Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 362: 1 accidentally encountered a submarine volcanic eruption

On the volcanic island, the temperature in this area is very high.

There is a recessed cave like a place, more like a stove.

This is indeed an active volcano.

"There are a lot of volcanoes on the sea floor. My current position should be the most southeast of China, where the plates meet."

"Unexpectedly, it is still an active volcano, it's amazing."

Ning Fei kayaked back to the boat again, took a few fish and meatballs, brought the spices, and rushed over to the volcano.

"This time I came out in a hurry. I didn't bring a barbecue, so there was no way to barbecue on the cruise ship."

"It just so happens that the location of this hole on the volcanic island is unique and suitable for baking."

Ning Fei said while kayaking on the volcanic island again.

[Go to the submarine volcano for barbecue, this is really the first person in the barbecue class! 】

[It's so cool, I came to the volcano to have a barbecue if I wanted to have a barbecue. 】

[This is the life of a fairy! 】

The barrage in the live broadcast room became lively again.

What the netizens said is not bad.

Ning Fei encountered a volcanic island and saw a volcanic cave mouth. The temperature was just right, so he took the barbecued food and went down to have a barbecue.

This free and easy, casual, really enviable.

Taoism's freewheeling and casual nature are probably like this.

The temperature at the entrance of the cave was very high. Ning Fei put the lottery on the entrance of the cave. Under the high temperature, the meat and meatballs gradually changed from cold to warm colors.

Ning Fei flipped the lottery while sprinkling the seasoning.

This kind of barbecue makes people appetite when they see it.

Then, when it was almost ripe, the little dog was already in a hurry, sitting next to him, treading restlessly with his two front feet.

Ning Fei laughed when he saw it, then put the first barbeque in the dog’s mouth, pinched the dog’s mouth with the other hand, and then drew a lot, and all the roasted meat was eaten by the dog. Went in.

Then, Ning Fei also began to eat roasted meat.

The roasted meat tends to taste very good, very chewy, and it tastes good.

Ning Fei finished all the barbecue and said contentedly:

"This active volcano hasn't come in vain. I haven't eaten barbecue for a long time. It just soothes me."

Then, he planned to leave the volcanic island.

As soon as he stood up, he realized that something was wrong.

"what happened?"

"The ground is shaking!"

Ning Fei knelt down and carefully looked at the ground of the volcanic island.

I saw small rock particles on the ground, constantly shaking up and down.

Seeing such a scene, netizens also exclaimed again and again.

【what's the situation? The volcanic island is shaking! 】

[Could it be that a volcano is about to erupt? 】

[Not so scary. 】

[I'll go, if it is, it will be exciting. 】

At this time, Ning Fei said:

"If a submarine volcano erupts, it forms submarine magma on the seabed, and then it quickly merges with the sea water and cools into rock."

"No matter what, it won't erupt onto the sea, so don't worry."

Having said that, Ning Fei didn't want to stay on the volcanic island, so he took the little dog and kayaked to return to the cruise ship.

As a result, as soon as he got on the kayak, in an instant, the surrounding water mist rose!

"Bah Bah Bah!"

Even the sound of water and fire blending on the surface of the sea can be heard clearly.

"So fast!"

Ning Fei's expression changed.

He looked down and found that red magma had spread out in the depths of the ocean.


"Get out of this place quickly!"

"After the collision of magma and seawater under the sea, the surrounding waters will be heated up very quickly!"

"If you go slow, the seawater heated by magma will be boiled alive!"

After hearing Ning Fei's words, netizens were also worried.

[Ning Guanzhu, run! 】

[God, the sea is too dangerous, it will be boiled alive if you carelessly! 】

[Watch the Lord, come on! 】

Netizens kept shouting in exclamation, and many people stood up and watched nervously at the live broadcast room.

At this time, Ning Fei took off his shirt and immediately covered the little dog's head.

"The interaction of magma and sea water will produce a large amount of carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide and other gases."

"These gases are deadly to humans and animals!"

Ning Fei said one last sentence, and said nothing more.

He held his breath and speeded up the kayak.

Fortunately, the cruise ship Qingfeng was not far from him, and he quickly got on board.

"Xiao Bai, turn the bow and leave here!"

Ning Fei immediately gave the order.

The Qingfeng cruise ship started instantly, turned a corner, and quickly moved away from the volcanic island.

Netizens looked from a distance, and the white gas around the volcanic island kept rising, like a pot of boiling soup.

Those gases are caused by the fusion of magma and seawater.

The true song of water and fire.

"I feel that the surrounding temperature has increased significantly."

"Fortunately, I left early."

"Volcanoes like this can erupt even after they have existed for hundreds of thousands of years."

"It was beyond my expectation."

Ning Fei looked at the volcanic island in the distance and said again.

[Ning Guanzhu, why don't you go down and take a look. 】

[The scene of an undersea volcanic eruption has been photographed only once in human history, under the volcanic islands of the Hawaiian Islands. 】

[Now that the water temperature is so high, I'm going to die! 】

[Nothing to stay far away? 】

[It's a miracle to see a volcano erupting! 】

Everyone was discussing that Ning Fei had come under the hull and boarded the submarine.

"The volume of the ocean is very large. Magma will heat the surrounding sea area, but facing such a large ocean, it will still cool down quickly."

"So, in the sea area 100 meters away, the temperature change is not obvious."

"It's okay to go down and have a look!"

When netizens heard that Ning Fei really wanted to go down, they were suddenly energetic.

Ning Fei drove the submarine down to the surface. At this time, the Qingfeng cruise ship was already far away from the volcanic island.

The submarine can sense the surrounding temperature and pressure changes, and give the values, and Ning Fei can also judge the surroundings and agree on specific conditions.

He drove the submarine forward, and the tuna live submarine followed him.

At about 50 degrees, Ning Fei stopped moving forward.

From here, you can clearly see the magma under the sea.

I saw a red liquid like hot iron lump seeping from the seafloor crevices, and then reacted violently with the sea water and cooled rapidly.

The surface of the magma is surrounded by a layer of black material, which is solid magma that has cooled rapidly.

This scene was truly shocking.

Under the water, the red lava roars like a demon from hell.

"Sea water can only cool down the magma, but cannot extinguish the magma."

"Because magma is a fluid substance with high-temperature properties, it does not need oxygen for its combustion, so seawater cannot extinguish it."

"It can only be cooled slowly~www.ltnovel.com~ to form solid granite or volcanic rock."

Seeing the red trace in the distance, Ning Fei said again.

[Looking at it this way, Akakin's rock berry is actually better than Ace's burned fruit. 】

[Water can't extinguish the magma, it's terrible! 】

[What kind of scene would it look like if a volcano erupted in reality? 】

[If a volcano erupts, it might be possible that life will be burnt, and no grass will grow. Humans can fight fires. There is really no way to face the eruption. 】

【Nature is full of crises, we still have to respect nature. 】

Everyone looked at the bright red deep in the bottom of the sea, and their hearts became more and more shocked.

The hot and red magma seemed unstoppable at all.

No matter how great Ning Fei was, he could only watch from a distance in the sea tens of meters away in the face of such a scene.

The live broadcast room was plunged into exclamation again.

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