Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 396: Are they really in the same place?

Seeing Ning Fei walking through the dense swarms of poisonous mosquitoes, but like a okay person, netizens were all shocked.

But everyone was too surprised, Ning Fei had already arrived in another area.

"Look at there, it's an Amazon monkey."

"There are many monkeys in the tropical rain forest. They are all fluffy monkeys, and there are gorillas living in the depths."

"Gorillas are very cruel."

"But these monkeys are too ugly, I still like Qinshan's golden monkey."

Netizens all laughed when they heard Ning Fei's words.

[Golden snub-nosed monkey is the cutest species of monkeys, this is not to say! 】

[Yes, it's still a golden monkey. 】

[Haha, there are too many animals in Ningguan subjectively, this kind of gray monkey can't get into his eyes. 】

Ning Fei continued to walk forward.

There are many animals here, and after passing through a forest, a muddy field appears in front of it.

There are also several large puddles on the edge of the muddy ground. The puddles are connected to the river, on which some green leaves and other aquatic plants float.

This scene also looks amazing.

At this moment, Ning Fei's perception of danger told himself that the puddle was dangerous.

He looked over immediately.

"Look there, everyone, it's a poison dart frog!"

"Unexpectedly, there is a poison dart frog here!"

"Poison dart frog is the most beautiful frog in the world. It is small, only a few centimeters in size, but it has a lot of colors on its body, and it has a variety of colors.

"Black, brilliant red, yellow, orange, pink, green, blue, etc., and these patterns are very dazzling."

"This poison dart frog has a black and sky blue pattern."

"Although this frog is very small, probably the size of a human fingernail, it is very toxic. A single skin can easily kill ten adult men."

"If you encounter it, you must be careful."

After hearing Ning Fei's words, Chinese netizens were a little speechless.

[Did Ning Guanzhu misunderstand something? 】

[He probably thinks that we, like him, will go deep in the rainforest. 】

[I dare not go to a place like this. 】

[I’m shivering while watching Ning Guan’s live broadcast, but I can’t help but want to watch it. 】

The lens of the drone is zoomed in so that netizens can see the look of the poison dart frog clearly.

There is a saying, this frog is really beautiful.

The appearance is colorful.

When I got closer, I found a poison dart frog on the leaf and two on the side.

The poison dart frog on the leaf is sky blue and black, one next to it is orange, and the other is red on top and green on the bottom.

[Good guy, if the young poison dart frog dies, it will really be a black-haired man giving a red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple hair. 】

[No, it should be red orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple. 】

[Leave it here tongue twisters, you guys. 】

Everyone looked at the poison dart frog and teased in the barrage.

"There are some indigenous people living in the tropical rainforest. They use poison dart frogs for hunting activities."

"The specific method is to first catch the poison dart frog, then tie the legs of the poison dart frog with a thin cane, and then tap the back of the poison dart frog with a small stick to make it secrete venom."

"Indigenous people will apply venom on the arrow to facilitate hunting in the forest."

"This is also the origin of the name of the poison dart frog."

Ning Fei is also popular science.

At this moment, a drone flew towards Ning Fei, and a saber was tied to the drone.

This is a reward for the mission of the program group yesterday.

General Ning Fei took off his saber.

It is really convenient to have a knife in the wild, mainly for cooking, so there is no need to be so troublesome.

Then, the bracelet vibrated slightly.

The program team announced the task for the next day:

"Find one of the animals: sloth, capybara, spider monkey, manatee."

"Task reward: choose one of the following items: a bottle of 2L mineral water, 5 high-calorie compressed biscuits, ten bananas, a sleeping bag, a hemostatic agent, a machete, a set of clean clothes, and a set of underwear."

The tasks of the program group will be broadcast simultaneously on the video, so netizens know what the tasks these people are going to carry out.

Regarding this, Ning Fei glanced at the task, behaving very calmly.

For him, doing tasks is an incidental thing, and will not do tasks specifically for doing tasks.

His plan is also very simple, to experience life on this tropical rainforest island, have fun, and go back directly after having enough. He was also not interested in the reward for survival to the end.

