Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 439: The lost little penguin? Go, take you home!

Life in the scientific research station is very interesting. There are various scientific research equipments here.

Ning Fei looked at the stars in the sky through an astronomical telescope, and found the stars very attractive.

He will not broadcast live at the scientific research station, after all, things here are not easy to open to the public.

The next day, Ning Fei took a suitcase and a sled, and planned to travel far away again.

This time he went far away, in the aurora region of the South Pole, so he carried a lot of things in his luggage.

Because Ning Fei gave the mammoth ivory fossils to Liu Dashan for research, Liu Dashan, in order to thank Ning Fei, specially asked his superiors for instructions, and lent Ning a snow SUV for the scientific expedition team, a modified Wild Emperor off-road vehicle. fly.

In other words, this time Ning Fei can drive to Antarctica to wander around.

"Are you going to spend the night outside? The Antarctic is very cold, and the heating in the car is probably not enough."

Liu Dashan said with concern.

Ning Fei had warm beads, so he was not afraid of these, so he waved his hand, said hello to Liu Dashan, and took the little guys out.

That night, Ning Fei opened the live broadcast.

When netizens received software reminders and entered Ning Fei's live broadcast room, everyone was stunned by the picture in front of them.

【This is where? Alien planet? 】

[Ning Guanzhu is an alien? 】

【What a nice view! 】

[This is too magical, just like a magical world! 】

[My God, I love this scene, this will be my desktop from now on! 】

The vast majority of netizens have never seen Antarctica in their lives.

Now that I saw the scene in the live broadcast room, I felt it was an eye-opener!

Ning Fei stood on a huge raised ice rock and looked up at the sky.

The purple, red, and pink light in the sky is like a curtain of light, spreading wanton in the sky.

Looking further away, there are still green and blue lights changing.

This scene really resembles a fairy tale world.

Ning Fei carried a transparent backpack for pets with three small black chirps and Xiao Fei on the back of the backpack.

Little Dog and Little Falcon were not afraid of the cold, and both stood at Ning Fei's feet.

The little fox wears a handsome cloak, which has the effect of keeping out the cold, so that it can also not fear the ice and snow of Antarctica.

Little Phoenix is ​​not afraid of the cold because of the Phoenix blood in his body.

The little guys in Qingfeng View were neatly arranged and accompanied Ning Fei to watch the aurora in the Antarctic.

【beautiful! 】

[Yes, those colorful light bands are still changing, it's so beautiful! 】

[Is this the Aurora? It is said that those who saw the aurora had good luck for the next year. 】

Ning Fei raised his head to look at the sky, wearing a white robe, which made his temperament even more immortal.

"Aurora is indeed beautiful!"

"The cause of the aurora is that the stream of charged particles emitted from the sun is attracted to the atmosphere by the earth, and then dispersed to the poles of the earth under the action of the earth's magnetic field."

"These charged particles violently impact together, forming an aurora."

"Furthermore, when the South Pole appears aurora, the North Pole will also be aurora."

"This aurora can only be seen at the poles of the earth."

Hearing what Ning Fei said, the mood of netizens became much calmer.

After a hard day's work, I can watch the Southern Aurora at night, and my body feels relaxed.

Moreover, the key is that Ning Fei is already handsome, but in this context, it is even more seductive.

The southern aurora in the live broadcast room was once again edited into a short video by people and posted on the Internet.

The picture of the video, the gorgeous aurora, is ever-changing, and in it Ning Fei looks very chic, so the short video quickly exploded across the network.



The popularity of these hot searches is also rising rapidly.

At the same time, the "World Geography" company is actively contacting Ning Fei.

It turned out that the pictures of the emperor penguins taken before were passed back. People from World Geographic Corporation recognized Ning Fei as the Chinese who was on the "Wilderness Survival" program, and someone else investigated Ning Fei's previous recording and broadcasting.

When they saw that Ning Fei had gone deep into the bottom of the sea to swim with sperm whales, met the king squid in the sunken ship, and fought with the deep sea king hairtail in the trench.

These people are all dumbfounded!

Is this Huaxia person so amazing?

Therefore, they plan to buy Ning Fei's video broadcast rights.

