Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 410: Pirate treasure, mysterious crypt?

The stone Ning Fei found shocked everyone.

[What was Ning Guanzhu just talking about? What a pirate. 】

[During the overseas colonization period, there were many notorious big pirates, and one of the most terrifying islands was Henry Morgan, which is the name of the man carved on the stone. 】

[You mean, Lord Ning Guan found a hiding place for a big pirate. 】

[God, there will be no treasures! 】

[I'm going, the treasure of the pirate was found by Lord Ning Guan. Treasure Island dare not write like that! 】

With the appearance of this stone, discussions on the Internet are very hot.

Someone reported to the local government for the first time, and it didn't take long for the local government to send a special army over.

If there is really a treasure of pirates in the middle of the island, it will be an inestimable treasure.

Before long, this army directly came to the location of the program group and controlled all the people in the program group.

"Don't tell this Huaxia guy what happened outside."

"Let him continue to explore."

"When he leaves, we will search him again!"

"This is our treasure, no one can take it away!"

An officer-like person said arrogantly.

Director Charles was also very helpless. Originally, he signed a contract with the government. As long as he did not deforest and kill wild animals on the island at will, then the people in the program group can do anything on the island.

The program team has also paid a substantial fee to the local government.

Now that Ning Fei found out, the government immediately changed his mind.

Sure enough, people in these small countries cannot be trusted.

However, Charles was also calm.

After all, just let him continue to broadcast Ning Fei.

In this way, the program group will get a super high ratings, and will also get more considerable income.

And now Ning Fei only found a stone, it is not certain whether there is any treasure.

"In the depths of Doom Island, there is a stone engraved with a pirate logo."

"HenryMan, one of the most famous islands in the Caribbean colony in the 17th century."

"He took the army and robbed many cities, plundering all the treasures wherever he went, leaving behind cities of hell."

"He has accumulated countless wealth, and in his later years, he spent a lot of money to obtain the pardon of Charles II, became the governor of Jamaica, and became a nobleman again."

"It stands to reason that Morgan Henry should have died in his manor in the end."

"Why is there a Henry Morgan stone sign here?"

Ning Fei showed an expression of interest.

"It looks like there may be a big discovery."

He followed the stone road and continued to walk forward.

Netizens also looked intently.

At this moment, the heat of the live broadcast room is getting higher and higher.

In reality, is there really a treasure of pirates?

This question circulates in everyone's mind.

If so, what will the pirate treasure look like?

"There is another discovery here!"

At this time, Ning Fei's expression changed again.

He walked a few steps forward, squatted on the ground, and picked up an object from the dirt.

The lens of the drone is zoomed in so that netizens can clearly see Ning Fei's discovery.

This is a metal ring. It is not clear whether it is made of gold or copper. It is slightly corroded, but you can still see some small symbols written inside.

【what is this? 】

【metal? Antique? 】

Netizens suddenly became confused.

At this time, Ning Fei explained again:

"This is an earring. Pirates are very superstitious about earrings. Big pirates usually wear an earring."

"Pirates believe that precious heavy metal earrings can improve eyesight, and at the same time, ear piercing can also prevent seasickness."

"There is also a saying that silver earrings or gold earrings can pay for their funeral expenses after the bodies of pirates or sailors are rushed to the crime."

"Many seafarers will write the name of their hometown on the earrings. They hope that if they die on the ship, the earrings can pay for the cost of sending their bodies back to their hometown."

"Generally speaking, pirates don't drop earrings. Why is there one here?"

After hearing Ning Fei's explanation, netizens who watched the live broadcast came to understand.

[That's it! 】

[Growing knowledge again! 】

[How does this Chinese person understand everything? That's awesome! 】

[What he said is true. I have an uncle who is a seaman. I heard him talk about seafarers' earrings. 】

[Knowledge of God! 】

Everyone was amazed when they heard Ning Fei's words about earrings.

Ning Fei glanced at the earrings again, and immediately did not keep the earrings, so they placed the earrings in their original positions.

Since this earring belongs here, just stay here.

Ning Fei continued to walk forward.

He is very careful.

Along the way, giant gorillas, piranhas, giant spiders, all kinds of dangers, all show the horror of this place.

Not long after, Ning Fei saw a huge stone chamber in front of it. These stones are covered with a layer of green moss, and it seems that no one has moved for many years.

Ning Fei came to the stone.

There is a cave in the middle of a few boulders.

The cave was obviously dug out manually, but because no one had been here for hundreds of years, it was covered with weeds and vines.

"A crypt!"

"In other words, someone came here back then and dug a crypt down here."


Ning Fei said softly.

He looked around, and he could see that this was a huge platform. Looking through the vines and trees, he could see that there were still several stone-built rooms around.

Ning Fei first went to the stone room to check.

Most of these rooms have collapsed, but there are traces of people who once lived here.

The drone was hovering above, and netizens also saw these rooms clearly.

【where is this place? 】

[There are traces of human habitation? 】

[It's incredible! 】

[An uninhabited island where no one has been here for hundreds of years, but traces of human activities were found on it! 】

[Are they the pirates? What is the purpose of the pirates here? 】

[Will it be burying treasures? I heard that pirates will go to various places to bury countless treasures. 】

【possible! 】

[In reality, this is not the case. Generally, there are treasures buried elsewhere, and the captain of pirates is not relieved! 】

Everyone talked a lot.

Ning Fei glanced at the crypt again.

The crypt is downward and deep, so I can't see what's underneath. More than a dozen vines grew out of the crypt and spread outward, looking lush.

No one has been here for hundreds of years.

What's next?

[Ning Guanzhu, will you go down? 】

A trace of doubt flashed through the minds of netizens.

Ning Fei touched his shoulder bag. There were a lot of things in the bag for completing the task, including a small flashlight with sufficient battery power.

Going down is not a problem.

"First eat something. I don't know what's going on. I don't know how long I will stay in it."

"Go down when you're full, UU read www.uukanshu.com tonight, explore the mysterious crypt at night!"

Ning Fei looked very relaxed, moved his body a little, and said.

Then, he waved again, and the little falcon walked through the dense forest and landed from the sky.

Little falcons are now regarded as famous birds. Many people raise birds abroad, especially those local tyrants in the Middle East. There are dozens of them, including the white falcon.

But it is really rare to be so human and intelligent like the little falcon.

"Little Falcon, catch a fish to eat. I'm in a hurry tonight, so I can only eat fish."

Ning Fei touched Xiao Falcon and said softly.

Then, Xiao Falcon responded again and went to catch Ning Fei.

This scene also made everyone envious.

A white falcon who can work for its owner to find food, who can't envy it?

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