Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 38: Hot all over the net

   Looking at the cool hat in his hand, Ning Fei wanted to cry without tears.

   Cooling cap can greatly reduce ultraviolet radiation and keep the body cool.

   It's just this color, which is a little bit unlucky.


   is still the green of the prairie.

  Wearing this live broadcast, I am afraid that he will not be able to get rid of the "cuckold" stalk for the rest of his life.

   Ning Fei thought for a while, although this kind of thing is just a verbal thing, but he always pays attention to what he does.

   So this hat is absolutely forbidden.

   So the next day, he left the hat in this forest.

   Several years later, when someone else’s footsteps set foot here, one person took a magical scene:

   He saw a monkey king with a green hat!

  According to the man, the monkey with the green hat looked like a big boss among the monkeys.

   Later this matter was questioned by netizens, saying that his posing for photos and deliberately putting green hats on monkeys also caused some waves on the Internet.

   Of course, they couldn't think that the man who gave the monkey a cuckold was an outdoor anchor some years ago.

   That night, Ning Fei first ate all the eight advanced fitness pills.

   High-level physical fitness pills increase by 0.5 attributes. Now his attributes are Strength: 18.5, Agility: 18.5, Endurance: 17.5.

   His physical fitness has far exceeded that of ordinary people.

After   , Ning Fei studied acupuncture for another hour before falling asleep.

   The next day, he felt a little groggy in his head.

  This acupuncture technique is indeed complicated. The information about various acupoints of the human body flooded into his mind last night, making him feel a little headache now.

   He shook his head and stretched.

   There is a lot of dew on the tent.

   Ning Fei first opened the live broadcast, and then began to dismantle the tent.

   This time he went out on an expedition and obtained blood bead ganoderma and golden orchid. He has already earned blood, so he plans to return to Taoism earlier.

   At this time, Ning Fei discovered a miraculous phenomenon, that is, things were arranged well when they came, but when they left, they always felt that there were too many things, and they couldn’t fit them.

   After finishing up again, Ning Fei packed everything up and finally set off on his way home.

   Because of the physical fitness pills, his physical fitness is already very strong, so he doesn't feel tired at all with his heavy rucksack, and his steps even speed up a lot.

   More and more fans poured into his live broadcast room to greet him.

   At this moment, Xu Sheng, the manager of Douniao Live, looked at the data from Ning Fei's live broadcast in the background, his face was full of surprise.

   A rookie anchor who has broadcast live for a few days, can achieve such an achievement in such a short period of time, it has refreshed his knowledge.

   "Yesterday’s rewards amounted to more than 700,000 RMB, ranking first in the anchor income list."

   Xu Sheng smacked his lips, but he still couldn't believe it.

   You need to know that unless there are special circumstances, such as the arrival of a very big-name celebrity, and many people join in, it will have a daily income of more than one million. Under normal circumstances, the daily income of the most powerful anchors in the entire network is about 400,000-500,000.

   Yesterday, Ning Fei’s daily rewards totaled more than 700,000, and he was still a newcomer who had just been broadcasting for a few days...

   This can no longer be described as an exaggeration.

   "Not only that, currently in Tieba, Weibo and other places, the popularity of this Taoist anchor is also the first among all anchors on Douniao Live."

   Li Feng, the head of the public opinion department, took the call and said.

   "What?" Xu Sheng was even more shocked.

   The Public Opinion Department is responsible for monitoring some online public opinion information about the anchors of the Douniao live broadcast platform, and sometimes also dispatches to protect the reputation of the anchors.

   To put it plainly, it is the navy that the platform raises.

   The live broadcast platform was originally a field of interest, and each family is constantly fighting. Naturally, it is necessary for the navy to act as the front line and fight on the front line of the network.

   At the same time, the Ministry of Public Opinion is also responsible for monitoring the popularity of the live broadcast.

   Since yesterday, topics such as "Anchor Meets Black Bear in the Wild", "Anchor Freehand Rock Climbing", and "The Birth of Three Million Blood Orb Ganoderma lucidum" have been discussed on the Internet.

   "Freehand Rock Climbing" and "Blood Pearl Ganoderma lucidum" also topped Weibo hot searches at the same time.