"Slots and capybaras are unique animals of the tropical rainforest."

"As reminded by the program team, I do want to see the capybara."

"This kind of animal is called the animal with the best temper. Many animals like to partner with the capybara. The capybara is also known as the animal'social flower'."

"They can even sunbathe side by side with crocodiles."

"Do you know why so many animals like to get along with capybara?"

Ning Fei asked the drone with a smile.

[It's Ning Guanzhu's cold knowledge questioning session again! 】

[Who knows this! Is it because it looks cute? 】

[Animals don’t care if you are cute or not, you can eat as long as it is delicious. 】

[Capybara has a very docile temperament. Is it because it has any special features that attract other animals? 】

Everyone talked a lot.

Ning Fei didn't bring his mobile phone, and didn't know if everyone guessed the answer.

He explained with a smile:

"The answer is actually very simple."

"Speak out you may not believe it."

"The reason why capybara is popular with other animals is because the **** of capybara is delicious, and other animals love to eat its poop."

As soon as Ning Fei's voice fell, netizens burst into laughter.

[Hahaha, Ning Guanzhu, you are joking. 】

[There are also social flowers that rely on **** to communicate. 】

[What the devil's cold knowledge is this! 】

[Follow Ningguan to increase knowledge! 】

[Really or not, I just want to eat it a little bit after listening to Ning Guanzhu's talk. 】

[Haha, great upstairs! Dare to eat this thing. 】

After Ning Fei's sentence was translated into a barrage, it also caused a burst of laughter among overseas netizens.

[This Chinese person is really interesting! 】

[Watching his live broadcast is much more interesting! 】

[Is there a live broadcast room dedicated to broadcasting his footage? Give me a link! 】

[I remember it seemed that a software company signed him up, so I went to find it. 】

The capybara is really cute.

This kind of animal doesn't like sports and has a docile temperament. It eats leaves or something on weekdays.

There are many people in China who keep capybara.

With this in mind, Ning Fei sent a small falcon to survey the terrain, looking for larger rivers nearby.

There are basically many kinds of animals near such a river.

After all, water is the source of everything.

Then, Ning Fei followed Xiao Falcon's prompts and walked towards the river on one side.

On the way, he saw many interesting birds.

In the tropical rain forest, many birds are birds with very large beaks and very long legs, similar to the "king continent" among birds-pelicans.

The scenery here is really good-if you don't consider the countless snakes and venomous insects.

Ning Fei walked forward through the woods.

It didn't take long before he came to the river.

The river is very large, and there is a large area of ​​moist mud on the bank.

Ning Fei looked towards the muddy land and suddenly laughed.

"Fortunately, I just saw a group of capybara."

"Capybara is a social species, often clustered in families, each group is about more than 20."

"Look there, everyone, the capybara group is basking in the sun."

The camera of the drone was turned over, and netizens also saw a large group of capybaras squinting, crawling and resting on the shore.

There are two or three small capybaras next to each big capybara. Because they look the same, they look like copy and paste.

This picture is exceptionally cute.

Netizens shouted "It's so cute", "It's so cute" and "Awei is dead".

Foreign netizens were stunned when they saw this picture.

The program group will continuously broadcast the scenes of the players surviving. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

When playing Master Bei, Master Bei pointed to a big bug: "That's a small bug. It has abundant protein in its body, which can replenish the body's energy."

When it was broadcast to Lord De, "This kind of leaves are very warm and can be worn as underwear."

When it was broadcast to other players, it was "Ah, there are poisonous snakes there, so dangerous", "What am I going to eat today", "I must find a place to shelter from the rain."

It was a miserable and stressful picture anyway.

When Ning Fei's scene was played, the style of painting completely changed.

"Look, everyone, there is a group of cute capybaras on the bank of the river."

Ning Fei's expression was calm, with a smile on his face, and he looked relaxed, which made people feel relaxed.

Foreign netizens couldn’t help saying:

"OHmygod! Are they really in the same place?"

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