Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 372: Storms, gods save people!

Liu Ming was desperate.

Even though he is experienced, his brain has stopped thinking in the face of such horrible scenes.

The sea surface vortex is generally not large and not too dangerous, unless it is in a place with a relatively special geographical environment, there will be a large vortex that devours people.

However, when a storm occurs on the sea, the situation is different.

Under certain conditions, the sea breeze and waves will form a terrifying vortex, and it will become bigger and bigger, which is terrible!

Liu Ming once heard from the older generation that a fleet of ships in the village encountered such a whirlpool that year. Several ships were swallowed by the whirlpool, and people never returned.

He didn't expect this incident to be encountered by himself.

The horsepower of his fishing boat has been increased to its maximum, but the boat is still retreating at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It is a matter of time to be swallowed.

Liu Ming's heart is ashamed and has given up.

Fortunately, everyone in the other fleet escaped.

It's just a pity that the brother on this boat who came out with him.

However, at this moment, Liu Ming heard Ning Fei's words on the walkie-talkie.

"Captain Liu, immediately remove all the marine fish!"

"I'm going to you now!"

This sentence made Liu Ming, who was already in a mess, suddenly wake up.

Yes, unload the fish.

The cabins of the fishing boats are full of fished seafood, which adds a lot of weight to the boats.

As long as the hull becomes lighter, the horsepower of the ship is enough to resist the force of the vortex.

"Open the cabin and unload the fish!"

Liu Ming immediately shouted at the crew.

The crew was already in horror, and their bodies did not listen.

Now I heard Liu Ming's voice and acted immediately.

The cabin of the fishing boat opened, and countless fish fell crazily from the side of the boat toward the outside.

The weight of the boat is getting lighter and lighter, and the speed of retreating is getting slower and slower.

It seemed that it was temporarily stabilized.

Netizens watched the rescue through drones.

The rain continued to wash the drone's camera, creating a terrifying atmosphere for the live broadcast room.

You can see that when the Qingfeng was about to approach the fishing boat, it turned its bow, and turned its tail toward the fishing boat, slowly backing away.

Behind Ning Fei's boat, there is a lifting arm, which was used to catch crabs before.

There is a wire rope on the boom.

This scene is really scary!

Netizens saw that in the stormy sea, Ning Fei unexpectedly walked out of the captain's room, braved the storm, and came to the back of the ship.

What is he going to do!

Everyone was stunned!

At this moment, the Qingfeng cruise ship undulates with the waves.

In such an environment, ordinary people may be thrown off the boat by a wave if they are not careful.

But Ning Fei just appeared on the ship like this.

He was still wearing short-sleeved shorts in the style of a robes.

The Taoist's unique meatball head was blown away in the wind, making him a little more chic.

Everyone saw that Ning Fei came directly to the stern of the ship, manipulated the boom, and lowered one end of the wire rope.

"Xiao Bai, reverse the boat and keep getting closer!"

In the wind and rain, Ning Fei ordered the smart housekeeper.

"Yes, Captain!"

The Qingfeng cruise ship continued to retreat slowly, seeing its stern approaching the bow of the fishing boat.

Qingfeng is a cruise ship, and the height of the ship is about two meters higher than the height of the fishing boat.

Then, there was a scene in the live broadcast room that caused everyone to have a cardiac arrest.

On the wind and rain, there was lightning and thunder, and there was a huge black whirlpool in the distance, as if to swallow everything on the sea!

It was in such a scene that Ning Fei stood at the stern of the Qingfeng cruise ship, holding the iron buckle at the end of the wire rope in his hand, and then jumped and jumped directly off the cruise ship!

Everyone, their pupils shrank suddenly!

The picture freezes, and everyone can see that Ning Fei is like a **** who crosses the catastrophe, floating in the air in such a horrible scene, and immediately landed firmly on the fishing boat.

Like a mountain torrent and a tsunami, I'm not moving like a mountain.

[Fuck! 】

[Ning Guanzhu...]

[Too fierce! 】

【immortal! I see a fairy! 】

Netizens only had time to exclaim.

Because the current situation is too critical, everyone's hearts are still entangled.

Ning Fei ran a few steps quickly, fixed the wire rope to a large pillar of the fishing boat, and then fastened the iron buckle.

Liu Ming was stunned when he saw Ning Fei suddenly appearing in the cab.

He felt dazzled.

"Is that an illusion?"

Liu Ming opened his mouth wide and muttered to himself.

At this time, he saw again that Ning Fei pointed at him and stretched out his thumb to compare a "fixed" bracelet.

Liu Ming knew this was true.

"God! So there are real gods!"

His brain is blank.

The image of Ning Fei was permanently frozen in his mind.

Such a doomsday-like scene, only a **** can be so calm.

Gods save the world, Taoists save people, perhaps, there is no difference.

"I actually knew a living god."

Countless people watched this scene.

The popularity of Ning Fei’s live broadcast rooms on major live broadcast platforms has exploded.

Countless people give rewards, give gifts, likes, and barrage.

Then, there was another scene that made everyone exclaim.

The background is still so scary.

I saw Ning Fei standing on the fishing boat, braving the downpour, running for a few steps, and then directly stepped on the steel wire rope tied just now.

He stepped on the wire rope, followed by a few taps, and then returned to the cruise ship lightly.

This picture is like a martial arts master in a movie.

It was in such a horrible scene that he performed light work, and his actions were chic and handsome, like a fairy. !

This scene is handsome!


Netizens are confused!

From Ning Fei jumping on the cruise ship, and then floating back from the wire rope.

Every action of Ning Fei is challenging the cognition of netizens!

Fairy! Only immortals can do this!

[This is a real god! 】

[Ning Guanzhu, Ning Shenxian, I am convinced! 】

[Too awesome! 】

[I'm so excited to see it! 】

[Ning Guanzhu! How fierce! 】

Ning Fei returned to the stern of the Qingfeng cruise ship, and first put the wire rope longer, trying to ensure that the angle between the wire rope and the sea surface was as small as possible.

In this way, the pulling force can be maximized.

Then ~www.ltnovel.com~ Ning Fei commanded in the storm:

"Xiaobai, start S-class power and move forward at full speed!"

"Yes, Captain!"

The Qingfeng cruise ship suddenly agitated.

Under the cruise ship, numerous white waves appeared.

Then, netizens saw that the Qingfeng cruise ship was pulling the fishing boat in this way and constantly sailing out of the seabed vortex.

The cruise ship pulled the fishing boat, bit by bit, leaving the terrifying **** gate.

Finally, they came to the outside of the whirlpool, and the fishing boat was able to travel normally.


Liu Ming sat paralyzed on the ground, panting violently, and murmured softly.

In the live broadcast room, the cheers of netizens also broke out.

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