   Ning Fei instantly hit the whole network, and the popularity was unprecedented.

   "This anchor is a ruthless person." Li Feng was amazed.

   Xu Sheng did not expect this to happen either: "This is indeed beyond my expectation. I thought that the live broadcast of the mountain village audience would be fresh and not high-growth. After all, it would be something like that."

   "From now on, this Qingfeng Viewer is much more powerful than I thought."

   At this moment, Xu Sheng regrets a bit.

   If you try to get a little bit when you sign, maybe you can sign Ning Fei for a few more years.

   But he is also very fortunate that such a great anchor, at least he signed in to Fight Bird Live, which is also credited.

   At the same time, online discussions about Ning Fei are also surging.

   At first, it was a large wave of questions from netizens. After they saw the title, they mocked:

   "Free climbing, what's a joke?"

   "It's all posing, some people believe it?"

   "Who bought the hot search again?"

   "Just look at the things on the Internet."

   However, when they opened the video, there were only two words in their minds:


   The footage taken by the drone is sometimes zoomed in and sometimes zoomed out. The entire video has no footage and is a complete long shot.

   In the picture, Ning Fei climbed up from the very beginning, little by little, every step was clearly presented in the eyes of the audience.

  From the distant view, they could see that it was a cliff that could not be seen at a glance.

  From the close shot, you can also see that Ning Fei is not tied to any rope.

   This anchor is so courageous, but it's really awesome.

   Netizens thought in their hearts.

After   , there was also a bidding of Blood Ball Ganoderma lucidum in the live broadcast room, and many netizens were watching. The first comment with the highest praise was "Obviously hype, can a plant be worth three million?"

Later, a doctor of biology at Kyoto University explained in person: “That blood-ball Ganoderma lucidum has two blood-beads. It has grown for at least two hundred years. Whether it is from the collection value or the medicinal value, one plant has more than two hundred It is normal that the value of Ganoderma lucidum in the year is more than two million."

   This comment was liked by many people, and it didn't take long for it to be the highest.

   There are also "mysterious boulders in the mountains", "the most beautiful lakes in the mountains", etc. The number of viewers and the number of likes are very scary.

   In addition, Ning Fei's appearance is very high, and countless fans have been added for a while.

   At the same time, in the CBD of downtown Kyoto, in a high-end office building.

   As soon as Su Ying appeared in the office area, the originally noisy office area was instantly much quieter.

   This is a woman like an iceberg.

   She is tall and thin, her makeup is very cold and her aura is very strong.

   And this kind of powerful aura, UU reading www.uukanshu.com often makes it easy for people to overlook her beauty.

   If you look closely, you will find that this woman is very beautiful.

   After Su Ying appeared, the employees all sat in a hurry, for fear that they would be touched by this great god.

   Su Ying is a star entrepreneur in Kyoto and the president of Fancy Fashion. She has created her own business map at a young age, and her background is unfathomable.

   At this moment, someone in the company was playing a mobile phone, but Su Ying noticed it.

   She walked over.

   When other people saw this, they silently mourned for the employee for a few minutes.

   You need to know that although Su Ying is young, she has strict management. Three years ago, she founded Fancy Fashion Co., Ltd., which is mainly engaged in high-end cosmetics. She gradually expanded her career and became friends with many well-known actresses in the entertainment industry.

   She is devoted to her career, so the requirements are inevitably higher.

   Few people know that there are reasons why she did this.

   Su Ying came behind the employee. The employee was watching a short video. The content in the short video was exactly the video of Ning Fei's free rock climbing.

   Su Ying was just about to scold, but after seeing the live broadcast, she was stunned.

   At this time, many people in the office area are watching here. They saw such an expression on Su Ying's face for the first time.

   President, something is wrong with her.

   At this time, the employee felt a strong aura coming from behind and felt a little cold in his body.

   He glanced back, and when he saw that it was Su Ying, he was shocked and hurriedly stood up and explained: "President, I am looking for a new model of ancient fashion design."

   However, Su Ying did not listen to his explanation, but asked in a low voice:

   "Where is this person now?"

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