Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 402: Taoist, kill the snake!

In the early morning, Ning Fei decided to rush to the deepest part of Doom Island.

The wooden house remained on the shore, and he didn't plan to live anymore.

"In the past few days, I have indeed seen a lot of tropical rainforest creatures."

"I think there should be more interesting animals deep in the island."

Ning Fei said, carrying a small satchel, and walked towards the depths of the tropical rain forest.

He is already strolling in the courtyard.

When he encountered a huge tree blocking the road, he jumped onto the tree and continued forward.

There are many vines in the tropical rain forest.

Sometimes Ning Fei would swing forward with the vines.

His body fell rapidly, and after crossing a parabola, he let go and jumped onto another tree.

Still the clouds are light and breezy.

At this moment, a big river suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking Ning Fei's path.

Normally, Ning Fei would not go down to the river.

"There are many dangerous creatures in the river in the tropical rain forest."

"For example, piranhas and electric eels are species that can kill people."

"There is another kind of fish that is even more terrifying, called the toothpick fish, which likes to drill into people's bodies."

"If you urinate in the river when you are crossing the river, the toothpick fish feels the heat, just wait for the excision."

Ning Fei spoke slowly.

When the netizens heard it, they felt a chill came from below.

The level of horror in this tropical rain forest is really not a joke.

Ning Fei stood on the edge of the river, which was very wide, about ten meters long.

Down the river, the width gradually decreases.

Ning Fei looked into the distance, and suddenly, his eyes lit up.

"Look there, everyone!"

"There is a dam built by a beaver."

"This creature likes to build homes in the river and is a veritable master architect."

"Some beavers build homes that look just like villas."

Ning Fei said with a smile.

Netizens also looked in the direction he pointed.

Sure enough, in the middle of the river not far away, there is something like a bridge. If you look closely, you can see that this is an aquatic villa built with branches and soil.

Ning Fei walked in this direction.

He could see that several beavers were busy with work.

"The home built by the **** is well tolerated."

"It is estimated that the load-bearing capacity of such a large building can reach several hundred kilograms."

"I walk on it without any problems."

Ning Fei gently stepped on the beaver's lair and walked slowly forward.

Netizens saw that the nest did not appear to be crushed at all, and looked very stable.

Several beavers noticed Ning Fei, floating in the water, looking at him cautiously.

When Ning Fei left, they were busy again and continued to build their home.

Ning Fei walked to the other side and looked back.

This creature is quite interesting.

The most important thing every day is to be busy building a house.

"Beavers generally do not move away from water. They move slowly and awkwardly on land, and their ability to defend themselves is relatively weak."

"They are very courageous. They jump into the water when they are frightened or in danger, and they slap the water with their tails to warn their kind."

"Forget it, don't scare them."

Ning Fei smiled and looked at it for a while, then continued to walk forward.

The atmosphere in the live studio is still very relaxed.

But netizens feel very worried.

Because the group of terrifying creatures in the depths of the island can easily tear anyone apart.

Kafei was lucky to meet a big river, and jumped down and took his life. Others may not have such good luck.

At this moment, Ning Fei suddenly felt a dangerous atmosphere around him.

His skill danger perception is admonishing him, and he is caught by the beast.

Ning Fei felt a chill in his body, which was a bad feeling.

"what's the situation?"

He looked forward.

This time, Ning Fei couldn't help his expression change.

"Oh, it's Amazon Anaconda!"

The camera of the drone was turned over for the first time.

Netizens saw that on the big tree next to Ning Fei, a huge snake with the thickness of an adult's torso slowly climbed down from the tree and only flew towards Ning Fei.

The Chinese netizens could still calm down when they saw this scene.

But foreign netizens are not calm.

[It’s an anaconda, my God, this Chinese is in danger! 】

[Many people disappeared in the tropical rain forest, it is said that the culprit is the anaconda! 】

[I am afraid I will only die when I encounter this kind of creature. 】

[Is this Chinese person going to be eaten? 】

[Hurry up and eat him, I don’t like him pretending to be calm! 】

The popularity of the live broadcast room rose sharply.

This exciting scene surpassed everyone's expectations.

A huge snake.

This snake is much bigger than the snake Ning Fei has ever encountered!

If it is entangled by an anaconda, it can easily entangle Ning Fei entirely with its body, and then suffocate it to death with great force!

Ning Fei took out the long sword.

He looked serious, with the sword in his hand, like a knight.

At this moment, he didn't panic at all, but appeared very calm.

"The anaconda is at the top of the tropical rainforest food chain. It mainly preys on capybara, waterfowl, tortoise, and even the black caiman, which is their food."

"It is the largest snake in the world. It can reach up to 10 meters in length and weigh more than 225 kilograms."

"And its temperament is extremely ferocious."

Sen Anaconda slowly approached Ning Fei, its huge body entrenched in the hyacinth, and its sharp tongue made it smell Ning Fei from the air.

In Sen Fan's eyes, Ning Fei had obviously become a big meal.

The foreign netizens were panicked.

【What is he doing? 】

[Courage yourself? 】

[Will you explain to us how you died before you die? 】

[What is this Chinese person thinking? 】

When everyone was talking about it, the forest anaconda launched an attack.

[Fuck! 】

The netizens who watched the live broadcast were all surprised.

No one thought that the speed of this anaconda was so fast!

Its body quickly hovered in the grass, and then, like an off-string arrow, rushed straight toward Ning Fei's door!

In this short moment, netizens only felt that adrenaline surged!

A cool air from the soles of the feet went straight to the sky spirit cover!

Ning Fei's complexion was immersed, UU read www.uukanshu.com at the same time, he also moved!

I saw his long sword in his hand, and first slashed it towards the front door of the anaconda!

Even if Sen An's skin was hard, it couldn't be better than the sharp sword in Ning Fei's hand.

So for the first time, the forest anaconda was seriously injured, making a very sharp and unpleasant neigh!

Netizens are stunned!

Because Ning Fei in the live video is too fierce!

However, this is just the beginning.

In the next second, Ning Fei swung the sharp sword in his hand fiercely again, turning it into a chop.

He tried his best to chop off the long sword horizontally.

Netizens saw that a deep purple blood floated out, and a huge snake head was completely cut off by Ning Fei.

Then Wan Lai was silent.

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