com~ but I just can’t say it. 】

[Also... this behavior? 】

[Can humans imitate? 】

[Can this thing help each other? 】

[Brother, I'll hold it for you, you come to work, it's okay, I'm not tired. 】

[Hahahaha, netizens are all talents. 】

This year netizens came to like show stuff.

Ning Fei's words directly exploded in the live broadcast room.

All kinds of ridicule are endless.

Everyone was extremely happy.

Seeing this, Ning Fei shook his head helplessly.

I shouldn't mention this one myself.

However, this kind of "intercourse" of humpback whales is indeed unique in nature.

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