Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 385: Track the South China Tiger!

At this moment.

News of the crash of the vehicle that escorted the South China Tiger in Qinshan Village has appeared on the Internet.

This was not revealed through Ning Fei's live broadcast room, but as soon as the accident happened, reporters ran to the Wildlife Conservation Bureau, and several reporters took the photographers and went straight to the accident site. .

Everyone lives in a different way.

For many reporters, it is their task to report first-hand information on various topics.

Ning Fei's live studio is also very hot.

When Ning Fei rushed towards the depths of Nanshan, some reporters had already passed by.

When Yong Tao informed Ning Fei, it was still several hours late.

Ning Fei accelerated all the way, his body shuttled through the forest.

No one is more familiar with this forest than him.

Everyone else took a detour, only Ning Fei took the shortest path.

Not long after, Ning Fei also came to the place of the accident.

Ning Fei's expression became serious when he arrived at the accident site.

Ning Fei called this mountain the strange rock mountain, because the mountain was full of strange rocks, and the mountain was steep and complicated.

People from the Protection Bureau drove a car. It should be seen that there are fewer trees here and the car is easier to walk, so they want to go from this mountain to the depths of Qinshan Mountain. However, they did not expect that the stone falling from the top of the mountain affected their judgment and caused the vehicle to fall cliff.

There is a cliff on the side of this mountain road.

At this moment, on the edge of the cliff, the search and rescue personnel had already pulled up the cordon. They sent people to lower the rope and were searching intensively.

Several reporters were reporting on the periphery of the cordon while pointing at the search and rescue team members to say something.

At this time, among the reporters, I don't know who said, "It's Ning Guanzhu, Ning Guanzhu is here!"

Upon hearing this, reporters of a variety of types immediately surrounded him, for fear of missing his big hot spot.

Ning Fei seemed much calmer, and he walked directly into the cordon.

Ning Fei thought that members of the search and rescue team on the edge of the cordon would stop him, but something unexpected happened.

Ning Fei came to the edge of the cordon, and then the search and rescue team directly lifted the cordon, very polite.

Generally, only subordinates do this to the leader. This is the treatment that the leader can have.

Unexpectedly, Ning Fei would enjoy it as soon as he came over.

Ning Fei didn't say much, just walked in.

Other reporters wanted to run to the scene to take a look. The search and rescue team stood directly in front of the cordon and stretched out their hands to indicate that they were not allowed to enter.

These reporters didn't have much to say, so they could only watch them unwillingly behind.

When capturing golden monkey poachers, Ning Fei had an intersection with members of the search and rescue team, and he also knew people from the Forestry Bureau, so Ning Fei came here and everyone didn't feel strange.

In order to prevent some unnecessary information from being released, Ning Fei also directly turned off the live broadcast at this time.

"Yong Tao, what's going on?"

As soon as Ning Fei came over, he couldn't wait to ask.

"The members of the search and rescue team just got down, and the car has been found. Fortunately, the cliff is not too high, only a dozen meters. The driver and the **** are not in danger for the time being.

Yong Tao said.

"Where is the South China Tiger?" Ning Fei asked immediately.

Hearing that, Yong Tao sighed and said: "When the car fell, the back door slammed open and the South China Tiger ran away."

"They have locators in their bodies, but the violent fall affects the signals of the locators, and now the animal protection bureau cannot detect where they are."

"You know, after all, it's a tiger, no one dares to really look for it. And this time the search and rescue team's order is only to save people..."

Hearing what Yong Tao said, Ning Fei didn't say much.

He turned his head and came to the edge of the cliff.

Said to be a cliff, here is more like a high platform, with a height of about ten meters.

You can see a broken black van below. The search and rescue team is putting the driver and **** on a stretcher and transporting it up.

Ten meters, the height is not too high.

Seeing Ning Fei standing on the edge of the cliff, someone in the search and rescue team wanted to remind him to be careful and be careful of falling.

