Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 376: Undersea wonders! Horrible giant algae forest!

   The special wetsuit sent by the previous system on the Ning spacecraft was also equipped with a high-tech submarine booster on the back.

   The clothes look very light, and the volume of the oxygen cylinder is small, but according to the system, it can supply oxygen for six hours, which is very powerful.

   Coupled with high-tech boosters, he doesn't look bloated.

   [Does Ning Guanzhu want to dive again? 】

   [Good guy, I just flew over the sea, now I am going to swim in the sea again, amazing! 】

   [The idea of ​​a fairy is not something we can guess! 】

  【Great, I can see the underwater world again, the underwater world is so beautiful. 】

   Netizens talked about Ning Fei's dress.

   "I plan to go underwater to see."

   "I ordered a wetsuit before, I want to go down and try the effect."

   Ning Fei explained to the netizens.

   The live submarine tuna was already in place on the bottom of the sea, and Ning Fei also descended from the bottom of the Qingfeng cruise ship through the elevator and entered the bottom of the sea.

   The live broadcast shot immediately switched to the perspective of the ocean floor.

   The seabed is still full of mystery.

   Ning Fei head down and descended straight to the bottom of the sea.

   This is the first time going into the sea after the lottery, so Ning Fei plans to try the ability of the subsea booster. A genius remembers 噺バ一Chinese m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/

   The button of the booster was on his finger. Ning Fei pressed the button with his thumb. He felt a powerful force coming from behind, and his body instantly accelerated forward.

   Behind him, a burst of water bubbled up, drawing many white water lines.

   [Fuck! What high technology is this! 】

  【Good guy, amazing! 】

  【The fairy not only knows the magic, but also technology! 】

  【High-tech cultivation! ? 】

   Netizens were also amazed by this scene.

  Ning Fei is very fast.

   I have to say, this feeling of traveling on the seabed is really good.

  The divers are on the bottom of the sea. Under normal circumstances, they can only swim slowly, shaking their toe fins. They can't go as fast as they can, nor can they enjoy the real pleasure of swimming.

   But now that Ning Fei has a booster, it feels completely different.

   Only in this way can I better appreciate the freedom of the fish.

"good stuff."

   "However, the stored energy is limited, so I still have to save a bit."

   Ning Fei thought to himself.

   Then, he continued down.

   Then, under the seabed, there was another scene that surprised everyone.

【what is that? ! 】

   Netizens exclaimed.

   I saw a large seabed "forest" suddenly appeared in the live broadcast!

   looked carefully, only to find that it was a seaweed-like thing, growing straight from the bottom of the sea.

   Every seaweed is tens of meters long! When netizens saw it, they couldn't see the roots of seaweed!

   This scene is too weird.

   looks like a virgin forest hidden under the sea, full of horror.

   "That is a macroalgae, a plant of the order Phaeophyta kelp."

   "Mature macroalgae can generally reach 70-80 meters in length, and the longest macroalgae can even reach 500 meters."

  Ningfei’s diving suit is still in the shape of an astronaut’s helmet, so speaking in the sea is completely unaffected.

   Netizens were even more surprised to hear Ning Fei’s popular science.

【How many? Can a seaweed grow up to 500 meters? It's too exaggerated! 】

   [Baidu Baike also writes this. 】

   [Good guy, is there any existing tree over a hundred meters high? 】

   [The seabed is terrible, such a dense forest of macroalgae is far more terrifying than the primeval forest! 】

  【Among them, there may even be many fierce sea beasts hidden! 】

   [I think the picture is beautiful, full of magical colors! 】

   [Same feeling, it feels like a fairy tale world, it’s amazing! 】

   Netizens talked a lot.

   This seaweed forest that suddenly appeared, really opened everyone's eyes.

  The submarine forest has a stronger visual impact than the real forest!

   Ning Fei continued downstream.

   These macroalgae are seven or eighty meters in length, wandering in them and looking down, still can’t see the bottom of the sea, only pitch black.

   Ningfei is swimming freely in the giant algae forest.

  The small yellow, blue, and orange fish around it pass through the macroalgae from time to time, which makes the scene in the live broadcast room even more mysterious.

   For Xiaoyu, this is a paradise for survival.

  【It's so beautiful! 】

  【There is such a scene on the seabed, it’s amazing! 】

   The picture is getting more and more beautiful, and netizens really enjoy it.