This is different from the live broadcast right, which allows the live broadcast company to broadcast Ning Fei's daily life, but cannot sell Ning Fei's videos.

And World Geography wants to make a video of the underwater world, and needs to use Ning Fei's video clips.

However, they sent a lot of emails to Ning Fei's mailbox. Ning Fei rarely reads the mailbox, so they didn't see it.

After that, Ning Fei's live broadcast room backstage gave a message and swiped the screen before Ning Fei noticed it.

Of course, Ning Fei also readily agreed to the other party's request.

After that, "World Geography" launched a documentary on oceanic topics, which became popular all over the world as soon as it appeared.

Because all documentaries produced by "World Geography" have been sharpened for decades, with various ratings above 9.5 points.

When netizens all over the world saw Ning Fei's actions in the deep sea, they were shocked.

Ning Fei is now becoming more and more popular in the world.

At this moment, Ning Fei was still watching the aurora in the South Pole.

He didn't explain anything, but the live broadcast room was heated by tens of millions.

This scene is really surprising.

Because ordinary outdoor anchors tend to see more people when they are noisy, they will pretend to be ugly, stew themselves in an iron pot, perform a talent for the old irons, and so on.

Ning Fei's live broadcast, he often doesn't speak.

But the popularity far exceeds that of any anchor at the same time.

This night, the Aurora became the best memory of many people.

The next day, Ning Fei drove the snow SUV and took the little guys to return.

On the way, he opened the live broadcast to show everyone the glaciers in Antarctica.

In the aurora region, there are many rugged glaciers, and the picture is also very spectacular.

At this moment, Ning Fei seemed to see something, and suddenly his expression became confused.

"There seems to be something there!"

Ning Fei said something.

Netizens also became curious when they heard Ning Fei's voice.

【what? 】

[Didn't Ning Guan find another baby? 】

[Don't scare me, I dug a pair of white jade mammoth tusks the day before yesterday! 】

At this time, Ning Fei just said:

"There is a small black spot over there, like a penguin."

"This is an inland area. It's still far away. It stands to reason that there shouldn't be penguins."

"I went to see."

Ning Fei drove to the right while talking.

When the car drove forward more than 100 meters, netizens saw that, as expected, a black and white penguin was hopping alone in the snow.

Because this area is inaccessible, the snow on the ground is new, thick, and has not been stepped on.

The penguin just walked forward in the snow.

"This should be a lost penguin."

"Penguins can also get lost. Sometimes they will leave the group and go farther and farther, so they can't find their group."

"This penguin is a king penguin. The king penguin and the emperor penguin are very similar, but the two are different species. It is easy for most people to confuse them."

"I know all the penguins in this area. There are only a group of king penguins on the coast. It should have been lost from there."

Ning Fei stopped the car and spoke softly.

His words were very gentle, and netizens felt very warm when they heard it.

[A lost little penguin, he must be very scared! 】

[Yes, far away from the race, walking alone in the ice and snow, I'm scared to think about it! 】

[Moreover, the climate in Antarctica is very harsh. If there is no shelter from the wind, penguins can't stand the wind and snow. 】

[Fortunately, there is Ning Guanzhu! 】

[Ning Guanzhu is really a good person! 】

Ning Fei got out of the car. When the penguin saw Ning Fei, he was a little panicked, flapping his wings and trying to run away.

But a penguin is so fast that it can't run far at all.

Ning Fei soon came to the side of the king penguin.

He saw that the king penguin had injuries on his body, and his body was slightly thin. It should have been without food for many days.

"Don't be afraid~www.ltnovel.com~ I'm here to help you!"

Ning Fei whispered to King Penguin.

The penguin seemed to feel Ning Fei's kindness, tilted his head and looked at Ning Fei.

Then, Ning Fei stretched out his hand and said again:

"Go, I'll take you home!"

King Penguin looked at Ning Fei, and then, with a swing, it slowly approached Ning Fei.

【Wow! 】

Outside the live broadcast room, a piece of exclamation sounded.

The picture is heartwarming.

In the ice and snow, Ning Fei's gentle smile and soft voice made people feel particularly comfortable.

[Suddenly I am a little envious of this lost penguin. 】

[Who can refuse this kind of invitation from Ning Guanzhu! 】

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