After all, all the people in the search and rescue team are fully armed with ropes tied to their waists before they dare to go down.

But then, the search and rescue team were stunned.

Because Ning Fei jumped directly off the edge of the cliff!


One person exclaimed, and the others hurriedly gathered around.

They are afraid that something else will make it even more troublesome.

But when they looked down, they saw another shocking scene.

There were many protruding rocks on the cliffs of the mountain. When Ning Fei fell, his hands were on a piece of rock, and he easily fixed his body.

He was originally a rock climber, and now he has strong physical fitness.

A cliff of this height is nothing to him.

Therefore, instead of slowly climbing down little by little, he jumped directly, grabbed the rock with his hands, and made several vertical jumps, and he fell to the bottom of the valley lightly.

Seeing this scene, the search and rescue team looked at each other.

They no longer know what to say.

what is that?

Is this going down?

Not to mention tying the safety rope, even with bare hands, it will not be so easy!

Everyone was still in shock. At this time, the wounded stretcher had been fixed, and they were busy pulling up the wounded stretcher, so they did not pay much attention to Ning Fei.

Ning Fei came down. It was a downward valley. He couldn't walk from the mountain normally. You had to get down the cliff to get there.

Ning Fei first glanced at the transport truck.

The car fell directly and the airbag popped out, so the life of the driver and an **** was not in danger.

The door of the iron carriage behind the car was open, and the two South China tigers should have run away from here.

This valley is so big, where can they go?

Ning Fei looked towards the depths of the valley.

The South China Tiger can only be deep in the valley.

Thinking of this, Ning Fei walked forward, and at the same time, he opened the live broadcast again.

As soon as the live broadcast was opened, many netizens immediately became excited.

They are all concerned about this incident of the transporter falling off the cliff.

There is also a lot of news about this matter on the Internet.

"This is the cliff where the truck fell."

"At present, the driver and one of the escorts are not in danger. They have been rescued by members of the search and rescue team."

"But the two South China tigers escorted are gone."

"I am here now to find the South China Tiger."

After hearing what Ning Fei said, everyone felt relieved.

People safe is good.

At the same time, the reporter was outside and saw members of the search and rescue team carrying two stretchers into the ambulance, and then the ambulance drove away quickly.

Next, only the two South China tigers remained.

As the few remaining South China tigers in the Qinshan Mountains, they are of great significance.

But, who would dare to find the South China tiger in the wild?

The task of the members of the search and rescue team is to save people, and a professional team is required to find a tiger.

Otherwise, a tiger rushes over and hurts someone, and for the leader of the search and rescue team, I am afraid that his career will end.

No one dares to take this risk.

Only Ning Fei didn't care about these at all.

In this valley, the grass is very high and there are many strange-shaped trees around.

At this moment, Ning Fei suddenly squatted down.

He gently touched an exposed area of ​​dirt with his hand. On the dirt, you could see traces of a few leaves that had been trampled on.

"These are Da Yu's footprints. The soil is hard, but it can leave footprints, indicating that they are running."

"Follow the car down the cliff from ten meters, and start running as soon as it falls."

Ning Fei squatted halfway, looking at the direction of the valley extending, his expression slightly serious.

"Why are they so anxious?"

"Is it because of Xiao Chen?"

"Both of them were injured before. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com was taken to a protected area for treatment. It took about half a month, and Xiaoyu did not pass."

"The two big guys probably missed their sons."

"If you think about it this way, I'm even more worried."

Ning Fei said in a deep voice, and then he suddenly jumped up, jumped onto the branch of a big tree next to him, and looked into the distance.

He was looking for a way for two South China tigers to escape.

At this moment, the little falcon descended from the sky and flew down, landing on Ning Fei's shoulder.

"Didn't you see it?"

Listening to Xiao Falcon's call, Ning Fei nodded and said.

"It looks like you have to look for it carefully."

"I don't believe it, two big tigers can still disappear out of thin air!"

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