Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 412: The bottom of the underground river, the eternal life pill

Deep in the crypt.

The human skeleton suddenly appeared, making netizens sweat all over.

This scene is too weird.

A crypt opened by humans is surrounded by green plants, but deep in such a crypt, there are several skeletons of skeletons that have not known how many years have passed.

What happened to this?

Ning Fei looked for a place to stay, passed through the skeleton of the skeleton, and came to the end of the crypt.

Netizens are a little disappointed and a little nervous.

They thought that there would be a cave filled with treasures.

But such things only happen in movies.

[There is no treasure! 】

[Pirates have money and are squandered, no matter how bad the pirate captain will be to bury the treasure in his own manor, how can it be buried in the wild off the beaten track! 】

[Then what the **** did the pirates dig this place for? 】

[Could it be that there is a gold mine below, they are digging for gold. 】

【Also a possibility! 】

[This is the depths of the tropical rain forest, there are no mountains, there is no gold mine. 】

[If you say digging for oil, I still believe it! 】

The discussion among netizens who watched the live broadcast was intense.

It can be seen that everyone's attention is focused on what happened in the live broadcast room.

The program "Survival in the Wild" has broken the world's highest ratings record, and now many people all over the world are following Ning Fei.

"The front is the end of the crypt."

"This group of people dug an underground river."

"If I didn't guess wrong, what they were looking for should be the fountain of youth."

Ning Fei looked at the river below and said softly.

His words, like a thunder, directly exploded all over the world!

[Not old...Quan? ! 】

[That Chinese person said, is there a fountain of youth here? 】

[Where is this, I want to go over! 】

[Compared with Bu Lao Quan, what is the treasure! 】

[Does the fountain of youth really exist? 】

Human beings have always had an ultimate goal in surviving the world, that is, immortality.

Not only did the emperors in ancient China have dreams of longevity, there are also many myths and stories about the fountain of immortality and immortality abroad.

Obviously, people are extremely enthusiastic about this.

Ning Fei looked at the underground river below, but looked calm.

He knew that the fountain of youth could not exist at all.

The aging of the human body is an irreversible process, which is the inevitable result of the continuous division of cells. How can spring water have this effect?

However, although it cannot be immortal, this spring water must also have its unique abilities, otherwise the animals in this area will not be so big.

"In the depths of the island, the high oxygen content, coupled with some special ingredients in the water, have created so many magical species."

"That's it."

Ning Fei nodded.

Then he continued:

"In the era of great voyages, there have been legends about Bu Laoquan."

"The indigenous people of the Caribbean believe that the fountain of youth is on the Bimini islands. Juan, the first governor of Spain in the 16th century, looked for the fountain of youth in Florida."

"In those days, the pirates were extremely enthusiastic about these magical stories."

"The fountain of agelessness, the sage's stone, the panacea, and the elixir of life are widely circulated everywhere."

"It is precisely because of the attraction of these things that so many pirates are searching at sea."

After hearing Ning Fei's words, the netizens nodded and suddenly realized.

[Isn't this "One Piece"? Roger said that his secret treasure was hidden in Allblue, and that was the beginning of the era of great navigation. 】

[At that time, the craftsmanship of shipbuilding was just beginning to develop. Many capitalists drove ships to burn, kill, and loot everywhere, and by the way, they were also looking for any magical treasures. 】

[This makes the explanation clear. Henry Morgan, one of the top ten pirates, accidentally discovered that the creatures in the center of this island are relatively large, so I think there will be a fountain of youth in this place. 】

[So he sent someone to dig, but he couldn't think of why these people would die here. 】

[Because what they dug up? Interacting hands want to swallow it alone. And the one who swallowed it successfully has already left. 】

[Maybe after digging for several months, I found that there was nothing. I was angry and wanted to use my teammates to vent my anger. 】

This time, the barrage got more and more.

Whether it is the secret treasure of the pirates or the legendary fountain of youth, to an ordinary person, they are things that only exist and are illusory.

But now, in Ning Fei's live broadcast room, they were able to see such a scene.

Everything seems so mysterious.

At this moment, a system prompt sounded in Ning Fei's mind.

"Ding! Detected the existence of a spiritual object in the groundwater: the eternal life pill. Start the task: find the eternal life pill."

"Task requirements: sneak into the underground river to find the eternal pill."

"Changsheng Pill can slow down the speed of human aging, increase life expectancy, maintain a childish appearance, and extend life span by up to ten years."

Hearing the sound of the system, Ning Fei's expression stagnated.

"Eternal Pill?"

"There is an eternal pill in this place?"

Thinking of this, Ning Fei asked silently in his heart:

"System, how did the longevity pill grow out."

"At the bottom of the groundwater here, there is a natural mineral that has not been discovered by humans. It contains ingredients that slow down cell aging. With the outflow of groundwater, the minerals will slowly converge into a pill-like thing, which is longevity. Dan."

The system replied.

Ning Fei nodded when he heard the system's words.

"Then how do I take such a pill? Minerals can't be taken directly into the stomach, right."

The system also said: "It can be placed in a well or a teacup, and the longevity pill will slowly play its role."

"It turns out to be soaked and drunk, so I understand."

However, there is a treasure in this place, and Ning Fei will naturally not miss it.

Thinking of this, he took off his shirt, put his satchel and flashlight aside, and said to netizens at the same time:

"I'm going to have a look below."

"Pirates will look for the fountain of youth. This is definitely not realistic and runs counter to scientific evidence."

"But the water below is from the underground source. The water quality is the clearest and the cleanest."

"It's okay to take a shower."

Seeing Ning Fei's appearance, the netizens have calmed down.

Before, everyone thought that there would be Pirate Secret Treasures, so all of them were very excited.

Now I find that the reality is so cold, not so full of adventure and magic, so it's a lot calmer.

[Ning Guanzhu said to believe in science. 】

[Good guy, throw a black gorilla on the back, perform light work in the dense forest, and then talk to me about science. 】

[I also cut an anaconda before. 】

[He jumped several meters high in one jump, and he was almost flying. 】

[There is no martial arts in the world, Ning Guanzhu flew with a sword and disappeared into the sky. 】

[Hahaha, it smells like that. 】

Ning Fei did not expect that because of his casual words, netizens became happy again, and the atmosphere in the live broadcast room was also particularly pleasant.

He dived into the underground river.

Because there is no live broadcast equipment, the two drones can only shine on the surface of the underground river.

The river is very wide, because it is too dark, so netizens can't see what's inside.

[There is no light below, what if Ning Guanzhu is lost? 】

[He dare to jump into the underground river? The terrain below is so complicated, UU reading www.uukanshu.com and it's pitch black. 】

[Imagine that you are holding your breath in the water, you can't see anything, you can only touch the hard wall when you touch it up. 】

[Stop talking, I have trouble breathing! 】

[Is he looking for death? 】

Many foreign netizens are aware of the dangers of the underground river, and can't help but say.

In fact, Ning Fei used his breath card the first time he got into the water.

This was the first reward he had drawn, and it has never been used.

Hold your breath card can hold your breath for 30 minutes, the effect is very good.

The system gave Ning Fei instructions so that he could see the direction of the longevity pill.

Fortunately, it was him who came down, replaced by any other person, even with professional equipment, it would never be possible to find the longevity pill that was formed by unknowingly how many years of accumulation of natural minerals.

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