   Everything is beautiful.

   However, where there are small fish, there are naturally big fish.

  The more ecologically favorable the environment, the more often the hidden danger.

  Ning Fei swam forward, his vision in front of him was blocked by the macroalgae. He gently pushed the macroalgae aside, just like a curtain.

   Then, everyone was stunned.

   Because he swept away the macroalgae, the front line of sight became wider. A huge marine fish just swam towards him straight and slowly.

  Wide slumped head, split mouth, sharp teeth, sickle-shaped fins, gray body, white belly...

   This is a shark.

   How exciting is this scene?

   is like seeing Jin Zhongguo when Liu Jae-shik opens the door in "Runningman".

   is like when Tom cat opens the door and sees Spike in "Cat and Mouse".

   It's like you are playing with your mobile phone, and when you look up, you find that the teacher in charge is looking at you.

   The netizens were all surprised. Almost instantly, their hairs exploded like an electric shock!

   Human beings have always been afraid of sharks.

   Moreover, this shark is about three meters in length and is very big.

   A shark much bigger than a human, swam over Ning Fei's face.

   Its leisurely posture seems to say: "Are you surprised? Are you surprised?"

   [Fuck! 】

   In the barrage, a trough floats by.

   This big shark made everyone really dumbfounded.

   Just when everyone's heart was about to stop beating, Ning Fei floated in the sea without moving.

   The shark didn't even look at him, so he swam past Ning Fei's side lightly.

   One person and one shark crossed by, and netizens saw the shark's body clearly.

   is more than three meters long, sturdy and full of domineering spirit.

   Nima is too scary!

   "This is a tiger shark!"

   "Sharks are a very ancient life form, with a history of about 420 million years, much longer than human beings."

   "In ancient times, sharks could reach more than 20 meters in length and weigh hundreds of tons. They were the top predators of the ocean and the veritable ocean overlord!"

   After the tiger shark passed by Ning Fei, Ning Fei spoke softly.

   New fans are also shocked to see a shark so close in this anchor. Old fans have already taken out their small books and are ready to learn knowledge.

   Netizens are fascinated by listening to specific popular science content in a specific environment.

   Like now.

   In the giant algae forest, a tiger shark just passed by Ning Fei, and then listening to Ning Fei’s thing about the shark, it felt very good.

"I said before that sharks generally don't attack humans. Great white sharks are considered to be a species that attacks humans more often, but they are generally unwilling to eat people unless they are really hungry and are not picky." The full text of the article is the fastest.んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/

   "The previous time I was attacked by a shark, I was almost lucky and caught up."

   Netizens remembered the last time Ning Fei was on the sea.

   That feeling is completely different from now.

   Last time, they just saw the shark's fin coming over, and they didn't look at the shark completely.

   And now, it was on the bottom of the sea, and I saw the shark's body firmly.

   is still so scary~www.ltnovel.com~ Tiger sharks are also ferret sharks, and are listed as the three most dangerous sharks alongside bull sharks and great white sharks. "

   "The great white shark is like a gentleman in a suit and tie, with elegant movements. The bull shark is a maniac. Sometimes it is lazy and lacks energy, and sometimes it jumps up to attack humans and seabirds on the sea."

   "The tiger shark is the forbearing avenger. Among the three sharks, the tiger shark has the lowest probability of attacking humans."

   "It belongs to the type of'you don't mess with me, and I don't bother to take care of you, if you dare to mess with me, I must kill you'."

   "So, tiger sharks have the lowest probability of attacking humans, but after being attacked by sharks, tiger sharks have the highest mortality rate."

   "The tiger shark is also the overlord of the ocean, except for the killer whale, no one in the ocean dares to mess with it."

   Ning Fei was still explaining it unhurriedly.

   After hearing his words, netizens said:

  【Whether Ning Guanzhu is comforting us or doing things, how come I become more afraid as I listen. 】

   [Similarly, the fatality rate is the highest, can it not be scary! 】

   The tuna submarine broadcast is Ning Fei’s perspective facing everyone.

   At this time, netizens saw again that on top of Ning Fei's head, a huge tiger shark came over again leisurely.

   Ning Fei also noticed this tiger shark.

   Then, in a very calm tone, he said something that shocked the netizens:

   "Another tiger shark?"

   "It looks like this giant algae forest is a tiger shark forest!"

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